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All Dressed Up

My husband and I don't typically get a chance to get all decked out - cocktail dress, sparkly shoes, suit and tie. So it's fun when we do get invited to an event that requires such attire. One such event is called Mistletoe Madness. It's a fairly hoity toity (black tie optional) affair at a country club. A group of couples (some singles) get together each year and host the event. Each couple is allowed a certain number of guests to invite. There is live music, food, and a cash bar - and lots of quality people-watching entertainment.

Now, my husband and I are by no means rich. We work hard and live a decent lifestyle, but both of our vehicles are more than 8 years old. We finally actually purchased a TV for the first time in our 14 years together this year. Our first TV was a 13" I got as a 16th birthday present. The 2nd was a TV I received for my college graduation back in 1998 (and went kaput about a month ago). Oh, and we only own the one new TV. So we really are out of our league at this party. The shiny, sparkly necklaces these women wear are real diamonds. Unlike my Claire's Boutique knockoffs (or The Limited if I really splurged). The coats, real fur (not that I approve, but you get the point) unlike my $15 faux fur eBay find. The parking lot is full of brand new BMWs, Audis, Mercedes, etc. And then there is my husband's little green machine, a 2000 4-door Mitsubishi Mirage with bike rack on the trunk. I assume you're getting the picture at this point.

We are fortunate enough to be friends with one of the hostesses. We met her back when my husband was in the restaurant business working at a high-end French restaurant. She was friends with the owner and started working in the kitchen after a divorce (not that she needed the money). Anyhoo, she was kind enough to start including us lowly folk on her guest list about 5 years ago. It's a little intimidating, but it really is lots of fun.

The only downfall in my opinion is that this shindig doesn't get started until 9 pm. That's WAY past my PJ time. Yawn. Kind of messed up this year by going to a spin class after work. My legs were so sore from Thursday's workout, but Jason REALLY wanted to go to the Friday spin because he likes the instructor. That class is short and intense. Ouch. After class, we scrambled to get ready. I was trying to do something new with my hair. In the end, I ended up ready before Jason, but it was already after 7:30 and we were supposed to be at our friends' house at that time. Long story short, no dinner. No dinner is not good! I am NOT one to skip meals either. Apparently the recession has hit the hosts of this party too, because the food was beyond sparse this year! So, let's just say I did not drink but a couple of glasses of wine, because no food plus wine is all bad. But that's OK because it meant I bounced right out of bed this morning! So, even though we didn't get out and dance or party hard, we still had fun visiting with friends and getting all dolled up.

Today is a rest day for me. First Saturday rest day I think I've had in years. It's going to be a mental challenge. I am going to my sister's to bake cookies then a get together with friends. Another long day ahead so I must get going.


  1. Oh you look gorgeous! Have fun :)

  2. Beautiful photos! You and the hubby are an adorable couple. Sounds like a lot of fun and you have a great perspective on the whole thing.

    I hope you have a great day baking with your sister and getting together with friends,

  3. Jason showed me your site-I love the photos! Sounds like you had a lot of fun and I know baking cookies is fun. Peg

  4. Pretty photos!!! You look GORGEOUS!!! Love the sparkly dress. Christmas card photo!

  5. Thank you everyone for the kind comments!

  6. You look fab Heather!! Love it! Never feel out of your league, as they say, "fake it until you make it!" :-)


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