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Christmas Day Menu Planning

It's so hard to believe that Christmas is really almost here. I'm sure I say that every year. How do I let it sneak up on me though? I mean, aren't the reminders there as early as June? We can't even get to Halloween before seeing Christmas decorations.

I didn't try to decorate the house all in one day. It's been a slow process where my husband and I do a little here, add a little there, another strand of lights, oh, more garland please. The only problem is that we don't realize just how much we've pulled out until we have to put it all away in a few weeks. Oh, and the house is a disaster. But it's sparkly and festive.

This year my sister and mother are going to come up on Christmas Day for a noon brunch. I'm very excited about this. We'll be doing Christmas dinner with my father the day after so no Christmas Day travel for us. Last year was the first year we had company to our house for a holiday. It was the first time we were able to show off our tree, decorations, etc. I hope it becomes more of a tradition to have brunch at my house either on Christmas Eve Day or Christmas Day. Even without company, Jason and I do always plan our own Christmas dinner. 

Since my sister's confirmation this morning, I have been planning in my head fast and furiously as to what the menu will be - I have been reading too many recipe postings lately and food magazine! I have even been thinking about how I want to decorate the table. Even though it'll just be the four of us, I really want it to be special. Breaking out the good china and crystal! I've also been trying to plan what Jason and I will be having for dinner. We always try to make it special. Probably go a little over board, but it's fun. Of course, all of this means one more trip to the grocery store. Guess that beats the mall though! Oh and who would have ever thought I'd prefer grocery shopping over the mall.

Brunch (tentative of course)
  • Fruit salad - bananas, strawberries, pineapple, apples and blueberries with cinnamon and honey
  • Frittata - possibly Greek inspired with spinach, roasted red bell peppers, sun-dried tomatoes and feta 
  • Waffles - this is if hubby wants them as I am not a big fan
  • Mimosas

Dinner (tentative of course)
  • Salad - spinach, leaf lettuce, mandarine oranges and toasted walnuts
  • Quorn Turk'y Roast with some type of cranberry sauce/gravy (or I have been wanting to try a lentil loaf)
  • Roasted asparagus with lemon pepper spices or fresh green beans with red bell peppers and almonds
  • Roasted new potatoes (or possibly new and sweet potatoes or butternut squash)
  • Homemade French bread roll or ciabatta bread
PS - other suggestions and recipes are welcome!


    1. Your menu sounds great! I just choose our entree this morning so you were way ahead of me. I am going to make the sides from what I have in the house. It should be interesting.

      We are going with lasagna, because that is what the hubby wants. It is Italian feast food, so I think it works.


    2. We have been planning our Christmas Eve Dinner menu. So far, it's all still up in the air. I'll have to do some recipe searching the next couple days! Your menu looks scrumptious!

    3. Allie thanks so much. I'll be looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

      Alicia we'll be having manicotti at my dad's house on Saturday! He does spaghetti and meatballs (separate sauce just for me of course) for Thanksgiving and it's manicotti for Christmas. My husband and I catered our own wedding - manicotti!


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