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Time Off - Plotting and Planning

I am so excited to be starting a mini-vacation. I am off work until the 30th! Hopefully I can get caught up on so many of my projects that I have let fall to the wayside. If not those, I'm sure I'll manage to come up with some more. I'm also thinking that I may feel more like myself when it comes to exercise because I won't be exhausted from working all day, then trying to force myself into a workout. I am hoping I'll be much more relaxed all the way around. I'm sure my husband is hoping for the same!

I'll have plenty of chores to catch up on, but will actually have time to get them done for a change. I am really hoping to get to visit with a dear friend of mine as well. We so rarely get time to catch up, and I miss her dearly.

I am also hoping to get the chance to try several new recipes. I have so many that I have been wanting to make and try but not the time. Speaking of recipes, after perusing an issue of Food and Wine, I think I have decided that the side dish for Christmas dinner with my husband will be Kale with Currants, Lemon and Olives. We'll make sauteed green beans, red bell pepper, and almonds for dinner with my dad (now moved to Sunday).

After work I fought the crowds in pursuit of red charger plates. Seriously - it's Christmas, no red plates? Um, apparently not. I did, however, find some red and gold place mats from Pier 1 as well as matching linen napkins and funky napkin rings. So, battling the traffic, rain, people, and skipping the gym paid off. Yes folks, I allowed an unscheduled, but very necessary rest day for myself (huge gasp, checking pulse, doing fine). I had planned on going to spin, but I am listening to my body for a change and am not going today. Hopefully I'll feel more rejuvenated tomorrow and will hit the noon class then work legs. I know I can't make a habit of missing workouts, but I think there is a difference in missing because I'm just feeling a little blah versus missing because it would do me no good to go.

Anyhoo, I hope to have a pretty table for Christmas Day and a lot more energy. Of course, I have it all planned out in my head how it'll look. Somehow that never pans out quite the same way. Hopefully it'll be even better than expected though! If nothing else, it'll be good food and even better company.


  1. Enjoy your week off.

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Enjoy your break! Sounds like it is well-needed and well-deserved.

    That kale side dish sounds delicious and healthy!

  3. whoa, whoa, whoa - an UNSCHEDULED rest day!! And you survived?? hehe love it. Enjoy the holiday, and take a pic of your pretty table, I'm a sucker for placemats ;)

  4. Alicia I plan on it! Merry Christmas to you too, of course, after your email, I know it already is!

    Anna I did enjoy the break. It made today's workout much better. I'll be sure to post about the kale!

    Jessica I know, it's amazing I made it! LOL. I'll definitely post pictures of the table. I'm sooo happy with my purchases!


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