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Why is Change so Hard?

Ok, so I'm beginning to feel like a hypocrite. I'm having a really hard time following through with my little goals like being grateful for annoyances and accepting deviations from the norm . I am such a schedule freak that any little blip throws me out of whack. I am really trying to work on this because it produces so much unnecessary (unhealthy) stress.

I thought I was doing pretty well after this weekend. I made myself do my workout on Thursday because I knew I wasn’t going to be able to do anything Friday. With my sister staying with me, I knew I couldn’t get up and do the weight and cardio workouts I had scheduled. But, spending time with her really was top priority. She used to rush back home, so it was almost like she was never here with me. Now she is able to stay longer and just enjoy the time together. No rushing, no time schedules, no hard and set agenda. Ok, so that is throwing me off a bit too. In the past she would have left so early that I could have just gone on with my business like normal. Don’t get me wrong; I am not complaining that she stayed. For that I am very grateful. It also forced me to rearrange my set-in-concrete schedule. It forced me out of my comfort zone, which I need.

After she left, I did a short bit of cardio and no weights. My muscles did not immediately atrophy folks. Shocker. But, then I was thrown off about my new weight rotation. Um, I don’t have one. Freaking me out. What to do, what to do???? I ended up opting for a full-body workout. I haven’t done that in ages. So I have this mental block now that they aren’t as effective, so that of course is stressing me out. Always something isn’t it? So now I have no plan of attack for weights. Also, this upcoming weekend is going to be very hectic. Of course, I am plotting and planning like an obsessed fool trying to figure out how and when to fit in my workouts along with everything else that needs to get accomplished.

I know that I (just me, myself, and I) am making this all far more complicated than it should be. I used to be fine with weight workouts on the fly, no 6-week rotation plotted out, no workout sheets printed up. I guess because I saw such significant results with these planned rotations, I now feel like I am going to lose any and all gains immediately when I deviate. I know it’s absolutely ludicrous. Rationally I know that changing things up will be very good for me (on so many levels). Oh, but why is change so hard?

New Mantra: Be grateful for annoyances, be grateful for change, be grateful for deviations, just be grateful.

After getting in my cardio workout (and it felt like a major chore today), I wanted something that has become sort of a comfort-food dinner. Homemade lentil burgers with homemade sweet and regular potato "fries."

I pre-make lentil burgers and freeze them on a regular basis. I like the combination of sweet potato and regular baking potato so I cut up one of each, spray with pan spray, and season with a pre-mixed season that I mix up and keep on hand (cumin, salt, pepper, red pepper, chili powder, garlic powder). I bake the "fries" for about 20 minutes at 425-450 then when I flip them, I put in the lentil burgers. They reheat as the "fries" finish cooking. Works out perfectly every time. I top the lentil burgers with fresh spinach, roasted red bell peppers, and provolone cheese.


  1. I feel like I could have written your post today. I get a little ridged about my schedule and don't like it when I need to rearrange things. It completely makes sense to me that you want to stick with what works. But ... on the other hand, a momentary divergence shouldn't hurt anything. :)

    Your comfort food meal sounds like something I would make too. Sometimes a burger and fries is just all that will do.


  2. Alicia glad I'm not in this crazy boat alone!! LOL. I just get so caught up with planning and scheduling that I lose sight of small pleasures.

  3. Heather, I TOTALLY know what you mean! It's so hard to snap out of it when you get into mega workout mode and I'm just as guilty of getting overly obsessed, too. My husband has been good at talking me down, but you're right, just a mental prod can work wonders too.

    BTW - if you ARE looking for a rotation, I highly recommend the undulating rotation! Feels totally different and really does shock ya. :)

  4. Jessica I just finished up Cathe's Oct rotation (did for 6 wks) and that was sort of an undulating use of STS, and I really enjoyed it. I do plan on doing the full undulating rotation, but I want to do something other than STS for a couple of weeks. Of course, now I'm just all thrown off. I seriously think I am working towards overtraining and need to figure something out before I totally burn out. But I just can't seem to slow down. Ugh. What to do what to do.


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