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Fabulous Friday, Follow Friday

Free Time Friday
Today was a rest day for me in regards to a workout. I am still a little sore from weights on Wednesday, then doing step yesterday sort of put my legs over the top. I  typically set up Friday as my schedule rest day anyway. It's like a little treat to myself: week over and a little free time.

So what did I do with the free time? Why shopping of course. I won't brag too much, but I did find some great bargains! Besides, I think that there was some consensus a while back that shopping is indeed a form of cardio. So, in a way, I did still workout. Right? ;-)

Pizza Friday
Dinner was the typical homemade pizza. While I blogged, Jason made the Cheeseless Queso with a few tweaks. He wanted to try to make it more like a white cheese dip. Tomorrow I'll post his version. While snacking on the cheeselsess queso, we played pool  and let the bread machine do the manual labor for the pizza. We didn't do anything super exciting for the pizza toppings. I'm a sucker for the Greek style toppings and the other half is typically a variety of veggies. But we did eat at the table like grown ups. I really do think that makes meals a bit more special. Even pizza.

What are ways you treat yourself on Fridays?

Follow Friday
Oh, and in the spirit of Twitter's Follow Friday, I thought it'd be nice to give a shout out to some of the bloggers who inspire me in some way. I have found fabulous new recipes, gym inspiration, new appreciation for the little things, and doses of simple, fun, humor. I hope you check out their blogs.

Alicia @ Vegan Epicurean
Allie @ Live Laugh Eat
Alyson @ Nourished Fitness
Amie @ The Healthy Apple
Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg
Jessica @ EatDrinkBreatheSweat
Jolene @ To be Determined
Suzie @ Suzanne Trying to Maintain
Ordinary Vegetarian

And here are a just a few new ones that I recently found:

Angela @ Oh She Glows
Healthy Hostess
Ameena @ Fancy That...Fancy This
Heather @ sideofsneakers
Kris @ iheartwellness
Kristen @ The Swanky Dietitian
Jenna @ Health and Happiness
Naomi @ One Fit Foodie
Nicole @ Geek Turned Athlete

Who are some of the bloggers that inspire you? Found any new blogs lately?


  1. Awww, thank you!! I very much enjoy reading your blog as well!

    That cheeseless queso looks great! I'll have to give it a try! I agree with you that eating like grownups makes any meal seem nicer :-)

  2. Hey Anna I really do enjoy your posts. My hubby sort of added his own flair to the "queso" tonight. He did do a good job of writing down the changes for me, and I'll definitely post those tomorrow. Either way, the original is awesome too!! Alicia has some fabulous recipes.

  3. Well, thank you for the shout out! Your arms are inspiring for me!

  4. Thanks for the shout out! I'm so glad that we connected. Thanks for inspiring me as well! :)

  5. Aww - thanks for the shout out! Even though my blog isn't about fitness (though it does creep into quite a lot of posts!) at it's core, I'm glad you like it ;-) Love yours too!!

  6. Thanks for the mention. You inspire me too. I am in love with your set up the exercise equipment first thing in the morning trick. Genius!

    Can't wait to see what Jason did with the queso.

    talk to you later,

  7. Hi ladies - you are all really awesome and deserve a shout out! I enjoy reading your blogs and am thankful that you read mine as well. I love learning from you guys!

  8. Alicia I'm glad that little tidbit helped!! It's funny that it's just something weird I did and never thought of it as anything that would be a helpful trick for someone else.

  9. Heather,

    I have done it each day since I read it on your blog and it works like a charm. I put the equipment in the middle of the family room floor so I have to go around it until I exercise. It encourages me to get my exercise in sooner so that I can put things away. Such a great idea! Thanks again for sharing it.

    talk to you later,

  10. Thank you so much for the shout out! Homemade pizza is amazing, I love coming up with crazy toppings.. I've had a hankering lately and you maybe just put me over the edge :p

  11. Alyson I swear I could eat pizza every single day of the week. There are so many toppings and combos to choose from!

  12. I'm behind on my blog reading! Just saw this, thank you for the shout-out!! We Cathletes must stick together, no? And PS. Shopping is TOTALLY a form of a cardio ;)

  13. Hey Jessica we definitely need to stick together LOL. I don't think my hubby still sees shopping as cardio so much as wallet damage. I'm convinced it's good for me though!!!


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