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Fatigued on Friday

Claritin D is not my sandman. I felt so exhausted and was sound asleep by 9:15 last night, but then I was wide awake by 12:15. I tossed, I turned, I peeked at the time. I finally stopped looking at the clock around 3:30, and I got out of bed at 5:15. I decided that there was no point in pretending and that I could at least be productive. This is not typical for me as I am not a morning person, but I did my cardio and abs workout before work.

I really wish I could do that more often, as I feel like I have more free time after work with my workout already complete. I think the most I have managed is three days of early workouts, then it's back to the evening workouts. I had originally intended on going home during lunch and trying Shock Cardio Step Moves. However, since I was working out groggily at 5:15 this morning, I opted for a tried and true workout (Step Blast). I didn't think that trying to learn a new step workout would be safe at that point. I may try it tomorrow after weights.

All week I have been working my way through my new cookbooks,  noting recipes I want to try and making a list of ingredients I now need. The one thing that I am really enjoying with these cookbooks is that they all give great tips and tricks about what to keep in the pantry and alternatives. I always keep a very well-stocked pantry, at least for the recipes I normally make. Now that I am trying new things, I am finding that I am having to revamp the pantry list a bit. Tomorrow is grocery day, which is a good thing as cabinets are getting bare. I do hope to try a few new recipes from the cookbooks next week as well as a Cream of Tomato Soup (100% healthy might I add) recipe from my super healthy blogging buddy Alicia at Vegan Epicurean. I do feel a little overwhelmed with all these new options though. It seems like every day someone is posting another recipe that I am adding to my "must try" list in addition to these new cookbooks. Where's a girl to begin??!!

Just out of curiosity, how do you choose which new recipe to try when you have a slew to choose from?

Tonight's dinner is still undecided. My head is a bit fuzzy so I'm not thinking tonight is a good night for trying a new recipe. Maybe homemade wheat pizza? I know it's not the healthiest thing in the world, but healthier than what you find at the local pizza joints. I have a recipe that is really pretty tasty and always comes out fairly consistent. I would, however, like to continue to tweak to make healthier. Maybe some of you more experienced cooks/bakers can help me out:
  • I do add ground flax seed and that makes no textural difference which is good.
  • I would like to substitute the sugar somehow. I know sugar is often used to help activate the yeast, so I'm afraid to mess with that too much.
  • Right now it calls for half whole-wheat and half all-purpose flours. I would like to see if I could substitute another flour like spelt or whole-wheat pastry for the all-purpose.
  • If the sugar is only to sweeten, I wonder if I could substitute unsweetened applesauce for the oil and have that also act as a sweetener?
Any thoughts, suggestions, better recipes? Please share!!

I have had a few requests for the recipe, so here it is with my additions/changes in parenthesis and italics. I originally found this at Recipezaar.

Wheat Pizza Dough for Bread Machine
1 cup water + 2 tbsp (depending on the wheat-flour, I use 1 1/4 cup. The grainier the flour, the less water)
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cups whole-wheat flour
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt 
2 1/2 teaspoons yeast
(I add 1 tsp ground flax seed)

Place all ingredients in bread machine in order listed. Run on dough cycle. When done, fix as desired and bake 18 to 20 minutes at 400 degrees.

Notes: I preheat the oven to 450 and heat up a pizza stone. I lower the rack and cook at this higher temperature. I read that it makes the crust softer so that's what I do.


  1. Heather,

    As you may have guessed I don't work from a recipe often (the second blog being the exception). I decide what I am going to cook based on what looked the best at the grocery store that week.

    Regarding the pizza I love the addition of flax seed. I need to try that one myself.

    I always use all whole wheat flour when I make pizza crust and we think it works fine. My recipe is posted. You can also substitute 1/2 of the flour with whole sprouted wheat flour. It seems to make a more tender crust.

    In place of sugar to feed the yeast I use a few drops of agave and it works fine.

    My recipe also calls for 2 tablespoons of olive oil. I have tried making it without it and the dough was definitely tougher. I have found I could reduce the oil by half, but not much more without the texture suffering. If you try to applesauce I would be curious to hear how it works out.

    I hope you are feeling better today and that you were able to get more sleep last night.

    have a great weekend,

  2. Hey Alicia thanks so much for the suggestions. I did end up subbing 1/2 cup of spelt and will post results in my blog tonight. I may just try all wheat next time. I didn't know if there was a hidden reason for using half and half. You just never know with baking - well, if you're a seasoned baker perhaps LOL. I'm just fudging around!


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