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Post-Party Follow Up

Wow, it's amazing how behind I feel just being away from my computer for 24 hours. I've spent the day trying to play catch up, reading blog posts, trying to respond, emails, Twitter, Facebook...sigh. Oh and there there's the laundry and errands, etc.

After we got home this morning, I opted to do Shock Cardio HiiT Pyramid plus abs. It was a short workout as I really was feeling strapped for time.

The party last night was a success. It was a small affair, but sometimes those are the best. You have the chance to really catch up and talk with friends. My sister and I, of course, had a great time chatting away as we finished getting everything ready. One of my dearest friends (she really should have been my sister) was able to make it. So, it was a very special evening on many different levels.

As promised, I wanted to report on the Yummy Vegan Spinach Artichoke Dip. It turned out quite well. No one even suspected that it was made with tofu! I do think that I may have cooked it just a tad longer than I should have as it lost a bit of its creaminess. It was either that or using too much spinach. Either way, it was tasty and a definite keeper of a recipe. I served it with whole-wheat Oroweat Sandwich Thins (toasted) and a toasted baguette.

As for the rest of the food, here's how it looked.

The bruschetta ended up being:
  • Goat cheese, artichoke hearts, roasted red bell pepper
  • Brie, grilled shrimp, carmalized onions, prosciutto (sis made those)
  • Pesto, roasted red bell peppers, fresh mozzarella

We served Butternut Squash & Black Bean Chili over Corn Bread

The icing on the cake were these little treats: Spice cupcakes with cream cheese icing.


  1. Kori HolderJanuary 10, 2010

    It was all very yummy and beautiful!

  2. Heather,

    Thanks for the update on the spinach and artichoke dip. I looks really good.

    You did a beautiful job with the food. It looks fantastic! Glad to hear you were able to enjoy yourself too.


  3. Alicia I was really impressed with the recipe. I did have my doubts and typically would not have tried out a new recipe like that for a party. But it was a small gathering and there was plenty of back up food! LOL.

  4. WOW that food is amazing girl!! what a great spread!

  5. Isn't it crazy how just 24 hours away from the compie can set you back so much!? I always come home from a short day out and my inbox just goes and goes and goes. Sigh.

    In other news, THOSE SNAX LOOK AMAZING!!!! Seriously, like a page out of Martha's magazine. What a set up! They look mighty tasty too :)

  6. Hi ktbwood ! Thanks for the kind words! I was checking out your blog, like you, I have a very hard time taking those rest days!!

  7. Allie the food was all really tasty (well, someone else may have to vouch for the shrimp, LOL). I love putting together stuff like that, especially if it's for someone like my sis.

  8. Great post doll!! I love chili and I am going to take this recipe in this post and play with it :) Thanks!


  9. Hi Kris @ ! Thanks so much for stopping by. Let me know how you like the chili. By the way, your danishes look yummy! I can't even tell you the last time I ate one, but my favorite was always cream cheese or cherry, or apple. Ok, I wasn't picky.

  10. What a fantastic spread! And I think you know me well enough by now to know I'm drooling over the Butternut Squash & Black Bean Chili. So glad the party was a success!

  11. Alyson I am in love with that chili. It is so tasty. I really like the flavor and texture combo of black beans and butternut squash (or sweet potatoes works too). You can spice it up as much or as little as you want.


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