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Shock Cardio and Shopping Cardio

This morning I decided to give the Shock Cardio MMA Boxing (mixed martial arts) DVD a try. It wasn't a high calorie burner, but it was a fun workout that flew by. I also couldn't resist trying the final HIIT workout Pyramid. No equipment needed other than strong legs! Loved it. The pyramid intervals are interesting. You start with 20 second intervals, then increase by 5 seconds for each drill up to 40 seconds then back down and repeat. Again, time flew by and so did the sweat! WOW. These workouts rock!

My sister came up for a visit today. This of course  meant shopping! I'll just count that as another cardio! We went for lunch first at a little neighborhood place that she enjoys. I was boring and just got the veggie burger. She got veggie quesadillas (squash, zucchini, mushrooms, onions). Then it was on to the mall. Most of the sales were really picked over. Good thing for my pocket book though. Then to DSW. I lucked into a $140 pair of Michael Kors sandals for $22 bucks. Um yes, $22. She found a super cute pair of shoes too. We could spend hours in there together; it's a very dangerous place. Since Ann Taylor Loft just happened to be right there, we had to make stop in there as well. Sale prices were an additional 40% off. It was just meant to be I do believe. We both found dresses for $25. Then it was on to more practical shopping - Target - before hitting the wine store. We have a really nice store with an unbelievable selection, so she always wants to make a stop in there when she comes for a visit. I sure won't turn that trip down.

All in all, not a bad day. Shock cardio and shopping cardio with my best friend.


  1. Love the cardio shopping concept! :) Congratulations on the great sandal buy, that was unbelievable. Sounds like you had a wonderful day.


  2. Awww...I had a shopping day with my sis too! Sounds like y'all found better deals than we did though!

  3. LOVE the shopping cardio - nice justification IMHO ;-) And score on the shoes!! I haven't tried MMA yet (trying not to, since I'm afraid it will screw up the form I'm trying to master for Kick!), but did do CCC and this AM, HiiT 30/30 - whoa nelly!! Did you see Cathe's new rotation for January? I love it, wish I could do it, but will tuck it away for after Kick training ;)

  4. Alicia it was a great day, the deals were just icing on the cake!

    Anna not much beats a good shopping day with your sister does it?!

    Jolene I haven't checked out her new rotation yet. I haven't tried the MMA Kickboxing, but did try the Athletic Step this morning.

  5. Shopping score! I love when that happens :)

  6. Awww I love this post! You and your sister sound so similar to me and my sister, super close, definitely best friends :-)

  7. Alyson I felt like I had hit the jackpot! I can't wait for the weather to warm up now just so I can wear those shoes!!

    Jessica my sister is definitely my best friend. We're able to spend more time together now that she's going through her divorce and I'm loving that!

  8. :)! I am glad you had a lovely day! Esp the cardio-rock on!


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