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Teetering on Hump Day

Well, it seems that was was going on with me yesterday was that I was starting to come down with something. I think it's just allergy issues. I ended up taking Claritin D before bed. Not smart really because I didn't sleep at all. But my nose wasn't runny at least. There's always some sort of trade off right? Most of today was spent either hot or cold, achy or not. I know that those are signs of a fever, but that's often how Claritin D makes me feel too. I did end up leaving work about 45 minutes early because I was just feeling so off kilter. But, I'm not going to wallow in it. It could be a whole lot worse. Plus, too much to be thankful for, like the fact that it was sunny out today, it's getting closer to the weekend, and overall, I'm not that sick. While I was worried that I was teetering towards the sick side of things, I think I may end up landing on the "well" side after all.

Since it's cold out and I'm a bit under the weather, I thought soup sounded like the ideal dinner. Warm and comforting. While I can't seem to find any canned pumpkin (very annoyed about this), I did find canned butternut squash puree. A creamy Butternut Squash Soup sounded like it'd hit the spot. Once again, nothing is absolute. This is simply how I made the soup. I love adding the cannellini beans for both protein and the creamy texture they add. Of course, they are totally optional.

Butternut Squash Soup
Olive oil (just enough for sauteing)
1 can butternut squash puree
3 carrots, peeled and chopped
1/2 yellow onion, chopped
Minced garlic, to taste
1 can cannellini beans, rinsed and drained
Approximately 1/4 (or less) cup soy milk
1 32 oz. carton low-sodium vegetable broth
Spices to taste: sea salt, ground black pepper, curry powder, turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg, parsley, cumin, dash of red pepper

In large soup pot, saute onions, carrots, and garlic in small amount of olive oil. When onions begin to soften, add about 2 cups of the broth and the beans. Let simmer until carrots are soft approximately 15-20 minutes.

In small batches, puree until smooth.

Return to pot, add remaining broth, squash puree, and spices. Let simmer until soup begins to thicken, approximately 15 minutes. Add soy milk towards the end to make creamy.

I topped with roasted butternut and spaghetti squash seeds that I kept from previous dinners.


  1. I hope you have gotten ahead of the cold. Being sick on the weekend is not fun.

    Your soup sounds wonderful. I also love adding beans to "cream" soup to keep the fat down. The toasted seeds on top are a great touch.

    talk to you later,

  2. That looks lovely! I haven't ventured into soup making quite you, but lord knows if I'm going to it'll probably be with squash hehe

  3. Alicia the only reason I have those seeds was because of one of your posts. Glad I saved them. I needed them for another recipe the other day that I'll be posting about. I can't believe I've just been tossing them all this time! We learn something new every day.

  4. Hi Alyson ! I am always so cold, especially this time of year, and soups really warm me up. I used to not be a big soup eater honestly. But they are typically fast and healthy. You should give it a shot. Squash is ideal for soups and stews too so you're in luck!!! LOL

  5. That soup sounds devine! Thanks for the recipe!

  6. Glad you feel at least a little better! This soup looks delicious-- love creamy butternut squash, any way, any form!

  7. Thanks Joanna (Fitness & Spice) ! It was definitely what I needed for dinner last night.

  8. Anna (Newlywed, Newly Veg) , I too love butternut squash period. Have you tried it in ravioli/wanton wrappers yet? Makes a fabulous filling for all sorts of "things."

  9. I am a big fan of butternut squash soup! I like how you have the seeds in there too.

  10. Hi Gelareh @ Orange Truffle ! Thanks so much for stopping by. You have some awesome sounding recipes by the way!

  11. So glad you seem to be feeling better! AND I LOVE butternut squash soup, SO tasty and surprisingly filling :-)

  12. Hey Jessica I used to not think soups were filling. I have sense found the light! Adding the cannellini beans really bumps up the protein and fiber too.

  13. Thanks for the soup recipe!! Looks so yummy...I'll have to give it a try! :)

  14. Hey Casey @ spicyandsweet ! Hope you enjoy it. Hope your move goes smoothly too!


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