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A Day at the Races

So the sun never quite came out today like we were promised. In other words, it never quite warmed up either. It was still a fun day at the track. We started off having lunch with my mom and sister at Cafe 1217. I ordered a sample salad plate. That option let me choose four different salads from the deli case. I opted for Sugar Snap Peas with Pesto, Couscous with Tangerines, Winter Wild Rice Salad, Chickpeas, & Kalamata Olives, and Grilled Asparagus. (I apologize for picture quality as I was using an old point and shoot.)
My sister and I also split a vegetable cake. It had shredded carrots and zucchini and I believe the binder was mashed sweet potatoes. I may try to recreate this using mashed chickpeas as well.
The pictures really do not do the food any justice at all.

Then it was on to the track.
View from our box seat
My sis
Notice the man in the white fur, red pants, red shoes. That's why you go to the track. I did really good and did not indulge in nachos. The three of us did split a jalapeno and cheese stuffed soft pretzel though. YUM!

When we got home I let Jason take over in the kitchen. He made Quorn Gruyere Chik'n Cutlets with a cranberry and portobello sauce, smashed potatoes using rice milk, and green beans with red onions. This is the first time we have had the Gruyere Chik'n Cutlet. I honestly couldn't really taste the cheese, but they were still very good. This was definitely a comfort food type of dinner, which was what he was after. I can't even recall the last time we had smashed potatoes. 
What is your favorite comfort food?


  1. Heather,

    Thanks so much for sharing the man in the white fur and red pants and shoes. That gave me quite a giggle.

    I think Jason needs to cook more often. He did a nice job. I hope you did something relaxing with your cooking night off. ;)

    Can't wait to see your version of the vegetable cakes! :)

    have a great evening,

  2. Hey Alicia @ Vegan Epicurean my sister SOOOO wanted to go take a picture with him! LOL. Not enough liquid courage though if you know what I mean. Yep, I need to let Jason in the kitchen more often so I can sit back with my glass of wine and just watch!! Hope you're staying warm. Can't believe those snow pictures. WOW. Made me cold just looking at them.

  3. Heather,

    That would have been great if she had gotten her picture taken with him. I bet you offered to pay her to do it didn't you?

    The snow is crazy here. We have no idea how we will get out on Monday.


  4. Oh my, that food is beatiful!!! Have a great Sunday!

  5. Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg hope you have a great Sunday too! The food was really good. Those pictures really don't do it justice. The wild rice was so good b/c it had some nuts and cranberries mixed in. Fabulous. They always have lots of vegetarian options to choose from which is a treat as you know!

  6. The cranberry and portobello sauce sounds great! I love healthier comfort foods!
    Looks like you guys had a great time!
    The vegetable cake looks so good!

  7. Kristen @ Swanky Dietitian the cranberry sauce was so good, not too sweet. It is nice to be able to make comfort foods a bit healthier, especially when you don't lose any flavor at all.


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