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Favorite Day of the Week

Rest Day Friday
So today was a rest day from exercise. It was definitely needed too. I know that I'll feel so much better for tomorrow's workout. It'll be the final workout for my 8-week Total-Body Training rotation. It's going to be very hard, but I need to take a week off from weights before diving into a new rotation, which I still need to find by the way.

How often do you take a break from weights or cardio even?

Fab Friday
Friday is always one of my favorite days of the week. I guess it's because I know I don't have to get up early tomorrow. I can meet up with friends and hang out if I want to without feeling guilty about staying up to late. It's also typically my rest day from exercise. The atmosphere at work even tends to be a little more relaxed - it is jeans day after all.

Today was a fun day at work for me. We have just made our way into the world of social media, and it's my division that's running this little project.The world of social media and social marketing is one that fascinates me, so this has been a fun project to get up and going. What is it you ask? It's The Blue & You Fitness Challenge. First off, it's fitness (hello) and second, it's now in the realm of social media (loving it).

So, today I got to spend time looking through health and fitness magazined for healthy tips and motivational quips to use as Facebook posts and Twitter tweets. Talk about the perfect Friday workday! So, while it really is a lot of work, and we're all learning as we go with this one, it's so much fun and so exciting.

I was supposed to go to happy hour with a coworker. Unfortunately something came up and we'll have to reschedule. So, Jason and I just met up at a little place right by our offices with a few other friends who work in the same area before heading home. 

Dinner will be homemade pizza, so no new pics. However, tomorrow, we're going to a friend's house to celebrate her birthday. The birthday party is called "Paella Surprise Party 2010" thought she knows now. I told her I'd bring a vegetarian paella as there is one other vegetarian guest attending. So, I'll be posting that recipe tomorrow. I hope it turns out. I've actually never had paella before.

Do you have any fun plans for the weekend?


  1. I think Fridays are my favorite day! The evenings, anyway. It's such a great feeling knowing there are TWO full work-free days ahead. :) (Well, office work, anyway!)

    Tonight I am staying home to study & do laundry, which I know sounds lame, but I love lazy nights like this. Then tomorrow I'm going to a party where I will get to see a lot of awesome friends! Should be fun! Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Jess @ The Domestic Vegan There's always work isn't there! We get to go to a party tomorrow too. Hope you have a great time!!

  3. What a great day you had. Sounds like your kind of day.

    Cardio happens 7 days a week for me with weights 6 days a week. Weekend cardio tends to be more fun like biking or tennis with more structured cardio during the week. Yoga is everyday because I like it so much.

    have a great weekend,

  4. AH! A paella!! Cool! I've had paellas before, but I have to call them "paella"s....they were made in the school cafeteria and ended up being more like rice cooked in marinara sauce. I hope the paella turns out well!

  5. Sounds like you have a really fun job, and a fun weekend ahead :)

    There is this local theater that is hosting a Back to the Future event tomorrow. I might go meet Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson, and a couple others (but no MJ Fox!). Haven't decided if it would be really awesome or really not, but I suppose getting to see the original Back to the Future on the big screen would be great either way :)

  6. Alicia @ Vegan Epicurean really 7 days a week??? I guess if it's something like tennis that you're enjoying, then it doesn't seem like work at least.

    Sophia I sure hope mine doesn't end up like rice and marinara!!!

    Sarah @ The Ordinary Vegetarian Wow, that could be really fun!

  7. This project at work sounds awesome! A marriage of your two favorite things! I'm jealous ;)

  8. Jessica @ eatdrinkbreathesweat it's always great when you get to do things you really enjoy isn't it!

  9. I love Friday's even though everyday is my But still something about them, everyone is happy, and I love it!

    Perfect day you had!

    I hope you have a great time at the party!!

  10. Happy Saturday! I hope you enjoyed your rest day!!!

  11. Kris | iheartwellness you're right about everyone seeming to be in a good mood on Fridays. Maybe it's just contagious!

    Kelly @ myhealthypassion I most definitely enjoyed the rest day! Got right back to it today though. Hope you have a great weekend.

  12. For breaks, I always have at least one rest day a week (no cardio, no weights). As for longer rest periods (up to a week), I don't take them too often. I usually will take one if I go on a vacation and can't get to a gym or if my body is crazy sore/sick or if I notice my motivation getting really low. I kind of go crazy without exercise though. I love it so much! hahah :)

    Sounds like the perfect workday! I was a job like that! And I'm excited to see your homemade pizza pictures!!!! I'll just sit here and drool.

    Favorite day of the week: Saturday (you get to sleep in and stay up late and you still have one more day of rest to follow). And no exciting weekend plans. Hopefully planning out my trip to the Arnold! :-D

  13. Carrie I kind of feel that way about exercise too. I don't think I've ever taken a true rest week. My idea of a rest week is doing no weights and about half the amount of cardio. I guess it's about what's right for you though.

    Um, I didn't take pizza pics last night. Don't hate me!!! You can look at last Saturday's blog though LOL! So you did decide to go to the Arnold??!!

  14. I can't wait for you to post the vegetarian paella recipe! I'm not eating meat for Lent and LOVE paella! I love both versions- seafoody and chorizo-y and all vegetable.

  15. Thanks for stopping by Lele ! I posted the recipe Saturday, and I'll post pictures today (Sunday). Your pita pockets look awesome by the way!


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