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Fourth on Friday

Well I set a personal record for morning workouts done in a row! Today marked my fourth morning workout. I started with Low Impact Circuit Cardio Only Premix. That's one of the things I love most about Cathe's DVDs, the premixes. So many options! Today was Day 3 of Week 5 of the Total-Body Training rotation. I did 2 sets of 12 reps:

Shoulders - Upright Rows
Quads - Step Ups (using 12" step)
Chest - Decline Dumbbell Press
Back - Underhand Grip Rows
Triceps - Overhead Extension
Calves - Dumbbell Raises

Tomorrow will be my rest day. This may be the first Saturday rest day...ever. I will be getting up rather early to head out of town to meet up with my mom and sister for lunch before going to the horse races. I am not even a gambler. It's all about the people watching (and beer drinking, I won't lie).

Not sure if we'll be staying the night at my sister's or heading back home after the races. We typically don't stay for the last race to try to beat the crowds. I'm looking forward to it, but also dreading it in some ways. I know that unless we come home tomorrow night, my only healthy meal will be breakfast. Tonight Jason wanted us to go out for pizza with friends, another unhealthy meal. I really don't like to at out so frequently. I feel very torn because we haven't gotten to visit with this couple in a while. So I look forward to that part. But I had wanted to eat well tonight.

I had a super hectic, stressful week, especially yesterday and today. All I wanted to do was my normal routine. I'm not one to get thrown off track. Typically we meet up at this little corner (literally on the corner) eatery for a couple of happy hour drinks with other friends who work in the same area. We don't stay long, and don't spend much. We head home, make pizza, and play pool. Oh, and that's all done in the PJs mind you. So, after a stressful day, that's what I soooo looked forward to. Especially in light of the fact that we'll be gone tomorrow (if not most of the day, the entire day).

What are your favorite things to do on a Friday to unwind? How do you handle being thrown off your routine?


  1. Sounds like a great workout! I hope you get to relax some this weekend!

  2. Hey Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg it really was a good workout. Glad I got myself into gear and got it done. I think I'll be able to enjoy tomorrow a little more. Hope you're having a great time back home. By the looks of your meals, I bet you are!

  3. Aw, I'm sorry you had a stressful week...I hope tomorrow you get to truly unwind, and do some self-pampering!

  4. Hi Sophia I guess we ALL have those kinds of weeks at some point. I am definitely going to just try to relax and enjoy the day and not fret over eats and such. I know it's ok to do that once in a while. Hope you're having a great weekend!

  5. Sometimes, I just want to do my own thing! I totally know how you feel! Stressful week: candles, cuddling, and pajamas. It works every time!

  6. Hi Nicole @ Geek Turned Athlete ! There's something so comforting about crawling into PJs isn't there!! Hope you feel better soon by the way.

  7. I really need to try these overnight oats everyone is talking about!

  8. Jenna @ Healthy Happy Well I'm surprised you haven't! I really prefer the steel cut over the regular. It has a different texture that I really like.


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