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Fun Friday

Rewarding Myself
For some reason, I feel like Fridays are a huge reward. I've worked hard all week and feel like I deserve just one day of indulgence. As in no stressing over workouts, enjoying drinks with friends, not carrying about eating pizza, and not "having" to be in bed by 9:30. 

So, today was a rest day for me. Tomorrow will be weights and cardio, but today I'm resting up. 

My sister came up for the evening just to hang out.She wanted to go to happy hour then homemade pizza with my Wheat Pizza Dough. I certainly wasn't going to argue with her on that! I made the dough last night and tried adding 1/2 whole-wheat pastry flour and 1/2 all-purpose flour this time. It seemed really flat unfortunately. I think next time I'll go back to using the 1 1/2 cups whole-wheat flour, 1 cup all-purpose and 1/2 cup spelt. I got a little cocky trying to make pizza dough healthier. 

Anyway, tonight's a short post, but I wanted to try to add something fun. So, how about a Fun Fact (or 2)? Oh, and then you must answer!

Fun Facts and Questions for Friday: 

Fact:  I'm a bit obsessed with matching my workout attire, even when I'm just working out at home and no one sees but the pups
Question:  Do you feel the need to coordinate your workout attire even if working out at home?

Fact:  I love Friday Happy Hours. I think they are a great way to end the work week, sit back and relax, and catch up with friends.
Question:  What's your favorite way to end the week?


  1. I love happy hours, especially in spring and summer when you can sit outside!

  2. Great questions:

    1) Of course I match my workout clothes even if only the felines are here to watch. What if the UPS man has something to deliver. ;)

    2) My favorite way to end the week is staying up late and/or dinner out with friends. Sometimes both especially when it is dinner al fresco and by the harbor is even better yet.


  3. Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg today was one of those days where you could almost sit outside and pretend it was spring!

    Alicia @ Vegan Epicurean glad I'm not the only one to dress up for the pets!!! LOL. I love dining outdoors. I think that's the best part about summer!

  4. I do love to look super-cute at the gym but at home, I gravitate towards my ratty yoga pants that won't see the light of day outside of the house, just cuz they are super-comfy!

  5. Haha I have awful workout clothes! I need to get some cuter ones. I love going out for drinks after work, but mostly in the nicer weather. When its dark and cold as it is now, snuggling up with my husband, some wine, and maybe sushi takeout, and the knowledge we have nowhere to be in the am is just perfect!

  6. Jessica @ eatdrinkbreathesweat we are no longer related apparently LOL. I'd have pegged you for a must-match workout gal! LOL. Although, the comfies are certainly appealing.

    Hi Travel Eat Love ! Thanks so much for stopping by. Sushi take out and wine actually sounds like a fantastic Friday reward! Your "Be Mine, Valentines" salad sounds so yummy. I used beets on V-day too!


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