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Icy Tuesday Morning

Total-Body Workout on Tuesday
Even though the streets were icy this morning, we had no two-hour work delay. There was no way I was going to be able to get my car out though, especially by 7 am. So I opted to ride in with Jason at 9 am and just work 9-5 through lunch (which made the day feel so incredibly long). However, this allowed me time to get my workout done at least. I did just 30 minutes of Cathe's Imax 2 then on to my weights. Today was a superset again of 2 sets of 8 reps increasing the weights 1.25-2% from last week.

Chest - Dumbbell Bench Press
Back - Dumbbell Pullovers

Quads - Squats
Shoulders - Military Press

Biceps - Incline Biceps Curls
Triceps - Lying Dumbbell Extensions

I felt like I really struggled with the bench press this morning, but felt stronger with the military press. I guess it's true, every day is a new day! So, I know that "they" say to do weights first, but first thing in the morning, I need the cardio to get me awake enough to do weights. Sometimes I think we have to listen to our bodies rather than always listening to the "theys" of the world.

What are your thoughts on cardio before weights?

Easy Tuesday Dinner
I've been so caught up in trying out new recipes lately, that I've sort of worn myself out about it. Tonight I just wanted something simple and easy, so I heated up some lentil burgers that I had in the freezer along with sweet potato "fries." I topped with spinach, roasted red bell pepper, and vegan mozzarella. I put mine on a Whole-Wheat Oroweat Sandwich Thin.


  1. I think that your goal should be the first thing considered when debating over whether or not to do weights before cardio. Personally, yes, I believe for myself that I should do weights before cardio. I would rather my performance in cardio suffer than my performance in the weight room.

    Also, I know some people do cardio immediately post-lifting since glycogen stores are low and they feel they burn more body fat. Even if I do cardio immediately post-lifting, I will consume BCAAs and part of my post-workout shake (protein/carbs).

    If your goals are more endurance based (i.e. do a triathlon, complete a marathon) then I would say cardio first. In this case, your cardiovascular performance is of utmost importance (not your strength or physique). BUT if you are going for either strength or physique, then I think emphasis should be put on the weights....

    In the end though, it's all what fits best into your schedule and how your body responds. If you feel better lifting after doing cardio... then do cardio first!! We are all different and I don't think there is one set way to reach our goals!!

  2. Thanks so much Carrie . Honestly, I would like to focus a bit more on strength, but when I workout early, I just don't feel quiet awake enough to lift heavy. I don't need to lose any weight, so that's not a goal. I just don't know how much my strength truly suffers. You know? There are some fanatical articles about it, but you know how that is too. Sort of like the not eating before an AM workout to burn more fat...

  3. Yum, yum! Nothing better than a burger and food style :-)

  4. LOL Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg especially when it's fast and easy with little clean up! Glad to hear you made it home finally!

  5. Heather,

    I like to 10 minutes of cardio to warm up, then weights, followed by cardio and finish with yoga.

    However, when I worked out really early in the morning I used to do cardio first to help me wake up, like you did today. I agree with your theory of listen to your body, you know it better than anyone else.

    Great quick dinner. I love to keep veggie burgers stashed in the freezer for days when I don't feel like cooking.


  6. When I was in the track team, my pet peeve was to lift weights before running. I HATEd that, because it just left me enervated, and I needed a run to warm myself up so that my muscles feel ready to pump. But some people seemed to prefer lifting before cardio. so I suppose it depends on the person.

  7. Alicia @ Vegan Epicurean when I do weights up at the gym in the afternoon, then I'll warm up for 10 mins, do weights, then run 20 mins after. I think it's all about the timing for me. Perhaps I really should forgo the early morning workouts (or weights at least). I have lentil burgers, eggplant patties, and chickpea patties all in the freezer! I'm ready!

    Sophia I can't imagine running long distances after lifting - especially if I was doing legs. Probably a bit about conditioning too though I suppose.

  8. Ok... just wondering what a military press is... sounds intense! But about the whole cardio thing, I've heard that it's very good to warm muscles up before lifting so that you don't pull anything. I'm taking a Fitness Instructor Proficiency Course and they really stress light cardio work before any type of weights!

  9. Hi Jenna @ Healthy. Happy. Well here's an example of a military press . Not really that intense! I always do warm up before weights, but I think it's the difference between all out cardio vs light, warm-up cardio. In the mornings, I've been doing my all out cardio workout prior to weights rather than just a simple, get moving type thing. Morning workouts are a huge struggle for me, and I just feel so much more awake and capable of weight lifting after doing my cardio. Now if I lift weights later in the day or after work, all I need is just a quick 5-10 minute jaunt on the treadmill. Does that make sense? I think I'm fighting myself with the morning weights! LOL

  10. Heather,

    I am certain you have thought about this but just in case .... What about cardio only in the morning, and weights after work? Not being a morning girl either I could see that possibly working. At least you would have less exercise to do after work.


  11. I love sweet potato fries! What brand are those lentil burgers. They look really good, I might have to give them a try!
    I normally go to classes than workout on my own so it usually depends. I have done both though. I agree with you though, sometimes you need some cardio to just wake you up!

  12. I wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts on the cardio before vs after weights. I think that as long as I don't do a long cardio and that I don't always do the cardio prior to weights, then I'll be ok. You just hear so much about it that it made me feel like I was just totally screwing up any progress I had been making with weights.

    Hi Kristen @ Swanky Dietitian I made those lentil burgers. So I guess they're Heather Brand!

    Alicia I have thought about 2-a-days. Each one would be fairly short. Besides, by mid-morning I've typically got exercise amnesia! LOL.


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