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Super Sunday

Super Workout
This morning I managed to sleep in a bit, 8:30. Is it sad that that was a goal? I got up and piddled around a bit, eating a healthy-sized bowl of Kashi Cinnamon Harvest shredded wheat with vanilla soy milk before starting off the day with my workouts. Today's weight workout was 2 sets of 18 reps supersetting the exercises. The goal was to increase weights by 1.25-2%.

SS #1
Quads - Static Lunges
Hamstrings - Deadlifts

Biceps - Hammer Curls
Shoulders - Lateral Raises

Back - Double Arm Rows
Chest - Chest Flyes

I was able to increase my weights for all exercises. It was a really good weight day for me. I felt totally pumped. After weights, I did Shock Cardio HiiT Pyramid. Talk about burning out your legs! I also did a pilates-based abs from Abs Circuit, stretched and called it quits.

Super (Chili) Sunday
Jason and I had a few errands to run. Had I known that everyone and their entire extended family would be shopping at Kroger today, I would have held out. I don't know if it was all last minute Super Bowl purchases or the very minor (very very minor) threat of a snow flake or two tomorrow. Either way, it was not a fun shopping experience. However, I did find a Kabocha Squash. So that was my little spark of sunshine!

I will admit, and I hope I don't lose readers, that I am not planning to watch the Super Bowl. I really have no desire at all. At least I'm being honest right? Jason watched it though, and he requested chili for dinner. I suppose that's fitting. It is cold out and chili seems to go hand-in-hand with football. I made a Chipotle Chili based off my Spicy Vegetarian Chili recipe.

Chipotle Chili
1 tsp (or less) canola oil
1/2 yellow onion, diced (or whole if small)
1/2 - whole green bell pepper, diced (depends on size)
2 tbsp minced garlic
1 can red kidney beans, rinsed and drained
1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
1 can no-salt diced tomatoes
1 tbsp tomato paste (approximate)
1/2 cup TVP (I use a "beef" flavored brand I find at a local health store) 
1 jalapeno pepper, seeded, de-veined, minced 
2 chipotles in adobe, minced
1 12 oz. beer (optional)
1 cup vegetable broth or water
Spices to taste: sea salt, black pepper, red pepper, chipotle flakes, cumin, chili powder

In large pot, heat oil and saute onions, bell peppers, and garlic until they begin to soften (approximately 5 minutes). Add in tomatoes, broth or water, beans, jalapeno, chipotles, and spices. Let simmer over low heat approximately 30 minutes. Stir in TVP and paste, let chili continue to simmer and thicken approximately 30 minutes. The longer it cooks, the more the flavors will meld.

Today I tried out a tasty treat and burned a Revival Soy candle that I won in a giveaway at Fitness & Spice. I was just expecting the candle (which smells unbelievable), but also received a special treat: Roasted Garlic & Herbs Goodness Soy Chips. Holy YUM! Those suckers could be addicting. At only 105 calories and 7 grams of protein per bag, I didn't feel terribly guilty as I shoveled them down!  


  1. Mmmm I could go for some chili RIGHT now. I just took a chilly (ha ha ha) walk outside. 8:30 is sleeping in!? I'd have to set a couple alarms and really have something pertinent to wake up for to wake up at 8:30 :)

  2. Yummmmmmm! My boyfriend made a huge batch of chili just the other day (and used beer.. haha)! Even though it's not on the plan... I had some! :-D What kind of beer did you use?

    Those protein chips look pretty good too!

  3. Allie (Live Laugh Eat) Ah to be young again!! I'm usually at work by 7am. Though I do remember the days when the idea of having to be anywhere by 9am would have just been craziness!

    Carrie tonight I just used Corona Light. If I have them, I like to use Ultra Amber because they are a little richer in flavor, but lower in calories. I think you probably earned the chili!

  4. Heather,

    We love chili too. So comforting and packed with protein.

    The Superbowl wasn't on at our house either. Sad, but the commercials are the best part for me.

    Thanks for the review of the chips. I haven't seen them yet. But I will be looking for them now.


  5. Alicia @ Vegan Epicurean I really like chili too. It's fairly versatile. You can add in all kinds of veggies and vary the heat levels. The soy chips were really good. Nice little treat.

  6. Your chili sounds great. For a second there I thought I saw celery, but false alarm, it was just the green pepper! :)

  7. Yummy Chipotle Chili...that looks fabulous, darling....I may just have to whip that up tnitey!!!

  8. Hi Amie @ The Healthy Apple I love the smoky flavor that chipotle adds. I wish I would have waited and made it tonight. The snow is piling up here. It's perfect chili weather.


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