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Tuesday Oh Tired Tuesday

Tired on Tuesday
Well, today I had every intention of getting up and working out first thing. I had my step out, DVD chosen, even clothes set out. However, I slept terribly. I tossed and turned from about 2 am on. I just couldn't get my mind to slow down. So by the time 4:30 am rolled around, I knew that there was no way I was going to get up at 5 and exercise. I reset the alarm for 6:15 and dozed on and off. Needless to say, today felt very long and tiring.

I really began to contemplate the option of taking today as a rest day. I just felt completely run down with zero motivation. However, I decided that the cardio may do me some good. It usually does, even if only temporarily. So I chose to do Cathe's Low Max today. It's been so long since I've done that workout. I like it, but it's not a super high calorie burner for me. You also have to be ready for a solid hour workout. It's still fun and time does go quickly. It alternates between a short step combination and a more intense "blast." I also tried to stretch a bit longer. I've been feeling really tight ever since my weekend runs. The weather here is supposed to be in the lower 50's this week, so I'm hoping I might have a chance for an outdoor run with Jason.

Tried and True Dinner
Tonight I decided to make an old favorite go-to meal - Veggie "Chicken" Fajitas. We used to make these once a week because they're fast, easy, and healthy. I have been so caught up in trying out new recipes, that I've let old favorites fall to the side.

Veggie "Chicken" Fajitas
1 package Morningstar Farms Chik'n Strips (optional, or your choice of substitution this is just what I had)
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
1/2 red bell pepper, sliced into strips
1/2 green bell pepper, sliced into strips
1/2 white onion, thinly sliced
1/2 - whole squash (depending on size) sliced into strips
1/2 - whole zucchini (depending on size) sliced into strips
2 baby portobellos, thinly sliced
Splash of lemon or lime juice
To taste: sea salt, black pepper, red pepper, garlic powder, chili powder, cumin, cilantro
Whole-wheat tortilla wraps (check ingredients for vegetarian/vegan)
Shredded cheese (vegan or non-vegan, I used a 2% Mexican Blend)
Chipotle "sour cream" (optional)

In large non-stick skillet, saute onions and peppers until begin to soften. Add in the Chikn' Strips and cook until thawed. Add in mushrooms and cook until begin to soften. Add in squash, zucchini, spices, and lemon or lime juice. Cook until squash and zucchini are done.

To serve, spoon fajitas into center of wrap with optional toppings such as pico de gallo, shredded lettuce, and/or chipotle tofu sour cream.

While I was making the fajitas, I also started on dinner for tomorrow. I have been craving the Curried Wheat Berry-Spelt Salad from Urban Vegan. Last night I soaked the wheat berries (doubled up wheat berries, omitting spelt), and tonight I cooked them off. So the salad is ready to go for tomorrow night. I will again pair it with a baked tofu. This time I think I will try a version of The Ordinary Vegetarian's Fiery Tofu Marinade.


  1. When I have nights like that I bail on exercise. I am so amazed you worked out on so little sleep. I would have been so uncoordinated it wouldn't end well for me.

    The same thing happens to me with recipe testing. I get so caught up making new things I don't recycle old recipes often. Although my hubby wishes that I would.

    I hope you get more rest tonight,

  2. Hi there, thanks for a comment on my blog. I hear you re. master's vs. doctorate level. Sometimes I keep on asking myself what I have gotten myself into and why? :-)
    Your fajitas look incredible! I'm currently cooking more vegetarian meals and I will definitely be trying this one out. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. So sorry to hear that you slept so poorly!! :-(

    Can't wait to see this salad-- I LOVE anything curried!

  4. Alicia @ Vegan Epicurean it was definitely not easy to get started. I did feel better once I got going, but it wasn't one of those easier, fun workouts for me. Probably should have rested. I was just hoping for the 2nd wind! Glad I'm not the only one who gets caught up with new recipes.

    Hi Vee @ veechats ! Thanks so much for stopping by. I'm sure the doctorate will be well worth it in the end! Let me know if you try the fajitas and how you like them!

    Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg I am really liking curry too. I also like peanut style sauces and marinades. You can get that hot and sweet combo using just a bit of peanut butter. Yum. Tastes so decadent to me. Sort of like using the coconut milk.

  5. Thats funny that Low Max isn't a big burner for you. It's always a good one for me.

  6. Oooh exciting :) can't wait to see what you think of the marinade. I've been thinking about it lately myself, since I haven't had it since bbq weather. I was thinking it would be good in a wrap with some sauteed collard greens.
    Speaking of 'wraps' those fajitas look super tasty! Hope your Wednesday has started off better than your Tuesday :)

  7. Tina @ faithfitnessfun isn't it funny how some workouts are big burners for some and not others??? It wasn't horrible, but for an hour-long workout, I did expect a little more.

    Sarah @ The Ordinary Vegetarian I don't think mine was nearly as spicy as yours, but I did make a few adjustments I'll post this eve. I wanted it to sort of complement the wheat berry salad (which uses tahini) so I added peanut butter. I could have just licked the bowl!

  8. Alright - this dinner looks fantastic! I am coming to your place for dinner from now on. I realized I should always read your blog during the day and not at night so I dont feel hungry for dinner right before bed like I do when I see your pics!



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