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Yawn Workout & Dinner, No Yawn Inspiration Post

Yawn - Morning Workout 
This morning the streets were still slick in spots from the packed snow and ice. My car took forever to de-ice and thaw out. I decided to work 8-4 in hopes that the sun would come out and help with the de-icing of the car. Lucky for me, it's cloudy. But, at least it wasn't pitch dark when I attempted to get the old buggy going. Just cold! We definitely need some major doses of sunshine to get all this snow and ice off the sidewalks and streets. I think walking in to the office is the most dangerous part now.

I took the opportunity to get in my cardio and abs workouts done this morning. I chose Cardio Fusion and abs from Cardio and Weights. Nice sweaty workout to get my energized for the day ahead.

I'm sort of getting used to going in a bit later. Not sure how well I'll be functioning at regular time tomorrow. May end up not doing a morning workout!  We'll see how it goes. I do need a spotter for chest work, so if I do that early, then Jason will be home to help out.

Yawn - Uninspired Dinner
Dinner tonight was another less-than creative affair. However, that doesn't mean it was bad. We had some bok choy that was on it's last legs and had to be used. So I just threw together a quick, easy stir fry using frozen mixed veggies, bok choy, green beans, and Quorn Chik'n Tenders served over barley. I used House of Tsang Szechuan Spicy Stir-Fry sauce, too lazy to make my own tonight. I like this particular flavor because of the heat. It's low in sugars too. Sodium, um, we'll skip that one tonight.

No Yawn Here - Inspired by Blog
On sort of a serious note, Jessica @ EatDrinkBreatheSweat had an awesome and inspiring post today on "Confidence and Embracing Inner Peace." She shared a video called "Embrace Your Flawz." It's truly a must-see video, especially for women.

I know that I am so very guilty of pointing out and hating every single flaw. But why? Those flaws are what makes me, me. There are some "flaws" that I have gotten over and embraced, like being short. Besides, can't change that right?! I also used to hate being so petite. It meant flat chest, looking "cute" not pretty, and coming across as very young. Um, now that I'm mid-30's looking younger is A-OK! But I still hate so many other things: nose, full face, super fine hair, moles. But rather than hating them, dwelling on them, I need to learn to love them. They are a part of me. I mean, I could get plastic surgery, but I hate needles so that won't be happening. So accept it, love it, move along! I think it's also important to remind ourselves about what we do love too. I love my biceps and shoulders for example. I love my hair color. I refuse to color it. I actually love my brown eyes now.

Have you accepted your flaws? What do you love most about yourself?


  1. Your dinner looks like one of my green bowl dinners! :-)

    I'm still working on accepting my flaws...the older I get, the better I get at accepting them...but like everyone, I have good days and bad ones.

  2. Great post tonight.

    I think accepting flaws is something that gets much easier with age. I also tend to be very self critical. However, since I am now approaching 50 it has become easier to embrace who I am, the good and the not so good. The wrinkles and graying hair are a little tougher, but I have earned them. I haven't had my hair colored in about 9 months (due to the danger of the chemicals). As crazy as it sounds that made it easier to accept the fact that I am aging, as we all are.

    At this moment what I like most about myself is my ability to care for and about others, followed closely by my high cheek bones and mostly long dark hair. ;)

    Have a great evening,

  3. Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg your green bowl dinners always looks so tasty! For some reason I feel healthier after eating a stir-fry that's just loaded with veggies! Sounds like you and Alicia agree that age has something to do with acceptance.

    Alicia @ Vegan Epicurean I thought that video was just so awesome. I wish I had seen that in my early teens!

  4. Thanks for the shout-out, Heather!! Let's see if we can keep up the positive vibes, it IS our new years' resolution, right?? :-)

  5. Jessica @ eatdrinkbreathesweat what's this resolution you speak of??!!! LOL. I think I need to put that video on permanent loop!


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