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Hump Day and More Pineapples

Full-Body Workout 
I'll readily admit that getting up this morning was quite painful and almost didn't happen. I forced myself out of bed though not exactly excited about tackling a full-body Pyramid workout. Sort of daunting at 5 am really. I did the warm up from Shock Cardio Cardio Core Circuit (cardio only premix) then hit the weights. It was a pyramid up only so I increased my starting weight. I topped it all off with the first 2 1/2 drills from the cardio workout. I ran short on time and was basically spent.

Squats into Plie Squats
Step Ups (seriously hate these especially at 5:30 am)
Incline Chest Flyes into Chest Press
Pullovers into DB Underhand Rows
Step Ups (freaking again)
Static Lunges
Overhead DB Press into Lateral Raises
Kickbacks into Overhead Extensions
Hammer Curls into Alternating Curls
Calf Raises

I am so excited to report that my new cross-trainers and running shoes arrived today. Can't wait to test both of them out. I waited way way way too long to get new shoes. I know so much better than that too. I was just not wanting to shell out the dough on them. They say to change out running shoes every 6 months or 300-500 miles. I bought my cross-trainers and running shoes at the same time and plan on changing them out at the same time.

Do you remember to change your kicks? What's your favorite shoe for running and/or aerobics?

More Pineapple Anyone?
Last night I was fairly ambitious in the kitchen. While making Tuesday's dinner, I also made tonight's dinner. It involves pineapple again. Sorry, have to get it used up as it wasn't the best pineapple ever chosen. Hate it when that happens. I also had some poblanos that I wanted to use, but I wanted to do something other than my standard stuffed poblano. So, I came up with Roasted Poblano Black Bean Burgers topped with Pineapple Salsa and Lemony Carrot Salad on the side.

Roasted Poblano Black Bean Burgers
2 poblano peppers
3 small or 2 medium carrots, rough chop
2 tbsp minced garlic
To taste: salt, pepper, oregano, chili powder, roasted tomato flakes (optional)
Flax seed egg replacer (1 tbsp milled flax seed + 3 tbsp water, microwave 30 seconds, stir and let sit until consistency of an egg)
1 1/2 - 2 cans black beans, rinsed, drained (I had some frozen and 1 can so this is a guess)
1/2 - 3/4 cup spelt flour

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Cut poblanos in half and de-seed and de-vein. Place on baking sheet and roast in oven until charred, approximately 25-30 mins. Remove and let cool before removing outer skin. Then rough chop.

In food processor, pulse carrots then add in peppers, garlic, seasonings and pulse until minced (but not mushy puree).

In large bowl, smash black beans then add in the carrot and pepper mixture, flax seed and stir to combine before slowly adding in flour to desired firmness.

Place on a prepared baking sheet (I used a silpat) and bake for approximately 1 hour flipping once.

Note: I will likely increase oven temp next time and see if that speeds up the cooking time.

Lemony Carrot Salad
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 tsp honey or agave nectar
2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
3/4 cup plain no-fat Greek yogurt
parsley to taste (I had to use dried)
1/4 cup raisins (I used white)
3 cups grated carrots

In large bowl, whisk together all ingredients up to the raisins. When dressing is combined, stir in the raisins and carrots. Allow to sit in fridge for at least an hour before serving for flavors to blend. Carrots will soften slightly as well.
I really enjoyed the flavor of the roasted poblanos in these "burgers." It wasn't overpowering or too spicy. But you knew it was there. It definitely paired well with the pineapple salsa. This is a keeper of a recipe!

Lisa @ I'm an Okie is having a note card giveaway. Her mother creates these awesome cards. You really should check them out!


  1. Ooh, I love poblano peppers! I am always in awe of your ability to get up and do these workouts-- you are really a warrior!

  2. Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg thank you! I don't really feel like a warrior most mornings LOL! It's all a blur ;-)

  3. Looks delicious!!! Mmmm....

  4. Your burgers sound great! I have to make more veggie burgers for the freezer, I think some poblanos may make it into my next batch.

    I am a New Balance girl from way back. When I starting running they made the only shoes that were made specifically for women. Probably no one but me remembers that now.

    At 5am nothing is happening at my house but sleep. It is amazing that you can exercise at that hour. Very impressive!


  5. Yum, those burgers soiund great. Im bookmarking this page just for those.

    Thanks for the giveaway shoutout. I appreciate it as does my mom.

    And I am absolutely horrible with shoes. I know nothing about them, and dont change them enough.

  6. wow youre rocking out the crazy good recipes, arent you!
    i do change my shoes, otherwise very injury-prone.

  7. Thanks Lauren @ A Fit Foodie !

    Alicia @ Vegan Epicurean can't wait to see how you incorporate poblanos into a veggie burger!! I have never had luck with New Balance. I was always a Nike girl but realize that they are not meant to be especially as running shoes. I've been wearing Asics, but this round got some Brooks for running, still Asics for aerobics though.

    Lisa @ I'm an Okie shoes can totally make or break you. As a dancer, I learned that very early on. It holds true for running as well. Once you have gone and gotten fitted and find out your running style (like neutral or pronation) and find the right shoe, ahhhh, nothing better! I can't wait to hear how the burgers turn out for you!! Hope you like them as much as we did. Oh, and your mom's cards really are great.

    Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga I take that as a huge compliment! Yep, once I found the right shoes and started changing them out, I stopped having as many issues with my feet killing me. Duh right?! LOL

  8. I'm loving the sound of that carrot salad recipe. I'm on a carrot kick at the moment AND a salad kick. Spring/Easter season will do that to a girl!

  9. Joanna Sutter @ Fitness and Spice this is one of my favorite carrot salad recipes. The dressing would be great with any slaw I think. I love to used the salad to top a veggie bbq sandwich too. YUM. I agree about salads and Spring (and Summer).

  10. I LOVE getting a new pair of sneakers or getting new workout clothes, it always reinvigorates me. Sorta like getting a new toy ;)

  11. Cool recipe!
    Mm not sure abt shoes. Just got new ones like 2 months ago but been having probs! I'm on the stationary bike right now, lol! Would def not be doing this boring bike if not for this darn blister on my foot?!

  12. that carrot salad looks SO good! what a great use of shredded carrots, I should try that I have a whole bag at my house!

    new shoes is the most exciting thing!! they make for a GREAT run :)

  13. Jessica @ EatDrinkBreathesweat I agree, it's definitely like a new toy. Of course I'm all for new shoes or clothes of any sort!

    Kristina @ Freestyle Fitness Addiction See, maybe you need to get fitted! ;-)

    Naomi @ One Fit Foodie I must say that they did make for a great run today! Let me know how you like the salad.


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