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Magnificent Mexican Monday

Magnificent Monday (seriously)
This morning I opted to sleep an extra hour rather than get up to do biceps and triceps. I don't know if it was the extra hour or I just woke up on the right side of the bed, but I was in a really good mood this morning. Jason and I had a lunchtime run planned that I was really looking forward to. The weather is supposed to be fantastic all week too. Oh, and it's a short week for me at work because we're off for Good Friday. Jason and I are tentatively planning to hike Pinnacle Mountain Friday taking along a picnic lunch to eat at the summit. I have a Girls' Night planned for Thursday night as well. So I have a lot to look forward to this week.

So, this week is starting off on the right track for me apparently. Maybe it's all the happy blog vibes and inspiring posts I've been reading lately. It has definitely been a "live in the moment" kind of day. Hopefully I can keep up this positive attitude all week!

Monday Workouts
Anyway, I was expecting our typical easy run at lunch. Jason apparently had other plans and decided to push it. It's not my race pace, but it's not horrible. We did 3 miles in 24:55. I have some speed work to do before my next race, but I don't think that's too shabby considering the fact that I have been less than consistent with my running lately, oh and after a leg day too!

I'll admit to much debating about foregoing my biceps and triceps work today. In the end, I chose to go ahead and get it done. It's the same set up as last week, doing 3 sets of exercises for each muscle group, starting with 12 sets and dropping off 2 reps down to 6 with the goal of increasing the weights.

Dumbbell curls
Hammer curls
Incline curls

Lying dumbbell extensions
Dumbbell overhead extensions

Mexican Monday
Sticking to the Mexican Monday theme from last week, I decided to make Southwest Style Taco Salad for dinner.

Southwest Style Taco Salad
1 can black beans, rinsed, drained
corn, thawed (or canned, rinsed, drained) (used frozen, maybe half a can worth)
tomatoes, diced
red onion, finely diced (as much or little as you like)
green onions, diced (as much or little as you like)
red, yellow, and green bell peppers, diced
pickled jalapenos (or fresh), diced
To taste: salt, pepper, cumin, chili powder, garlic powder, red pepper, lime juice (I was out of cilantro or would have added that)
1/4 red cabbage thinly sliced
Whole-grain flour tortilla wraps

Combine all ingredients except, lettuce, cabbage, and wraps. Allow to sit and marinade approximately 30 minutes or longer.

Meanwhile, toast up your tortillas. You can cut into strips, triangles, or leave whole. An option is to flavor them by spraying with non-stick spray and sprinkle with spices of your choice.

I served the salad on top of a bed of lettuce and the cabbage with White Cheeseless Queso on top.
Hope everyone is having a great start to their week!


  1. Ah, Mexican Monday struck for us again too!! It really is becoming a tradition, isn't it?

  2. YAY! So glad you are feeling better this week and less blue! I agree with you on some of those inspiring blog posts that seem to abound lately, DEFINITELY has helped me along, I'll say that. And yay - you do have a lot of fun to look forward to this week! I love a good girls night - I have one planned for Saturday night actually! PS - that time for your 3 miler is awesome! faster than I could do that's for sure. :)

  3. Jessica @ EatDrinkBreatheSweat Maybe it's just that time of year when everyone is struggling to get out of the winter blues. I know that all the posts have really struck me and I really think they have helped me put things into perspective. I'm a short distance sprinter! LOL. Get it done!

  4. LOL Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg Can't wait to see what you made. I must try that mole. If I'd had tempeh, I think I would have given that recipe a shot.

  5. I am so happy you had an upbeat day, and got some good rest. Spring has had a very positive impact on my mood as well.

    Ah taco salad, one of my favorite things. Gotta love that.

    Have a great evening,

  6. Hi Alicia @ Vegan Epicurean I do think that spring weather is definitely helping! I hadn't thought of taco salads in ages until one of your posts. Now I've made 2 in as many weeks. Hope you're having a great evening!

  7. I love that salad! So bright and colorful! And it looks super filling!

  8. Hi pretty lady!! heck yes to a fabulous start to your week!! sounds like the week will be full of fun times! mmmm taco salad is a favorite dinner of mine! yours looks delicious, next time count me in! hehe! i hope the good vibes continue right on to tuesday!

  9. btw your last comment re hunters being a bit more justified weird as it sounds eating meat...i agree. my grandpa hunted and it was done conscientiously and my grandma knew how to take every inch of animal and make use of it. nothing, not a spec or a drop, was wasted.

    anyway glad you had a great start to your week!!!

  10. Hi Lauren @ A Fit Foodie it was extremely satisfying actually. I was stuffed!

    Lizzy @ Healthy Bites Conquer Athlete Appetite Thanks girl. Hope the good vibes continue too! The next time I'm in your area we'll have to have a taco salad together!!

    Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga glad it made sense LOL. My father hunts and husband's family hunts. While I don't get it, they know where their meat came from. No blind eye on that one. Hope you're having a great week too!

  11. I'm so glad you woke up on the right side of the bed this morning--warmer weather, more sleep, good food, fun plans---sounds like you've got a lot going for ya!

  12. Looks delish! Thanks for the get well wishes you sent me! You are too sweet! :)

  13. Glad you're having a good start to your week!
    I always love your recipes. This looks so colorful!! I could eat mexican food everyday!

  14. That taco salad thing looks really really good!!! And great job on the run. That is very quick to me. :)

  15. mexican is my favorite! that looks great. i should probably have more mexican mondays in my life :)

  16. Lisa @ I'm a Okie It was definitely a nice start to the week!

    Thanks Kelly @ Healthy Living with Kelly I had a similar stomach bug a few wks back so I know how bad it is. So glad you're better!

    Thanks so much for the compliment Kristen @ Swanky Dietitian ! I love Mexican too as long as it's not just beans in a wrap - which is often the veggie option going out. Ick.

    Tina @ Tina Bit of Faith Fitness and Fun I'm loving taco salads lately. I should have prefaced that my race time only pertains to a 5k not any long distance LOL.

    Janetha @ Meals and Moves I think we should start a Mexican Monday movement. It easily aligns with Meatless Monday. ;-)


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