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My Greek Inspired Thursday

A Day of Rest
This morning I woke up around 4:25 and decided to reset my alarm clock. So no morning workout for me. After being sick last week, my typical workout schedule got a little off track. I realized that yesterday's workout marked 8 straight days. I usually only workout 6 days straight then take my rest day and start over. While I really would like tomorrow to be my rest day, as is typical, I needed to take today to recover. I'll be up early tomorrow anyway since Jason will be up for swim.

It was super sunny out today. Breezy, so not nearly as warm as yesterday. I really started pondering a lunchtime run. If Jason would have agreed to one, then I would have gone. I just keep telling myself it's for the best. I do plan on running Saturday anyway.

This sudden warm weather and sunshine is giving spring fever in a major way. I'm almost depressed when I can't be outside, I mean seriously down in the dumps, no energy blues. But once I step outside, back to normal. Does anyone else experience this????

Oh, but I do have something to look forward to! I'm excited to announce that I schedule our first big vacation of the year today. We'll be heading to Perdido Key, FL in June. So excited. I can almost smell the salty water and hear the crashing waves now...almost.

There are actually so many trips I have planned in my head. We have some friends in Seattle that I've been dying to go visit again. The last time we flew out in a 4-seater plane to the San Juan Islands. The next time I hope to take a train up to Vancouver. A) never been on a train and B) never been to Canada. Would also love to go hiking while visiting. So much to do... Then, of course, we have a Mexico trip in December. Oh, and blogger buddies Jessica and Jolene are sort of twisting my arm to head up their direction and possibly join them at Cathe's annual Road Trip. Now, if I could just win the lottery and take a year off.

My Big Greek Dinner
I really spent a lot of time obsessing about what to make for dinner. I'm trying to rethink dinner now that it's getting warmer. I thought a big Greek Style Salad and Tomato Basil Soup would be good with a side of homemade hummus I'll affectionately call Heather's Hummus (I mean, why not right?).

Heather's Hummus
1 can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
1/2 can cannellini beans, rinsed and drained
1 large clove garlic, rough chop
1 1/2 - 2 tsp tahini
Extra-virgin olive oil (I try to be very light-handed, less than 1/4 cup)
2 tbsp soft silken tofu (optional)
To taste: salt, pepper, lemon juice

In food processor, combine all ingredients but the olive oil. As you pulse the mixture, slowly add in oil until desired consistency.

A few notes: I use the cannellini beans and tofu as a way to give extra creaminess allowing me to use less oil. Plain, non-fat yogurt is another option I have used.

Tomato Basil Soup
1/2 small white onion, chopped,
1 clove garlic, chopped
1 15 oz can no-salt diced tomatoes
1 8 oz can no-salt tomato sauce
8 oz low-sodium vegetable broth
1/4 box soft silken tofu or soy or almond milk
To taste: salt, pepper, basil, parsley, oregano

In sauce pan, saute onions and garlic in small amount of olive oil until soft. Add in remaining ingredients except for tofu. Cook approximately 5-10 minutes.

Pour mixture into blender, add tofu, and puree until smooth.

Transfer back to sauce pan, re-season if needed, and simmer until slightly thickens.
The Greek Style Salad was topped with sundried tomatoes, kalamata olives, artichoke hearts, roasted red bell peppers, Quorn, banana pepper rings, and balsamic vinaigrette.

On a really sour note, my blogging may decrease over the next few days as I pretty much fried our laptop. Our regular PC is ancient and so slow that it took 30 mins just to upload these two pictures. Needless to say, I'm having a major panic attack. The fact that tomorrow is Friday is beyond good news.


  1. Ooh, you're so lucky to have a fun beach trip planned! Dinner sounds great!

  2. Your dinner looks fantastic, like always.

    Congratulations on planning the first beach trip. I love the Florida Keys. Will you be going to Key West while you are so close?

    I get spring fever too. You aren't alone.

    Sorry to hear about your computer problems.


  3. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and for your comments!

    Your trip sounds awesome, and I'm totally with you on the spring fever thing. I am dying for it to get warm!

  4. OMG! I have been thinking about hummus and wondering what to do with that silken tofu (besides fruit smoothies for Evan)! Guess what is for the weekend snacky treat? Heaven's hummus! Evan (not a fan of chickpeas, but LOVES Cannellini beans) will love it!

    Hope to see y'all when you head down this way!

  5. I feel the same way about the weather this week. When it's all sunny and warm, I'm a big ball of energy. The minute it got cloudy and rainy, I felt I could never. possibly. workout. again.

    That salad looks awesome!

  6. We are SO on the same eating page! I've been on a hummus kick AND a salad kick. I think it's because I long for Spring...too!

  7. Hey Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg I'm super excited. We're staying at the same condo for the 3rd year so it sort of feels like home!

    Alicia @ Vegan Epicurean while I'd love to visit Key West or Key Largo, Perdido Key is in the Pan Handle/Gulf area. We go there b/c it's within driving distance. Thanks for the dinner compliment!!! Glad I'm not alone on the spring fever. Sigh.

    Thanks for stopping by Candice @ ChiaSeedMe ! A beach trip is always a great thing to have planned this time of year. Gives me something to look forward to while the weather is still up and down.

    LOL Amy @ Heymeejeel I should have called it Heaven's Hummus! Let me know how yours turns out. You can add roasted red bell peppers, sundried tomatoes, even jalapenos!

    Lindsay @ Lindsay Runs it's like moods are attached to weather, especially when you enjoy outdoor activities like running or hiking. Thanks for the salad compliment. I could eat salads for almost every meal I think.

    Joanna Sutter @ Fitness and Spice hummus just sounded so right yesterday. Yep, salads and spring do go together. Bright, fresh, new. YUM

  8. HA, twisting your arm eh? You have GOT to come, seriously! I'm still so surprises you've never been to the Cathe Road Trip before. It's an AWESOME weekend, and actually pretty affordable, too. Just sayin. ;)

  9. I feel the same way. When the weather is nice I am so chipper. Always.

    And where is Perdido Key in FL? I've never heard of it! I will be in Daytona in June. How cool would that be if we were close.

    Good call on the rest day :)

  10. That greek salad looks so good!
    I have never been to Florida but the beach sounds so good right about now. I am going to Seattle in June. I have never been and am really looking forward to a little getaway.
    I totally feel you about the fresh air! It definitely helps! We are supposed to have weather in the 70s next week. How will I stay inside!

  11. Jessica @ EatDrinkBreatheSweat yep, twisting my arm! Gotta blame it on someone right?!

    Tina @ Tina Bit of Faith Fitness and Fun Perdido Key is on the Gulf Coast just at the AL/FL border. It is in between Pensacola, FL and Orange Beach, AL. Super white sandy beaches...nice. I wish it was close to Daytona now, it would be sooo cool to meet up! Yep, definitely needed that rest day.

    Kristen @ Swanky Dietitian I can't imagine not ever having been to FL!!! I hope you have a great time in Seattle. We've been once to stay with our friends and fell in love with it. Hope you enjoy your weather!!

  12. I need some of that hummus right now! I'm getting hungry. Everyhting sounds delicious!

  13. Mae @ Ohh May Thanks so much for stopping by. It means I got to check out your blog!


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