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New Shoes, Great Run, Grilled Veggie Salad

New Shoes Means Lunchtime Run
This morning when the alarm went off at 5:15, I was snoozing hard. I had already told myself that if I was tired enough to fall back asleep after the alarm, I'd allow that luxury. So, off went the alarm and I was out immediately startled again at 6:15. This is the time I would normally wake up if not working out. So, I thought today was going to be my rest day. However, I just couldn't pass up a lunchtime run with Jason. I seriously needed to try out my new running shoes right?! The fact that it was sunny and 60 degrees also helped get me energized. I also knew that I wouldn't be able to get a run in tomorrow because we have a co-workers lunch celebration. So if I skipped working out today, that meant my workout tomorrow would have to be before work and it'd likely be step. Inside vs outside, morning vs noon...the decision was practically made for me.

The run was so much better today than the other day. I had pep in my step, maybe it was the new shoes! We did an easy 9 min mile run for 3 miles. No broken records by any means, but it was a nice pace. I wish we could have gone another lap putting us at 4.5 miles, but we both had to get back to work. That's the only downfall of a lunchtime workout, time constraints. Since I didn't get to my ab work yesterday, I did that after work with a good stretch as well.

I must say that I am sooo happy with my new shoes. I was a little apprehensive about purchasing them online without having tried them on for a little test jog around the store. The first time I got fitted for running shoes, I was told that I had a neutral gait and they recommended a particular Asics model. I loved them. However, they have long since stopped making that model and the new models are more for pronators.

Now, the last time I went to the running store (2 months ago) to try on some new shoes, they changed their mind (it was a different sales person) and started saying I pronate. Huh? There were several people involved in the debate. Anyway, I got really fed up, really long story and lots of chaos going on. I left sans new shoes. I started doing a lot of research on shoes for neutral to ever so slight pronation and found rave reviews for Brooks Ravenna. I am so glad for those reviews. I think I have found my new running shoe. They fit perfect in all the right spots. The cradle my arch (which is high). I also run more on the balls of my feet (probably a leftover habit from dance) and these are nicely padded in just the right spots. Heaven.

Ok, now that you're thoroughly bored with talk about shoes, I'll move along.

Sunshine, Extended Daylight Equals Grilling Weather
The sunshine and extended daylight really put me in the grilling mood. I decided on a big Grilled Veggie Salad. The veggies/toppings included: chickpeas, potato, zucchini, yellow squash, red and green bell pepper, and portobellos. I tossed the potatoes and chickpeas with thyme, rosemary, coarse sea salt, and small drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil and used a baking sheet to "grill" them on. I marinated my veggies in balsamic vinegar, a port wine vinegar, black pepper, garlic, thyme, and rosemary. I gave everything a rough chop and served over baby spinach and red leaf lettuce with balsamic vinegar. 
Do you ever make a grilled veggie salad?


  1. How could I not love your new shoes named after a beautiful city in Italy? Glad to hear they are working well for you.

    Nice looking salad. I love grilled and/or roasted veggie salads. They have been staple at our house for years.


  2. Sounds like a great run and some great new shoes! So glad you found some you like-- that can make such a huge difference!

  3. Alicia @ Vegan Epicurean it must have been fate for me to get those shoes then! I didn't even realize it was a city in Italy. It explains it all now! ;-) I've, of course, been looking up the city!

    Hey Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg it's amazing the difference they can indeed make, that and sunshine and warmer temps! Sounds like you've had a few good runs lately too.

  4. I loved all your talk about shoes--I know nothing about what makes a good running shoe! I so need to go somewhere adn figure out about what I need.

  5. Yay for new shoes! That's always exciting! Brooks are amazing.

  6. Glad the new shoes worked out for you well :) Shoes make such a difference in a workout. I am not even a runner but can really tell the difference just with my regular workouts.

  7. i love pairing cooked with fresh type of thing, i am really a raw foodies but if 10% of the meal is random cooked veggies, i love it! but any more than that and i miss my crunchy ones!

  8. Lisa @ I'm an Okie Do you guys have a running store either in Norman or OKC? That'd be my suggestion. New Balance stores will fit you as well, but it's only their brand. Of course, at least you'd know if you pronated, etc.

    Jenna @ Health. Happy. Well. the first time I tried Brooks they just didn't fit right, but the store only had me try on the one pair. I am in love with these!

    Tina @ Tina Bit of Faith Fitness Fun You're so right! I got the new cross-trainers as well for aerobics and when I lift. They even make separate shoes for spin. My hubby got some and loves them just for that purpose.

    Averie @ Loves Veggies and Yoga I had wondered if anything I made would appeal to you LOL! You always have such fresh and amazing looking food. I completely agree with the fresh paired with something cooked. I hadn't even really thought of it that way, but there is something so nice about the pairing/combo. When our garden it in full swing I make lots of fresh "salsas" to put on veggie burgers, in wraps, eat as dips with chips or even put into quesadillas.

  9. That salad looks really really good! Hooray for new shoes! I LOVE getting new running shoes. I am a serious kid in a candy store when it comes to running shoes...I have like 5 pair going at all times! ha!!

  10. This salad looks to die for! Love the marinade! I always love all your recipes..They just look so yummy!
    Glad your new shoes work out! It is always so hard to find a pair that are perfect!

  11. Hey chica!!!
    GRILLED VEGGIE salads are my life in the summer!! EVERY night for dinner! they are sooooo darn delish! and because there are sooo many fresh local veggies available in the summer they never get old! This weekend me and my parents are having our kick-off to spring veggie grill and it is FABULOUS! (my mouth is watering for those tasty plants already!!) GREAT RUN!!! the time constraint is a bummer...but at least you got a great workout in! I hope you have a fabulous friday girlie!
    (i added you to my blogroll...hope that's ok!)

  12. Kelly @ Healthy Living with Kelly I should buy more than one pair at a time and rotate them as well. I used to do that with pointe shoes. I guess I don't consider myself enough of a runner so I think of it as a splurge. Silly I know.

    Kristen @ Swanky Dietitian thanks so much, I take that as a big compliment. I always think your eats sound good too, especially when it's pizza!

    Lizzy I certainly don't mind you adding me! I added you to mine as well. Thanks so much! Hope you have a great grill kick-off! We have friend in your area so if we get out that way this summer, maybe we can get together! Have a good one.


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