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Sick is Not the Way to Start

Ok, last night I started feeling a little queasy. Uh oh, not good. A really bad stomach bug has been making the circuit recently. I not only hate to throw up, I REFUSE to throw up. I will do everything in my power to not get sick. So I was in bed and asleep by 8:15. I woke up in the wee hours with that "uh oh" feeling. So I just held still, very still. Anytime I moved I thought I was going to have to hit the bathroom running. Let's just say that I stayed in bed (with the exception of texting my boss that I wouldn't be making it to work) until 10:20 this morning. I absolutely did not want to eat or drink anything. I know that's bad and really needed something on my stomach, and tons of water. I forced down a peanut butter and banana sandwich. Note to self: Bad idea.

So, needless to say, today was a mandatory rest day. Totally throws off my workout schedule of course. But I'm trying to be realistic about it. Workout would equal throw up. Throw up is bad, so workout is bad (today anyway). There, done, rationalized (sort of).

I only managed to be awake for about 3 hours before falling back asleep. Dinner may not be happening at all. If it does, it'll be something like a protein shake just to get in some nutrients. So, with that said, I'm off to go back to bed. 

I hope everyone else is starting their week off on a better note!


  1. I am so sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope it doesn't last long.


  2. Oh bummer...I am so sorry you are feeling sick! Hopefully it is one of those 24 hour stomach bugs! I will cross my fingers that you are back to your old self in no time flat!! :)

  3. Oh no!! I hope you don't stay sick for long :-(

  4. Oh my god I am totally the same way about throwing up, I will avoid it at ALL COSTS! I would rather die!!

    Feel better!

  5. Bleh! Sounds like a very un-fun day :( hope you're infinitely better tomorrow!

  6. oh girl! I'm so sorry....guess what? I had a really bad tummyache on Saturday, too...I DID end up puking my guts out...but I felt better after, albeit a bit sore.

    Rest up, and feel better! :-)

  7. Sending quickly healing vibes your way!

  8. Thanks everyone for the well wishes. Just something about a stomach bug that seems so much worse than other illnesses I think. I've done nothing but sleep, sleep, and sleep some more.

    Vegan in the City thanks so much for stopping by. Hope you'll stick to my blog for some happier posts! ;-) By the way, your pancakes looks fab.

  9. So sorry to hear you are sick. There is a bug going around and I am keeping my distance from everyone who "might" be sick.
    Hope you feel better soon

  10. Oh no..I'm so sorry that you're not feeling well.
    I hope you get some good rest and feel better soon!

  11. Nutritious Foodie there is a bad bug that's been going around here too. Several people in the office and friends have had it. Guess I just wasn't able to avoid it.

    Kristen @ Swanky Dietitian Definitely getting the rest!

  12. I am the SAME WAY! I HATE throwing up and will do whatever it takes NOT to - that is so funny (not funny that you are sick though!). Feel better soon!


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