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So Happy to See You Mr. Friday!

Fusion Friday - Cardio Fusion That Is
I don't know how I did it, but I managed to get up at 5 am when Jason got up for swim. I slept terribly last night, so getting out of bed for my workout was definitely not an easy task (not that it's ever super easy, but you understand). I chose Cardio Fusion and only did 50 minutes then added on abs.

All I can say is that I was most thankful that today was indeed Friday. The sun was out today, but much cooler, barely hitting 60 degrees. So, here we go with the temperature roller coaster ride. Again, at least it was finally Friday.

Klutzy Thursday - Death of a Laptop
I had planned on posting some product reviews for today, since I typically eat later on Fridays and post dinner on Saturday. However, Klutzy Heather struck last night. We don't know the full extent of the damage to the laptop yet. Trying to let it dry out (story in a moment). Our other computer is so old and out of disc space that it is absolutely painful to try to do anything on it. I was close to tears last night just trying to upload two pictures and post my blog.

So, what did Klutzy Heather do you ask? Picture a full glass of wine sitting next to the computer. Had I been drinking the wine, then perhaps this would not have happened. Or perhaps if I had set the glass elsewhere or opted to not have it at all. Anyway, said full glass was just sitting there being ignored as I made dinner and took pictures. After a few incidents of pictures being deleted from the memory stick, I always check to make sure the images are there before eating. So, I reached over to insert the memory stick into the laptop. Yep, hand struck glass, wine flowed freely onto laptop, laptop went dead. Several curse words spewed forth. Then several more. Yes, it was an accident, but it was avoidable so now I have spent the last 24 hours beating myself up.

Jason had mentioned wanting to get a new mini netbook that would be easier for me to use/carry around and take on vacations with us. In some ways, the bad news of wine spillage was good news for him. He definitely jumped at the opportunity to go by the netbook today. I won't complain one bit with that decision! If I had to do another post with our old PC, the PC would have ended up on the street corner.

Tomorrow my sister is planning on coming for a visit. I'll do weights in the morning. She then wants to go for a run on the river trails followed by some shopping. It should be a good day. I plan on doing my review post as well as my my regular post about my day with sis and any good eats. Lucky you! Two posts from me :-)
Are you klutzy? What's the worst damage you've managed to do as a klutz? 

Do you have anything fun planned for the weekend?


  1. Oh...I am so sorry! I have actually done that before too. In college I spilled my water bottle into my computer. It was able to be fixed here's hoping!!

  2. Ooh, river trails + shopping + sister time = perfection :-)

  3. I love my netbook because it is SO portable. It is the machine I use most often. I think you will love one too.

    I am totally klutzy. Normally I do the most damage to myself. Twisted ankles that sort of thing.

    We are meeting a friend and doing a little outlet shopping tomorrow. It will be great fun.

    Have a great day with your sister,

  4. Kelly @ Healthy Living with Kelly we're hoping that it still works in the end. Just so frustrating.

    Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg just about any time I get to spend with my sis is great

    Alicia @ Vegan Epicurean I know I'll have a great time with my sis and I hope you have a great time tomorrow too!

  5. OMG! That sucks, but like you said, it is good in a way. Now you can buy a new one that actually works!! I do stuff like that all the time! I know how am about spilling drinks so I purposely don't put them anywhere near my computer. I am known for my clumsiness, so I don't want to take the chance!! I have actually dropped my cell phone in glasses of water too many times to count!

  6. Nicole @ Geek Turned Athlete glad I'm not the only clumsy one! I am definitely not allowed to put drinks anywhere NEAR this new computer. Cell phone in glass of water???

  7. That stinks, I do clutzy thing allllll the time! But hey, new comp!

  8. Lindsay @ Lindsay Runs Yay for the klutzes right!!! Got to try to find the positives at least


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