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The Truth Plus Soup and Sandwich

Back on Track
This morning I woke up early enough to get in my exercise. I was feeling about 95% back to normal. I chose Step Blast because it's typically not overly-exerting. Great workout and fairly high calorie-burner, but nothing as intense as HIIT or Plyo style. Wow was I wrong. I wasn't sure I was going to make the last 10 minutes (it's about 50 mins total).

I got it done though and felt energized after at least. Still taking my rest week from weights, but I'm really itching to lift. I am going to hold off until Saturday though. Still not sure what weight rotation I am going to do though. So suggestions still open for my workout blogger buddies (hint hint).

Creative Writer Follow-Up: The Truth
1.  I have been to Italy twice.  
False - Sadly never been. I would LOVE to go because of my heritage and hope to get over there one day.

2.  I have two siblings. 
False - Well sort of, I have a sister and I do have a step-brother.

3.  I have flown in a 4-seater plane.
True - and this one is a biggy as I am terrified of flying!

4. I plan on getting my doctorate degree. 
False - I am SO done with school.

5. I can't swim. 
False - My parents had me in the lake by the time I was 7 months old.

6. I'm a TV junkie. 
False - I can't sit still long enough to watch TV.

7. I hate to go clothes shopping.
False - My husband only wishes this were true!
Proof of me on the plane - slightly terrified, even after an Ativan.

Thursday Soup and Sandwich
Dinner tonight was super simple. I had some Curried Kabocha Squash Soup frozen that I thawed and served with a grilled cheese sandwich made with rice mozzarella, tomatoes, spinach, honey chipotle mustard on whole-wheat bread. Nothing fancy, but definitely a grown-up version.
It's been so long since we've had a meal like this. It was a nice change of pace.


  1. LOL!!! So I was DO like clothes-shopping, unfortunately for your hubby! ;-)
    Ah, I haven't had kabocha soup in ages...mostly because I never have any leftover!

  2. LOL Sophia yep, I'm a sucker for shopping! I made a fairly large batch the last time, thankfully. Worked out perfectly for tonight! BTW, can't wait to see your lie ;-)

  3. Glad you are feeling better!! And, so true about a workout being super hard after being sick and not able to work out! And uh, clothes shopping, I wouldn't have believed that for a second ;-)

  4. That Soup & Salad is perfection.. I'm coming over! :p So glad you're feeling better!

  5. Thanks Jolene @ To Be Determined very happy to be back to normal too LOL! Yep, Shopping Cardio is one of my favorite workouts! ;-)

    Alyson @ Nourished Fitness come on over!

  6. I am so happy to hear you are feeling better. Those first few workouts after being sick are always tough for me too.

    Sometimes soup and a sandwich is just what you need. Yours looks great. Nice pics.

    Returning to school for your PhD had me. I thought that could have been true, probably because I have thought about it for years.


  7. I love adding all kinds of veggies to my grilled cheese..looks great!

    I think I would have been a bit scared to do that as well!

  8. I love sandwiches...they might be the perfect food in my opinion.

  9. Alicia @ Vegan Epicurean I have made a sandwich like that in ages. It was really kind of like a treat! Nope, no PhD for me. My MA just took it out of me!

    Kristen @ Swanky Dietitian I hate flying so terrified is probably a bit of an understatement. Ativan is my flying savior LOL. Normally not a proponent of popping drugs, but in this case, all for it!

    Kelly @ Healthy Living With Kelly I didn't realize how much I missed sandwiches until this one to be honest. I have no idea why I stopped making them!

  10. glad you're on the mend! and i enjoyed reading your truths :)

  11. I'm glad you are back at it and feeling better! I hate getting thrown off from routine, as witnessed this week while traveling for work! I am itching to get back to my Power classes but probably won't get to until Monday. Do you have any good lifting classes at your gym you could try? Too bad you don't have Group Power, its such fun!

  12. Averie @ Love Veggies And Yoga thanks for coming back and reading!

    Jessica @ EatDrinkBreatheSweat I am so happy to be back on track. I can only imagine how you're feeling! The only weight class is called "Pump" and it's just a basic high-rep, low-weight circuit. I want something more than that to be honest. I think I am going to do Pyramid Upper tomorrow as a start.


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