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Boxing, Running, Blooming & Teasing

Boxing and Running 
I had not really planned on a morning workout. Jason and I were planning on running at lunch. I figured that I'll be doing longer workouts over the weekend since I have more time, so I was fine with just 30 minutes of cardio. It is Friday after all. However, I was wide awake at 5:45 so I decided to do something fairly easy, low in intensity plus abs. I chose Cathe's Shock Cardio MMA Boxing. All I did was the warm up and the first two combos with drills then the abs section. It was 30 minutes tops. I didn't break a sweat, but it was a great "get you moving" type of workout.

I was really looking forward to the run. After taking yesterday as a rest day, I expected to be rejuvenated so to speak. Um, not so much. I just never seemed to hit my stride. It felt like a struggle the whole time. Granted, we weren't just bee-bopping along either. It wasn't race pace by any means, but we did 3 miles in just over 25 minutes. Still need to shave off a minute before my next race. I know that there are a few factors that lead up to the sucking-wind run. I did not finish my first 32 ounces of water prior to the run, I have not been sleeping well this week, and pollen is in the air. While my asthma medication keeps my symptoms mostly under control, my nose still is drippy and I just don't pay that much attention to it. So, I feel like in some ways I am making excuses, but on the other hand, I am trying to figure out what was off.

Tomorrow I will be starting Week 2 of my 8-week rotation. I also plan to do a post on my home gym, if you can really call it that. The idea comes from Alicia @ Vegan Epicurean. When people say they workout at home, you think they must have every piece of equipment known to man in order to make any gains. I promise you, that is not the case. You don't have to spend a fortune and you don't have to have a ton of space either. Do I wish I had more equipment? Yes. More space, You bet! I think you may be very surprised to learn what I've accomplished and with what equipment (yes, a slight teaser).

April Showers...
It was sunny here today, not nearly as warm as it was prior to the storms on Wednesday, high of 72, and finally not a knock-you-down wind (perfect for a run I had thought). The pollen seems to be more tame today as well. Everything seems a little crisper and brighter. Spring is finally here I do believe. So, along the lines of sharing pictures other than those of food, I wanted to share these photos that Jason too Wednesday after the storms blew through. Almost immediately, the sun came out. It was the perfect opportunity to take some really nice photos of one of the rose bushes that just started blooming as well as some of the other plants I have around the yard. I thought they would be a nice Spring showcase.

Pizza Friday 
Yep, you guessed it. Dinner tonight is indeed going to be pizza. The dough is in the break machine right now and Jason and I are about to play some pool. I hope everyone has had a great Friday. I know that I have!


  1. I am very excited to hear about your workout equipment. Thank you so much for sharing that.

    Sorry to hear you didn't have a great run. Seems to me that any one of the factors you mentioned could impact your run. All three together should absolutely have had an impact.

    I hope you had a great pizza Friday!


  2. those flowers are beautiful!! i'm currently trying to figure out what's making me so tired and someone mentioned that the pollen and allergies could be a culprit. we shall see!!

  3. I love that you always seem willing to try different forms of exercise. It is so refreshing to see! I hope you have a GREAT Saturday! xoxo!

  4. off to the gym, have a rockin day heather!!!!!!!

  5. Thank you so much for your support :) I'm on WW and I'm slowly trying to incorporate more exercise in my life. It's slow going though lol!

    Those pics are beautiful! I'm sorry you had a tough run, hopefully the next one is better!

  6. Ok now I gotta know what kind of equipment you have at home vs. what I have. Must compare :-)

  7. Michelle @ The Garlic Chronicles Let me know if you ever have any exercise questions (or food as well). I'll be more than happy to help!

    Jessica @ EatDrinkBreatheSweat I think you're going to be pretty surprised at how little I really do have.


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