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Grilling, Running, Grilling

Grilled Salad Saturday
Last night we ended up eating around 8:30, which I consider to be super late. We made a grilled salad with squash, zucchini, asparagus, portobellos, red bell peppers, tempeh over leaf lettuce and fresh spinach with balsamic vinaigrette. We also grilled up some homemade ciabatta for some crunchy goodness.

Running Into the Wind (not like the wind)
I started the day off with a bowl of Peanut Butter and Jelly and Banana Oatmeal. I just love the flavor combos. It's a hearty breakfast that tides me over for a long time. 

 I did the Kroger grocery trip while Jason did weights. After I got back, I made some Edamame Hummus to use for wraps for a post-run picnic lunch. I forgot to take pictures of the wraps, but I used tomato basil tortillas and filled them with the hummus, sundried tomatoes, artichokes, and fresh spinach. I also packed a tasty Pink Lady apple. I have never tried one before and thought something sweet and juicy after a run would be great. And it was. YUM. I can't believe I have never had a Pink Lady.

The sun was out and the wind was crazy! I checked the weather when I got home and it was 29 mph. Anyone who runs knows that running in super windy conditions can be a major pain, literally. When we got started, the wind was apparently behind us making the first 2.5 miles feel great. I had that "I could run all day long" feeling. I was totally in the zone, hitting my stride, everything falling into place. Then we made the turn around. It felt like we were suddenly running up hill in mud. While the wind felt great in terms of cooling me off, it totally sucked running head long into it. That run all day feeling totally ceased immediately. But, we pushed through and got 5 miles done in 44 minutes. Let's hear it for strong legs!

Jason brought his bike and met up with a friend to go biking after our lunch. I went home and did abs from Cathe's Cardio & Weights workout then stretched a bit. My hamstrings feel shredded after the past 2 weight workouts then today's run.

Dinner tonight was something new, and pretty much just made up. I did a Grilled Tempeh Reubens with Sweet Potato rounds. In all honesty, I guess I'm only calling it a reuben because it has saurkraut. I also grilled the tofu since I was grilling the potatoes. It was another one of those too nice to not grill afternoons. So, here's my take on a reuben:
Grilled Tempeh Reuben
1 package tempeh, cut in half width and again length wise to give 4 "steaks"
Provolone (or Swiss)
Whole-wheat sandwich rounds
Mustard (spicy and/or Dijon)
Marinade - soy sauce, liquid smoke, Worcestershire (make sure it's vegetarian), splash apple cider vinegar

Mix ingredients for marinade and place tempeh in sandwich baggy and pour in the marinade. Allow to marinate approximately 1 hour. 

You can either grill the tempeh or sear in non-stick skillet.

I used a combo of spicy and Dijon mustards spread on the sandwich rounds, added the tempeh, topped with sauerkraut then provolone (optional).

This actually turned out really well. Even Jason said we should make this again. Now, is it like a reuben at all? I couldn't tell you, but it was tasty either way.


  1. lol-- I hate running into the wind like that! Good for you for pushing through! And both of your dinners look delicious, especially that reuben! Yum!

  2. everything always looks so tasty over here :)

  3. I hate running in the wind too. Ugh! But is sounds like a great weekend other than that. Glad you had a good one.


  4. Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg I was really pretty pleased with the reubens. I think it'd be great using seitan as well. It's amazing what the wind can do to a run!

    Thanks Tricia @ Endurance Isn't Only Physical !!

    Alicia @ Vegan Epicurean Yep, other than the wind, it's been a great weekend actually. Once again managed to be slightly lazy, but productive too!

  5. I've been meaning to try pb&j oatmeal for a long time. I think it looks fabulous!

  6. o the wind pisses me off when im running!! ive had it where both directions felt like the wind was against me.. i kept thinking id hit a patch where it'd be behind myback but NO! ... it felt like the hardest run of my life.

    that reuben looks liek a reuben to me. mm sauerkraut. dont know how people can hate that stuff. LOVES IT! <3

  7. Hey Love! This ruben looks fab!

    Your food always looks delicious, my mouth always waters when I come over here ;)

    i hope you had a great weekend? I am glad the sun was out!


  8. Emily @ Sugar Plum of you like PB&J, you should definitely give it a try. I use a no-sugar strawberry preserve. It's just so yummy.

    Kelsey @ Snacking Squirrel I know I said a few choice words right when we made the turnaround! I could just sit and eat sauerkraut out of the jar. YUM.

    Kris @ iheartwellness You're so sweet - I appreciate the compliment! I did indeed have a good weekend. Hope yours was fantastic too!

  9. ok all of your food looks to die the grilled veggie salad! 8:30 would be late for me to :)
    love the oats-i put jelly in mine too!
    and tempeh reubens? YUM!
    happy monday girl-thank you for all of your bloggy support!

  10. I am totally having tempeh tonight....thanks! :)

  11. I have not gotten into running yet, but I can imagine running into the wind would be TOUGH! Good job for finishing up that run strong.

  12. tempeh rueben sounds so interesting!!

  13. Thanks so much Kalli @ Fit and Forty Something ! I appreciate the compliment. Hope you're having a great day too!

    Kelly @ Healthy Living with Kelly I look forward to seeing what you make!

    Tina @ Tina Bit of Faith Fitness & Fun I am getting more into running than ever before. I think it's mostly b/c of the company (my hubs) and being outside. Also, as much as I love my Cathe workouts, I was starting to get a little burnt out.

    Hi Naomi @ One Fit Foodie ! This actually turned out really well. I wasn't exactly sure when I got started. Of course, by adding the sauerkraut you really can't go wrong LOL.

  14. Those wraps you made sound delish!
    I love all the yummy veggies you always use in your dishes. It always looks so good!

  15. Hey pretty lady!
    HECK yes for strong legs! I have come to terms with the WIND on my runs...I now look at it as RESISTANCE training! and I enjoy the strong gusts blowing the sweat off my face!(ok gross!)
    TEMPEH looks fabulous! I WISH it didn't contain gluten! I hope you are having a great monday!!

  16. Peanut Butter and Jelly Banana Oatmeal sounds aaaamazing! I've never tried looks great!!

  17. Kristen @ Swanky Dietitian I'm loving wraps for picnic lunches. They're easy and totally hit the spot after a good run.

    Lizzy @ Healthy Bites Conquer Athlete Appetite Yep, gotta put a positive spin on it somehow. Resistance training sounds so much better too, like you meant for it to be that way! I feel so lucky that I don't have any allergies to certain foods!

    Thanks so much for stopping by Dawn @ Healthy San Diego Living ! I seriously have started craving that oatmeal combo and sometimes want it for dinner LOL. Tempeh seems to be one of those things that people either like or don't like. I say give it a try at least once!


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