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Truly a Good Friday

Good Day for New Weight Rotation & Hike
It was incredibly nice being off work today. I still got up earlier than I would have like for a day off (7 am). Jason doesn't head to work until at least 8 so I took advantage of him being home to spot me for my chest presses. I got started on my new weight rotation this morning and it was a great workout. I did 3 sets of 5 of the following as straight sets.

Chest - Flat bench dumbbell press
Back - Double arm row
Legs - Squats
Hamstrings - Deadlifts
Biceps - Hammer curls
Triceps - Lying dumbbell extensions
Legs - Step ups
Shoulders - Military press

After my weights I made PB&J&B Oatmeal. Apparently it was National Peanut Butter & Jelly day so good thing this was my breakfast huh? I made hummus and a carrot & cabbage salad that would be used for lunch. I ran a few errands and then met Jason back at the house around 11:30.

Carrot and Cabbage Salad
4 carrots
1/2 cup Greek yogurt
1/4 head purple cabbage
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp honey or agave nectar
zest and juice from 1 lemon
parsley (to taste)
1/4 cup raisins

In food processor, shred cabbage and carrots.

In large bowl, whisk together oil, yogurt, lemon juice, and honey until blended. Then stir in all other ingredients.

He took off early and we climbed Pinnacle Mountain. It was something I had been looking forward to all week. I was so thankful that the rain wasn't moving in until late tonight. Lunch was the hummus and cabbage slaw with spinach rolled into wraps. 

We needed something fairly portable and easy to eat for the picnic at the top of the mountain. It was soooo windy. Windy enough to knock me over when I stood. It was still so nice to eat a lunch with this kind of view.

We parked on the west side, hiked the base trail to the east side (which is considered the hard climb) and took that route up allowing us to take the easier (safer) route down. This is what it looked like heading up and then me on the top. Love the wind-blown hair.

It was definitively a GOOD Friday.

Dinner TBD
At the time of this post, dinner has yet to be determined. I feel a little behind having enjoyed my day so thoughtfully does sometimes come with drawbacks unfortunately. Tomorrow we will be having our Easter lunch with my family and I was supposed to be bringing dessert. Um, not a clue what to make. I am also supposed to be bringing rolls, thankfully I had some pre-made in the freezer. Thank goodness for baking/freezing days! I will say, that even though I am feeling just a wee bit stressed for not having gotten everything done (especially the dessert thing), I really don't feel guilty. It was an awesome day. I enjoyed every single minute of it. 

Hope you had a great day too!


  1. That looks like a really nice hike!

  2. Sounds like a pretty damn fabulous day you had! I'm jealous of your hike today too, it looks like it was beautiful out!!

  3. Yum - that looks delish - and your day looks awesome too! The hike - wow - amazing pics! :)

  4. What a great day you had! No wonder you have been looking forward to the hike. The scenery is gorgeous.

    talk to you later,

  5. thanks for the FB props, you made my afternoon!
    the cabbage and carrot creation look great and those outdoor nature pics..what a fun day, heather. have an awesome weekend!

  6. Thanks Lisa Eirene @ 110 Pounds And Counting it really was.

    Jessica @ EatDrinkBreatheSweat we were so lucky this whole week with the weather. It was a great day for sure.

    Hi Jolene @ To Be Determined the wraps really hit the spot. Perfect for a picnic lunch.

    Alicia @ Vegan Epicurean We are so fortunate to live in a city so close to hiking like this and we have some fantastic lakes too.

    Averie @ Loves Veggies and Yoga Hope you're having a great weekend too!

  7. Oh that picture of you...such a hottie!!

  8. That is a gorgeous looking hike! When will we ever have another free weekend to get in a hike again? :( You look so happy. And fit too! Have a great weekend.

  9. Ah thanks Kelly @ Healthy Living with Kelly ! I'm blushing now!

    Tina @ Tina Bit of Faith Fun and Fitness I completely understand about the free weekends. This happened mainly b/c I had an extended weekend. Thanks so much for the compliment!

  10. Heather @ Side of Sneakers it's really a nice spot. A little work getting there of course LOL!


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