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New Recipes for Soup and Vegan Cream Cheeze

Upper + Plyo 
Today was another cold, dreary day here. Where has summer gone? I ended up not going into work actually. Since the race, I have been battling sinus issues and trying to keep it out of my chest. My lungs still feel really shredded up too. I've been taking sinus meds, but they don't seem to be doing their job. I did decide to go ahead with my planned workout. It's upper plus plyo. The upper part was 2 sets of 8 reps done as supersets:

Chest - Incline flyes
Back - Pullovers (goofed though and it should have been double arm rows)

Shoulders - Military press
Triceps - Lying dumbbell extensions

Plyo: Crossovers with 10# and Wide jump ups on 12" step

Biceps - Incline curls
Biceps - Hammer curls

Plyo: Explosive running man on 12" step

I also did Shock Cardio HIIT Pyramid to complete the plyo part of this workout. It was quite close to a puke factor workout mostly because my sinuses and asthma issues. Definitely made if feel even harder than it was. In retrospect, I probably should not have attempted the plyo today. I was really hoping that the workout would give me that much-need oomph for the day.

Managing to be Productive
I always feel really bad for staying home. I don't know why, but it makes me feel like a lazy bum. I ended up mopping all of the downstairs (it's either hardwood or tile), vacuuming area rugs, finishing washing laundry and folding most of it, then baking Ciabatta Bread (you can see the original recipe here). Today I added 2 tsp ground flax and subbed 1 cup of whole-wheat pastry flour. It turned out great. I also tried a new recipe posted by Averie @ Loves Veggies and Yoga.

Averie's recipe for "Averies Vegan Pineapple Cream Cheeze". Averie noted that strawberries would be good. Since I had fresh strawberries from the farmers' market, that's the flavor I went with. This is the recipe as written. My changes are noted in italics)

Averie's Vegan Strawberry Pineapple Cheeze
1 c of soaked raw cashews (soaked for at least 3+ Hours.  Drain & Rinse Well.  I use TJ's brand of cashews) (I halved the recipe, so used 1/2 cup)
2 Tbsp Agave or To Taste (can substitute a couple medjool dates but may need to add water/liquid as need for blend-ability) (halved so used 1 tbsp)
1/4 c Pineapple (you can also substitute blueberries, strawberries, peaches, any fruit you wish.  Pineapple has a high water content so may need to add a dash of water with other fruits) (I used strawberries and added a splash of unsweetened almond milk)
Vanilla Extract (I used just a few drops of the liquid vanilla stevia)
Pinch of Cinnamon or Nutmeg (did not use)
1/4 Tsp Salt (I omitted salt)

Combine all ingredients in food processor or blender and blend.

Mine was a little chunky still as my poor little blender just doesn't cut it for pureeing cashews. So I didn't take any pictures. I didn't think they would do the recipe justice. Either way, this is so tasty! It's definitely a keeper recipe!

Soup it Is
When Jason got home, he said he could smell the bread before he ever came in the door. So dinner needed to, somehow, include the fresh baked bread.  I thought a soup with a salad sounded good. I was thinking of a butternut squash type soup. He, however, was set on trying a soup he marked in The 30-Minute Vegan: Over 175 Quick, Delicious, and Healthy Recipes for Everyday Cooking ages ago. It was Shiitake-Sea Veggie Chowder. I decided to take advantage of the opportunity and let him do the cooking. Since he pretty much followed the recipe, I won't post. But I did get pictures of course.
This will definitely be a recipe we try again. However, it does need some tweaks. There seemed to be a depth of flavor that was missing. Not really sure what it was, but Jason did add several additional spices and more than what was called for. Overall, it's a great start though.


  1. I hope you feel better! It must be going around as I'm feeling like crap, too. But somehow I'm managing to crank out some solid workouts and some good, healthy comfort food, too. We are so on the same page this week!

  2. I am sorry you aren't feeling well. I had hoped you were taking the day off. Get better soon.

    Your dinner sounds great as always. I particularly like the sound of the chowder. ;-)


  3. averie is so freaking smart when it comes to raw recipes huh! vegan cream cheez! LOVE THIS! thank you love :) xoxo have a great night

  4. Joanna @ Fitness & Spice Oh I hope you feel better soon too. Soup is always a great comfort food isn't it?!

    Thanks Alicia @ Vegan Epicurean ! I have a hard time just being idle (as I'm sure you've noticed). We don't normally make chowders. this was really pretty good. It used a macadamia nut "cream" to help thicken it. This is really a pretty good cookbook.

    Kelsey @ Snacking Squirrel If mine had looked prettier, I would have taken pictures. It's really tasty though!! Oh, and easy, super easy!

  5. Get well soon!!

    I've only tried pull-overs once and I think I did them wrong.. I need to try them again!

  6. Sorry your sick. I feel your pain. I've been sick all weekend. Hope you feel better soon !!!!!!

  7. Strawberry and pineapple sounds like a great combo! Hope you are feeling better soon :)

  8. AnonymousMay 10, 2010

    Ahhhh, love smelling fresh bread from the door!!

    And BOO to cold, dreary weather in mid-May!!! :-( Hope it gets warmer soon!

  9. Thanks for making this and linking back to me :) You don't have to type the whole recipe (save yourself some time girl!) just link back..haha! less keystrokes! more time eating and less time typing!

    I am glad you liked it and that it's a keeper...yay!!!

  10. I wanted to make soup tonight, but didn't since I had to make cupcakes for my son's class. Oh well, yours looks delicious! Have a great evening!

  11. April @ Foods of April I like pullovers for some crazy reason. That's probably why I did them instead of the double-arm rows LOL.

    Ruth @ She Fit Thanks - hope you feel better soon too!

    Megan @ The Oatmeal Diaries Oh, on Averie's recipe, I just did strawberries not the pineapple as I didn't have any. However, that combo would be awesome!!! Thanks for that idea ;-)

    Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg I was really enjoying the warm weather so this sudden, weird cold snap was like a slap in the face.

    Averie @ Loves Veggies and Yoga It makes a good recipe reference for me too though LOL. Thanks for posting it!

    Sarena @ The Non-Dairy Queen I think lots of people would be more excited over the cupcakes LOL. Hope you have a great one too!

    Sarah @ Run Sarah Thanks so much for stopping by (now I can check out your blog). We'll definitely try this soup again, but more with our own flair. That means I can post it I do suppose. Take care!

  12. AnonymousMay 11, 2010

    so sorry you do not feel so not worry about staying home-i must say you were VERY productive. i think i can smell the bread too :)

  13. Your workout is so hardcore! I love that about you!!!

  14. I hope you feel better really soon doll!! This is no fun when you are under the weather :(

    Your soup looks very tasty and just what you need to give you that nutrient boost!

    Enjoy your day love


  15. AnonymousMay 11, 2010

    Hun - you almost certainly should've skipped that plyo workout! No puke factor allowed ;) Feel better soon, ok?

  16. AnonymousMay 11, 2010

    That strawberry pineapple cheeze spread sounds delish! I hate when my recipes don't look as long as it tasted good, right.

  17. Kalli @ Fit and Forty Something Gotta love the smell of freshly baked bread! I know I shouldn't worry about staying home, it's silly.

    Kelly @ Healthy Living with Kelly Thanks girl - this coming from the running queen!

    Kris @ iheartwellness Thanks sweetie! Not much beats soup when your under the weather or down feeling!

    Jessica @ EatDrinkBreatheSweat What?? No puke factor workouts? You're not fun ;-)

    Kristen @ Swanky Dietitian Yep, tasting good trumps looking picture perfect in my book!


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