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Running, Grilling and Being Lazy

River Trail Running
Today turned out to be a nice sunny, but humid day. I won't complain because I am loving the warm temps again and sunshine. Jason and I went on our typical Sunday run by the river. However, my legs are still screaming at me from Friday's drills then weights yesterday. And I made the stupid mistake of deciding to run over the Big Dam Bridge rather than a longer, slower, flatter run. Lesson learned. It sucked big time. But I got it done and we enjoyed a great picnic lunch post-run.

Being Lazy
After the run, I decided to take advantage of the weather and sat out on my lounge chair with my magazines for about an hour. Did I mention that it was humid by the way? I was drenched in minutes. Really wishing our pool was ready. It would have been so refreshing to take a quick dip. I definitely made it a point to remind Jason that we needed to get the top off and chemicals balanced ASAP. Of course, you know how it will work: pool ready, weather will turn chilly or rainy.

Overall, it was kind of a lazy day to be honest. I did some more laundry, but that was about it. I spent so much time in the kitchen yesterday, that I really wasn't in the mood to do much other than just relax. I even skipped my ab workout. Now that's serious laziness!

Dinner tonight ended up being a grilled salad. Got to take advantage of the grill right! Right....then the rain started. Really? Where did that come from? As quickly as it started, it stopped. The sun came out in full force and the humidity/steam factor went through the roof. Needless to say, we dined inside.

Oh, and the salad consisted of zucchini, portobellos, acorn squash, potato, red bell peppers, Quorn patties, locally grown spinach, homegrown arugula, and leaf lettuce with a balsamic vinaigrette.


  1. AnonymousMay 02, 2010

    you deserved the lazy time after the great workout with your hubby.....hope you had a great weekend!

  2. Haha!! I love lazy lounging in the sun days :) You really deserve it after the run this morning.

    I think your dinners always look so flippin good!

    Have a great night :)


  3. AnonymousMay 02, 2010

    Think I'd rather have your humidity then our wind!
    Glad you enjoyed your lazy Sunday! Those are the best!

  4. I saw your tweet on the grilled salad! It looks better than it sounds if that's even possible!

    Urgh, it's been SO windy here...but I don't know which one is worse: humid or windy?

  5. here's to skippin abs on sunday :)

  6. AnonymousMay 03, 2010

    It's really humid here too right now. And we ALWAYS get freak thundershowers-- sometimes even when the sun is still out! Lol.

    Glad you had a good weekend, girl!

  7. Kalli @ Fit and Forty Something It's always nice to have at least one full on lazy day (well, besides the run) isn't it?!

    Thanks Kris @ ! I take that as a huge compliment.

    Kristen @ Swanky Dietitian I think Sunday was the first day in a while that the wind was actually tame. I don't ever recall it being so windy here either. Guess just tons of fronts pushing through? Is it typically windy where you're at?

    Sophia @ Burp and Slurp Thanks girl! It tasted pretty darn good. Of course, it's hard to mess up grilled veggies ;-) As for wind vs least if it's windy it cools you off??? Toss up either way!

    Averie @ Loves Veggies and Yoga I'm hoping that all the kickboxing I've been doing suffices for the abs this week.

    Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg Glad to know we aren't the only ones with crazy weather! Hope you had a great weekend too.

  8. Your salad seriously looks to die for, I bet that combination of ingredients was amazing! But really, anything with squash is delicious in my book.
    And I think after a good run you're allowed to be a little lazy :)

  9. It's been really humid here too! I went for a run the other morning and was soaked immediately. Today is my day off (from working out). Gotta enjoy those lazy days! :)

  10. yesterday my knees were screaming at me during my run. sucks so much, and today i get to be lazy... enjoy the lazy relaxed days- you deserve them!

    btw my power just went out when i was about to comment lol. so this comment may not have been as cool as it was before.. but it gave a chance to re-read ur post woot! lol.

  11. AnonymousMay 03, 2010

    oooh grilled salad looks great! i hope to have lots of those as the summer approaches! :)

  12. Megan @ The Oatmeal Diaries I'm with you on the squash. Haven't found one I didn't like yet!

    Eunice @ rainbwsnkittns Guess lots of people are being hit with a humidity wave huh?

    Kelsey @ Snacking Squirrel Ouch on the knees. You got the run done though! Enjoy your lazy day. Don't you just hate it when you're posting something brilliant and then there's some sort of snafu.

    Julie @ Peanut Butter Fingers Grilled salads are so great for summer.

  13. YUM! I had a salad for lunch today with a Quorn patty...I love those things! :)

  14. Kelly @ Healthy Living With Kelly I really enjoy the Quorn products. In order to grill the "nak'd" patties, I actually put them in foil with balsamic vinaigrette and lemon slice. So good!

  15. Don't you just LOVE anything off the grill?? I noticed that you just made pizza, and last week, I actually tried pizza on the grill! It was AMAZING! I have the whole process posted on my check it out if you're interested! :)

  16. Thanks so much for stopping by Courtney @ Sweet Tooth, Sweet Life I love to grill pizza. It gives it such a different texture and taste. I'll definitely go check out your recipe!


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