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Sister Saturday and Super Sunday

Sister Day Saturday
Well, I must say that my day with my sister was one of the best ever. We had an absolutely fantastic time together. It was much needed and long overdue. We got in some patio lounge time, Target and Whole Foods shopping, then it was on to the pizza. My half was the typical Greek style. Sarah's half was sauteed portobellos, onions, and red and green bell peppers. Both were mighty tasty I must say. We spent the evening just listing to music, chatting, laughing, laughing, and laughing some more.

Running and Lifting
This morning we got up and went for a run. Sarah is just getting into running, and this was the first time we ever really ran together. We did 2 miles then did 6 rounds of hill repeats. She still said she loved me after it was all said and done too.

Unfortunately she did have to get back home. She cleaned up after the run while I made myself some oatmeal. After she left I finally got to my weights (very reluctantly I might add). Today was 3 sets of 18 reps done as supersets:

Chest - Incline dumbbell press
Back - Pullovers

Quads - Squats
Calves - Calf raises

Biceps - Dumbbell curls
Triceps - Double arm kickbacks

Legs - Static lunges
Shoulders - Lateral raises

I also added 2 sets of 12 deadlifts

Jason got home just as I was finishing up my workout and stretching. I decided to sit outside and read for a bit while he mowed the yard. It was a gorgeous day, but hot hot hot (and humid). Let's just say he went out to try to find a new pump for the pool today so we could get the pool in working order.  

Simple Grilling
We decided to grill out for dinner. Honestly, we should have gone to the grocery store but did not. Luckily, I had some veggie burgers that I had made and frozen, a sweet potato, and some kale. I grilled the sweet potatoes and sauteed the kale to go on top of the veggie burgers (since I was out of spinach).  So, not a fancy dinner by any means, but it was tasty nonetheless. 

I hope everyone has had a great weekend!


  1. Yum-- it may not be fancy, but that dinner sure looks good! Glad you're enjoying sister time :-)

  2. i always find when i run out of spinach i thankfully have kale as a back up. phew!

    love that u got some reading in as ur hubby mowed the lawn hehe!

    totally wish i had a sister to enjoy sister bonding time. brothers are cool too... but still..

    i would have such a hard time deciding which slice of pizza i would want. how would i choose- theyre both so delicious looking!

  3. Gotta love sister time. That is the best!
    The pizza looks delicious!

  4. awww, my sister and I are close as well. That warms my heart! I really wish I had your motivation to do weights. They are just so daunting! Glad you had a nice weekend!

  5. I am so sorry your sister time is over. I am happy for you that you got some in though! I am ready for some pizza. We were making it every Friday here for a while and then stopped. We are all ready again! I hope you have a great week!

  6. Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg Dinner doesn't have to be fancy to be good right?

    Kelsey @ Snacking Squirrel I of course had to try both you know! LOL. Yep, I feel very lucky to have my sis.

    Kristen @ Swanky Dietitian Thanks girl!

    Jenna @ Healthy. Happy. Well. Glad to hear that you and your sis are close too! Most of the time weights are not daunting to me, but that number of sets and reps most definitely was!

    Sarena @ The Non-Dairy Queen I guess all good things must end right? Darn it. Can't wait to see your pizza!

  7. That pizza looks great! And one of my favorite meals ever is a veggie burger + sweet potato fries :)

  8. YAY for sister time!!! That sounds like a wonderful Saturday!

  9. I love that plate. P has been picking up cute random plates for me and that totally looks like something he'd pick out! Sister time sounds like so much fun. I only have a brother, so when I have children I hope to have two girls!

  10. Looks delicious-I love grilling sweet potatoes!
    Glad you had a wonderful time with your sister! :)

  11. AnonymousMay 24, 2010

    AW! So glad you had such an awesome sister's weekend!!

  12. I am glad you had a nice weekend (and workout!) with your sister!

    Have a great day :)

  13. Glad you had a great weekend and got to spend time with your sister. As always, the pizza you post about looks delicious.

  14. I know! Its already hot and humid here too. Its gonna be a brutal summer. I love hill repeats by the way. call me crazzy!!

  15. found your blog through averie's-- i love lunch dates with my sis. you're workout is motivating!

  16. your dinner looks and sounds awesome :) I love sweet potatoes.. yum!

  17. I always find sweet potatoes to make the perfect, quick, healthy side dish when I'm running low on groceries. I always try to keep some stocked!

  18. Megan @ The Oatmeal Diaries I am completely with you on the veggie burger/sweet potato combo!

    Thanks Kelly @ Healthy Living with Kelly it really was.

    Lindsay @ Pancakes N Pajamas Thanks so much for stopping by. I look forward to checking out your blog. I just picked up those plates on Sat from Target! I have a slight addiction to buying plates. I have zero space for them and must stop! LOL My sister has a girl and boy. It'll be interesting to see their dynamics as they get older.

    Dawn @ Healthy San Diego Living Thanks girl!

    Jessica @ EatDrinkBreatheSweat I knew it would be fabulous of course. I know you understand.

    Lindsey @ Cardio Pizza It was really nice to workout with her I must say.

    Thanks Tina @ Tina Bit of Faith Fitness and Fun I'm partial to the pizza too of course LOL ;-)

    Lindsay @ Cotter Crunch Glad I'm not the only crazy person who likes the hill repeats. They make me feel really strong!

    Kenzie @ A Healthy Purpose So glad you stopped by. Now I can check out your blog too! Thank you for the workout compliment btw.

    Gelareh @ Nutritious Foodie I'm a big fan of sweet potatoes too. I used to think I hated them oddly enough. I equated them with sweet potato casseroles with the marshmallows...ick.

  19. AnonymousMay 24, 2010

    oh i love sister days! there is nothing quite so fulfilling :)


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