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Tamales & Leftovers for Cinco de Mayo

The sun is coming up earlier, and I am finding myself mostly awake right at 6 am these past few days. If this trend keeps up, I'm thinking early morning runs will be on the books soon, especially with summer temps.

I did my weight workout at lunch today. It was 2 sets of 12 reps.

Shoulders - Upright rows (with dumbbells)
Biceps Alternating bicep curls
Quads - Squats
Inner thigh - Alternating plie squats
Chest - Incline dumbbell chest press
Back - Underhand row (dumbbells)
Legs - Static lunges
Triceps - Overhead triceps extension

I also added 2/12 for calves and a set of 21's for biceps just because I'm nuts. I must say that I love how quickly I build strength with this rotation. I was able to maintain heavier weights for these higher reps. Either that or I was just having a nice, strong day ;-)

After work I did end up doing Low Impact Circuit - Cardio Premix (1st 3 combos) plus abs. I also stretched for a while and tried rolling out my hams on a tennis ball. 

Tamales and Leftovers
Dinner tonight was super simple. I had plenty of the Black Bean and Tomato Quinoa left over. While grilling last night, I also grilled some corn on the cob to add to the quinoa. I found another package of the tamales (Sweet Potato and Pecan by White Mountain) in the freezer, so I heated those up and served them on the quinoa. I think I'm getting better at reusing leftovers. While I would love to say I made the tamales from scratch, I haven't taken on that project just yet. But I figure that if I can do the dolmas, then surely I can handle tamales...right?

 I hope everyone has had a great Cinco de Mayo/Hump Day! What did you do to celebrate?


  1. Yay for building strength quickly!

    That sounds like a great Cinco de Mayo dinner.

    talk to you later,

  2. AnonymousMay 05, 2010

    if those are leftovers, I'm not sure I can even face your firsts. my food is put to shame. happy cinco

  3. Alicia @ Vegan Epicurean I hope you're having a great evening too! And you really need to post about P90X by the way :-)

    Katherine @ What About Summer Oh no, now shame! I'm typically not good with leftovers at all!

  4. What a perfect Cinco de Mayo dinner! I had chips & guacamole for my "dinner appetizer" today. Yum!

  5. Happy Hump day to you!

    Wow, this dinner looks so tasty! What a great way to celebrate :0 I make a simple millet with mexican spices with veg and some guac! I love my guac.......


  6. I LOVE tamales... until I realized they are mostly lard (no wonder they taste so good!!) haha If you find a good healthy recipe, let us know!! :)

    I didn't do anything Cinco de Mayoish... boo...

  7. AnonymousMay 05, 2010

    yummmm. yourfood always looks so good!!

  8. tamales, cinco de mayo, this post is so festive, i love it!
    and you've been blogging 6 mos and no neg comments? girl, thats awesome. i started getting them like from day 1. fun, you can imagine :)

  9. omg yes! i was hoping and thinking u might put up those tamales for cinco de mayo. woot! ur tamales always look FAB! xoxo

  10. AnonymousMay 06, 2010

    This is a great cinco de mayo post! I haven't had tamales in so long, and they're one of my faves!

  11. Megan @ The Oatmeal Diaries I think guac and chips counts as a perfect Cinco de Mayo dinner!

    Kris @ iheartwellness Thanks girl - I need to seriously get on the ball and try millet.

    Jessica @ Dairy Free Betty check the link to the brand. These are vegan and gluten free. They're really good.

    Lizzy @ Fitlizzio Thanks girl!

    Averie @ Loves Veggies and Yoga Thank you ma'am. Yep, fingers crossed, I've been really lucky apparently.

    Kelsey @ Snacking Squirrel I thought the tamales with the quinoa was much more creative than just doing some tacos or burritos. Though, those might not have been too bad either....

    Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg you should check out that brand. We found them at Whole Foods.

  12. We did not do anything for Cinco De Mayo...we are boring!

  13. Perfect Cinco De Mayo celebration dinner. We went to Moe's Southwest Grill cause it was cheap!

  14. That flavor of tamale sounds PERFECT! I really need to find these.

  15. AnonymousMay 06, 2010

    I had a fun Cinco de Mayo! Went out for drinks with my friends and Guac (Standard but amazing!)

  16. AnonymousMay 06, 2010

    I'm totally looking forward to early morning running, too! It's awesome to hear birds chirping and the sun up when I get up at 5:30. So weird! There is just something so "zen" about running at that time in the morning. Totally sets the pace for the day :-)

  17. Kelly @ Healthy Living with Kelly This was the first time I can remember consciously making a Mexican style meal for Cinco de Mayo. It's only b/c I had those tamales.

    Sarena @ The Non-Dairy Queen Hey, Moe's works for me!

    Sarah @ The Ordinary Vegetarian I checked their website again, and they may not be in your area. The company is based out of Austin and only supplies to a few areas.

    Jocelyn @ Peace Love Nutrition Standard is sometimes the only way to go!

    Jessica @ EatDrinkBreatheSweat is it zen or that you're just still asleep??? LOL

  18. AnonymousMay 06, 2010

    i know the days are starting earlier and earlier-it is nice :) love your dinner-so festive and great pics!

  19. OMG; my mouth is love love your fabulous cino-inspired din din...those tamales look delish, darling...Have a great day!

  20. I didn't celebrate this year--rough week at work! But I would have LIKED to celebrate with some yummy mexican and a big Margarita! :)

  21. Kalli @ Fit and Forty Something It certainly makes it easier to get up if nothing else!

    Amie @ The Healthy Apple Thank you ma'am!!

    Dawn @ Healthy San Diego Living this was the first year we actually "celebrated". No margaritas though.


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