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Finally A Shopping Day

Wednesday Workout
I want to first thank you all for your kind, generous comments about the pictures I posted yesterday. You know how to make a girl blush!

This morning started out much the same, with the exception of Jason heading out at 7:30 to watch the Blue Angels practice. I got up and ate on the balcony before heading down to the gym for a 30-minute run. I added in 6 HIIT intervals to help pass the time. I also did a couple of the combos from Kick, Punch and Crunch. Then I headed down to the beach. Jason was so sweet and took down the chairs and umbrellas on his way out so I could head down there before he got back.

Here are some pictures Jason took at the Blue Angels' practice.

Beach Time & Shopping Time
The oil was less prevalent today. But the beaches are very empty. It has a very ominous quality. There are reporters scattered about and men in orange "Oil Patrol" shirts riding around on 4-wheelers or walking in groups with large trash sacks.

We sat out until about 1:30 then we decided to get off the beach and actually leave the condo - shopping trip. It was hard opting to actually get dressed in real clothes, real shoes and to do hair and makeup. But I can't come down here and pass up a trip to the outlet mall in Foley, AL.

Sadly, I didn't find near the deals I'd hoped to find. Usually I load up on great bargains. Sigh...not this time. I did find a few items at Ann Taylor Factory and Banana Republic. Oh well, better for the pocket book. After we left the outlet mall we hit up a place in Orange Beach called The Wharf. There is a fun restaurant that we like to go to called Ginny Lane and there are some fun touristy shops. I found my sis another thank you gift too. I'll leave you with one non-beach picture to prove that we did actually get dressed in normal clothes ;-)


  1. Don't blame you on the tough decision- beach or shop! Cute top! Love that!

  2. Beach town shopping is the BEST! I love it! I am so glad you are enjoying your time away!

  3. Hooray for shopping! I love that picture of you two. You looks so pretty and I like that top!

  4. I just found your blog and it could so be mine....LOL I love the name, I am always dying to get to the beach....I so live in teh wrong country! Glad you are enjoying your vacation. We are off to Florida in July and I am a bit worried about the oil. Hope the rest of your trip goes well!

  5. You guys look so nice! I'm sorry you didn't find all that many great deals. At least you didn't end up completely empty handed.
    I am hoping they really get a stop to the oil spill. It just kills me.

  6. we have the 'snow birds' instead of blue angels.. but theyre pretty similar im assuming. they head right over top of our house and its so loud and exciting. everyone in the neighborhood (a.k.a the hood lol) heads to their windows or balconies. its so funny to see.

    thats such a gorgeous shirt- orange looks so great on u. a lot of people cant pull it off but it really makes u glow!!

  7. I love the blue angels! They were here a few months ago and I could hear them flying over our house. They were doing practice flights before the air show and they came right over the bridge I was on. They were sooo close!

  8. What a great picture-I love that color on you!

  9. You actually left the beach? I am shocked! ;-) But it was to shop so that makes sense. LOL

    Glad you are having a great time. You look so relaxed! Orange is a great color on you.

    talk to you soon,

  10. AnonymousJune 10, 2010

    LOVE that top, girl!! Your trip sounds like such fun, I'm so glad you're enjoying it so much!!

  11. AnonymousJune 10, 2010

    that top looks great on you! glad you are having a great vacation!

  12. Shopping trip!? When I thought I couldn't be more jealous! It's too bad you didn't find more though, I always hate when I set the bar too high lol love that color on you!

  13. awesome pic of you sweet!


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