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Kickboxing Fail but "Creamy" Pesto Pasta Salad Win

Tuesday's Comments
Wow, thank you all for your comments from yesterday's post regarding work/career. I suppose it's so often to just assume others are happy as larks each and every day. I was rather shocked at how many seem to feel the same way. I do know people who LOVE getting up and going to their jobs though. I want to have that same feeling. I think we all deserve that. Life is too short don't you agree?

Kickboxing Fail
First off - Holy Mother of DOMS. I am still sore in my chest and triceps from Sunday's workout. Inner and outer thighs are screaming at me when I walk and sit from Monday's workout, and biceps...are they supposed to straighten all the way out??? It's all good though. I know I worked myself to the max and can't wait to repeat it starting with upper body push muscles on Saturday.  Now, onto today's workout....

This morning I was very rudely awakened by one of our alarm sensors going out. Not sure how long it was making the strange noise. It seemed to take forever to even recognize that it wasn't normal sound. I really didn't have the energy for step and it was took dark for a run still, so I decided to try Amy Bento's Kickbox Xtreme Workout. I got it via Netflix just before vacation. I tried part of it on vacation and thought (key word) I'd do the whole thing this morning. I've tried several of Amy Bento's workouts before, but I just haven't been totally impressed. It's not that she's not fun, but she just doesn't seem to click for me. And the workouts are never very big calorie burners either.

Anyway, the first 30 minutes flew by actually, but my heart rate was never very high. It only maxed out at 155, and that was during one of the intervals. After the 30-minute mark, it just began to drag on and on and on get it. I was starting to just get plain annoyed after 50 minutes (this was combo/interval 4) and there was still another combo/interval to get through. I started the fifth segment, but just couldn't force myself to continue.

I don't typically post things like calories burned, but my calorie burn for 50 minutes was only 424. Sorry, but if I'm going to put that much effort into 50+ minutes, I expect more than that. If it was supposed to have been low-impact or low intensity, then I'd understand. Oh well, I guess she's just not for me. So, my search for other advanced kickboxing workouts will continue. 

Another Salad Night
Tonight I decided to try something a bit different.  It's super hot again - heat indices of 100 - so something on the lighter, cooler side sounded appealing (no matter how much I might want to grill). I've made a vegan pesto before from Tal Ronnen's The Conscious Cook. I decided to make a slightly creamier version of pesto using silken tofu for a veggie-laden pasta salad.

"Creamy" Vegan Pesto
1/2 box extra firm silken tofu (I would have used soft or firm if I had that on hand)
Fresh basil (maybe 2 cups, I didn't measure)
1/4 cup pine nuts
juice of 1/2 lemon
Drizzle of olive oil (just enough to loosen sauce)
1/4 cup nutritional yeast flakes
Salt and pepper to taste
1 large clove garlic, rough chop

In food processor, blend all ingredients until smooth.

"Creamy" Pesto Pasta Salad
"Creamy" Vegan Pesto
8 oz whole-wheat penne or rotini
1/2 bag California style frozen veggies (or veg mix of your choice)
1/2 red bell pepper, diced
1/2 green bell pepper, diced
1 small yellow squash, diced
1 small or half larger zucchini, diced
1 can red beans, rinsed and drained

In large pot, bring water to boil and drop in the pasta. Approximately 1 - 2 minutes before pasta should be done, drop in the frozen veggies and allow to heat through (this should only take 1 - 2 minutes tops).

Drain pasta and veggies and pour and quickly run under cold water to stop the cooking. Once cooled, pour into large mixing bowl. Add in the remaining veggies and beans then stir in the pesto until everything is well coated. Re-season if needed. Let chill or serve at room temperature.

This was a nice, refreshing pasta salad actually. I think it was better cold rather than warm. But, I think the "Creamy" Vegan Pesto would be great on a warm pasta dish as well with a side of veggies and large salad. 


  1. I agree with you on watching your calorie burn and getting the most bang for your time. But that is the numbers girl coming out again. ;-)

    Sounds like a great dinner!


  2. This looks like the perfect summer dish!! I need to get my hands on some nutritional yeast. And this reminded me I want to give kickboxing another try! Last time I really got my heart rate up but that could have been because I was new to it.

  3. AnonymousJune 16, 2010

    Bummer on the kickbox #fail this morning....buuut I guess that's what happens when you "cheat" on Cathe. ;) I kid, I kid.

  4. Alicia @ Vegan Epicurean I'm all about numbers, but not in the true math sense LOL!!!

    Megan @ The Oatmeal Diaries I wish my gym offered kickboxing classes. I just rely on DVDs and have found (so far anyway) that I prefer Cathe Friedrich for just about all workouts!

    Jessica @ EatDrinkBreatheSweat Ah, stab me why don't you. Even Jason called me a Cathe Traitor!! ;-)

  5. Yea I don't love Amy Bento either, as much as I have tried! She's okay, but she's no Cathe!!

  6. don't you hate it when your body SCREAMS at you? And when you mentioned "Amy Bento", I immediately thought of Bento Box. wrong.

  7. u really cant go wrong with pesto. its hard to hate.. but making it vegan is so much better and so much healthier!! looks awesome girl! <3

  8. i think im the only person who doesnt have a HR monitor or any gadget that tells me what i did or what i burned. i would like one. what kind do you own? it would help me fuel appropriately b/c i have no clue what i am burning. I would like to put on some mass and i think this could help me!

  9. Jolene @ To Be Determined I've really tried to like her...oh well. Cathe just needs to put out even more DVDs!!! LOL

    Josie @ Yum Yucky Oh and the body does scream (and yell and fight back like a child). Nope, definitely not a bento box!!!

    Kelsey @ Snacking Squirrel I typically don't like pesto b/c I think of it as oily too. This was most definitely NOT oily.

    Averie @ Loves Veggies and Yoga I have a Polar, but I can't ever remember the model as the hubs bought it for me. It's one of the higher numbers (aka more expensive models). It has most definitely helped me understand how much energy I am truly expending and, in turn, better gauge how to refuel.

  10. I have never been able to make my own pesto. Your pesto pasta looks TDF!


  11. I know what you mean about the workout. I have kind of hit a lull in good workouts! I seem to be turning the videos on and then adding my own high intensity spurts to the workout. My husband asked me the other day how many calories I burn in a workout and I have no idea. I should probably look into that since I seem to be getting hungrier and losing a little weight. I hope you have a great day!

  12. AnonymousJune 17, 2010

    Sorry for the disappointing workout!! :-(

    I have that cookbook, but I have YET to make anything from it-- even though it all looks delicious! This pesto sounds great!

  13. How about YOU FTW (for the win!). At least you attempted and know you are a better boxer for it, lol.

    Definitely helped your cooking out.

    I never thought of Netflix for workout DVDs, duh! What a great idea!!

  14. Hey! If you are looking for insane calorie burn, you'll have to try Insanity. It's pretty crazy I think.

  15. AnonymousJune 17, 2010

    i hate workout dvd's that never go any where for me......i feel as though i wasted my time-grrrrrr. i really have to try that vegan pesto! it looks like something i would really like :)

  16. I love your blog! I write at and would love to exchange links with you! I have added you to my list. Let me know what you think!


  17. Your pesto looks amazing! Tofu was a wonderful idea, and adds some good source of protein, too!

  18. So funny b/c I am the same way- I agree 50+ minutes for cardio should def be more than 424 cals. If it's weight training than that would be great. I have never tried any of her workouts, but I don't think I will, since they don't seem up to par.
    Great looking dinner!

  19. Erica @ Fashion Meets Food thank you! I was definitely pleased with how it turned out.

    Sarena @ The Non-Dairy Queen Good idea on adding in your own blasts. I do that sometimes with some workouts - like if they're marching then I'll do high jogs. You might be burning more cals than you think!

    Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg I've only made a few things from the cookbook, but have used it for inspiration. I love to just look at it!

    Nichole @ Live for the Run LOL. You can't get everything on Netflix, but they do have a fairly large selection. I would much rather try before I buy. I'm so glad I haven't bought some of the ones I've tried I must say!

    Lisa @ I'm an Okie Thanks girl. I have seriously been tempted to go ahead and buy that!

    Kalli @ Fit and Forty Something Let me know if you try the pesto please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. It's never a good feeling to feel like you've wasted time. Time is too precious!

    Amy Layne Thanks for stopping by. I'll go check out your site!!

    Sophia @ Burp & Slurp Thanks girl. I love using the silken tofu for "creamy" dishes.

  20. AnonymousJune 17, 2010

    Too bad I'm allergic to soy; otherwise, I'd try out that pesto. But I love it in its traditional form - with basil, pine nuts (or walnuts), garlic, and parmesan. It's blissful.

  21. Lisa @ Lisa's Foods on the Move Oh that does stink being allergic to soy. You could likely use a Greek yogurt to get the same creamy effect.

  22. Holly @ Greek Yogurt and Apple Slices Hey girl - some people really really like her. You might give her at least one shot, but she just doesn't click for me at least.

  23. AnonymousJune 18, 2010

    some cardio kick box class i took left me sore and super tired afterwards which i think was a good thing!! i really liked it and it changed up cardio in such a good way.

    dinner looks good. i need to make a cold pasta salad on one of these hot summer nights.

  24. Jessica @ Living in the Kitchen, Gym and Mall I love changing up cardio. Cold dinners are often on the menu around here in the summer.


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