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Running in the Rain & Grilling

Shopping in Spain
Well, last night I waited to check the voice message on our phone until after I had finished my workout. It was a message from the bank. Well, I thought it was because I had been lazy and not activated my new card (it arrived Saturday). So I went to activate and wasn't allowed to do so. I was annoyed because that meant I had to call back the person who had left the message and actually talk to someone rather than punch in numbers.

She started asking me about recent Spain. Yep, card had been hacked somehow, and someone was having a great time buying 393 dollar perfumes and such. It's such a helpless feeling. They froze the account, but the bank was already closed for the day. That meant I had to wait...I'm not good at waiting. Luckily, the bank opens at 7:30 am, so we were there promptly at 7:30 am.

Running in the Rain
That story brings me to this morning's workouts. I was hell bent on running. I was determined to run with or without Jason. I headed out at 5:45 sans Jason. I had thought it was supposed to cool down overnight to 74. Um, it was 80 at 5:45??? Really??? I got going and felt a few rain drops. I was actually happy because I knew that would keep me cool.

The drops became more steady, but I kept going. The only annoyance was drops in my eyes - they hurt by the way. I needed goggles. Normally I run with sunglasses, but it was still dark out. The route I take is a bit over 1.5 miles. I was feeling good on the second lap, so I headed for a 3rd. The rain was steady by this point mind you. I kept on going, feeling strong (or stupid). Then the lightening and thunder started. Time to pack it up. I did manage right at or just over 4 miles at least.

Rather than go into work at 7 then turn around and leave for the bank 30 minutes later, I let my boss know I'd be in after the bank. So, I still had time left before I had to get ready for work and the bank. I did the last 3 combos of Cathe's Kick, Punch, and Crunch to round out an hour-long workout. I had two seriously good workouts and felt super energized.

I ended up getting to work right at 8 and was starved. I normally eat my oatmeal around 7:15. I got that going and was sorting through emails and such. Low and behold, I blew up my darn oatmeal. Not good, not good. I get super grumpy when I'm hungry. Thankfully, I keep a stash of lower-sugar oatmeal packets in my drawer, otherwise, someone may have gotten hurt. I doctored the oatmeal up with peanut butter (I keep a small container in the fridge), strawberries, and bananas. Sometimes instant saves the day.

Grilling Out
Jason bought some corn the other day to grill up. He probably got a little purchase happy with it, but I figured I could use it for a Black Bean & Corn Salsa for this weekend. I was really undecided on dinner. I knew I needed to grill the corn, but had no idea how I really wanted to use it with dinner. We also had some squash and zucchini that needed to be used. He suggested stuffing it in some way shape or form. I ended up doing grilled corn, Grilled Quinoa and Lentil Stuffed Squash/Zucchini with Gardein Chick'n Scallopini that I had picked up to try a few weeks back.

Grilled Quinoa and Lentil Stuffed Squash/Zucchini
2-4 squash and/or zucchini, cleaned and cut in half
1/4 cup cooked quinoa
1/4 cup cooked lentils
White raisins - to your liking
To taste: salt, pepper, parsley, garlic powder
Daiya Vegan Mozzarella (optional or cheese of your choice)

Heat your grill (can use griddle or oven as well). Grill vegetables fleshy side down until just soft. Scrape out most of the flesh and transfer to mixing bowl.

In bowl, add quinoa, lentils, and spices and mix together.

Fill the zucchini/squash shells and top with Daiya Mozzarella (optional). Return to grill until "cheese" is melted.

I also grilled the Gardein Chick'n Scallopini per package directions, brushing with BBQ sauce. To grill the corn, I simply cut off the tips and soaked in water approximately 30 minutes before placing directly on grill for approximately 20 minutes (rotating).

This meal turned out pretty fantastic if I must say so myself. I will definitely be playing around with more stuffed squash/zucchini recipes. Next time I think I will add either almonds or pinenuts as well. This was the first time we had tried this particular flavor of Gardein products. They were good, but I think I like the Quorn product better. Jason, however, really liked them. I'm sure we'll try them again, especially if on sale.


  1. I am so nasty when I am hungry and really bad when my oats boil over! Normally that happens when someone is distracting me while I am hungry waiting for my oats! Your dinner looks delicious! Zucchini and squash are just the perfect veggie vessels!

  2. One of our credit cards was hacked from Germany. But the bank figured it out quickly and there wasn't a problem on our end. I hope it goes smoothly for you as well.

    I am not nice when I am hungry either, LOL. There is nothing worse. But oatmeal with peanut butter and fruit sounds like a great quick recovery.

    I loved stuffed zucchini too. Great choice to cook outside. I need to do that more often.


  3. AnonymousJune 29, 2010

    Ohhh the stuffed squash looks awesome!!! I will definitely need to try that recipe! And PS - I am right there with you, I am SUPER DUPER grumpy, too, when I get overly hungry. THAT my husband can totally vouch for ;-)

  4. Oh wow, I hope everything works out with the card. That's ridiculous. Sorry you had a meh day. :(

  5. Someone stole my car and spent over 300 dollars at Best buy once. But everything turned out fine in the end. you wont be charge for fraudulent charges, these days all card companies have good policies with that.

    I cant believe its so hot there! I live in LA and its been gloomy and nearly raining all week but the high is only 76 (I dont mean to brag, but we pretty much have the bombest temp all year round)
    At least those squashes look snazy! love quorn, when I go to england (where they produce them) I go nuts and buy every kind!

  6. Urgh that sucks about your credit card! What a PITA!

  7. Girl so sorry about this!! Scott had it happen to him on his Visa Debit card thru his bank and bc it was a debit card and he didnt realize for about 45 days or so (over 30 days and your screwed)...well, we were out like 2 grand. And recently I was double charged on my bank card for something while out of the country. Also like a 2g charge. I had to wait 4 mos while they sorted it out in order to get my money back...holy sweating bullets.

    Glad things seem to be ok for you....yikes!

  8. AnonymousJune 30, 2010

    i actually like running in the rain. it feel great and it's kind of thrilling. i do wear a hat when i run outside though so it prevents the water from getting in my eyes.

    sorry about your cc. i hope they refund the charges. i'm sure they will, it's OBVIOUSLY fraudulent. i had my debit card hacked once. they reversed it all though.

  9. I feel your pain on the card happened twice to my bank card in the same week.....its such a terrible inconvenience and invasion of your privacy! Did the bank reverse the charges? Hopefully that doesn't happen again! That zuchinni looks fabulous!

  10. AnonymousJune 30, 2010

    Yum! You're meal looks great! So sorry about your card being hacked - hope everything is straightened out!

  11. Oh girl! That is so scary. I'm sorry you guys are having to deal with this. Hopefully the bank will get it straightened out with the quickness.

  12. Sarena @ The Non-Dairy Queen Let's just say if no one had been around, things might have gotten tossed around LOL. It's so much worse when you're hungry isn't it????

    Alicia @ Vegan Epicurean Sadly I'm hearing just how common it is to have your cards hacked and used. Scary. Yep, bananas and peanut butter can fix a lot ;-)

    Jessica @ EatDrinkBreatheSweat Let me know if you try the stuffed veggies. I've been waiting for you to try something!! ;-) Jason gets grumpy too, so we have to stand away from one another until food is consumed LOL.

    Krystina @ Organically Me Thanks girl!

    Eden's Eats I was pretty happy with how the bank handled it, it'll just be slow getting the money back is the bad part. I'm so used to heat that I honestly think anything below 75 is a wee bit chilly!

    Kristine @ Busy But Healthy That's the crummy part - it's a pain in my butt, but the person who does this has likely just been flitting around enjoying purchasing goods at my expense. So annoying.

    Averie @ Loves Veggies and Yoga Holy crap - that sucks. Our bank flagged the first few transactions almost right away. So thankful that it wasn't worse.

    Jessica @ Living in the Kitchen, Gym and Mall I usually wear a hat at the very least and that would have helped tremendously. I don't even know why I didn't put it on....

    Bela @ It's Life, Max it Out The bank will refund the transactions, but it'll take 10 business days. It's definitely an inconvenience isn't it?! Thanks for the zucchini compliment.

    Courtney @ Three Months Thanks so much!

  13. I love quinoa...these look amazing!

  14. AnonymousJune 30, 2010

    I know, i DO need to try one of your recipes - I just lose motivation by the time I get home and always end up with the "usual" stand-bys. I need to get out of that mode and take your lead. You always have such great ideas!!

  15. I've had someone use my card to shop in Spain before too. So annoying to deal with credit card and bank information. I hope it got sorted out easily enough for you.

    And I am picturing you running in the rain with goggles. LOL That would be a sight!

  16. uhhh sounds like it was NOT your night..or your morning :( SUCH A BUMMER about your card :( I can't believe someone would steal your card information....some people...I swear- no heart or any feeling of guilt. So ridiculous. My thoughts are with you this morning & I'm hoping all of the bank stuff turned out well.
    Go you for getting your run in though- despite the weather. I'm sure your frustration from the card was helping you kill those miles ;)
    Dinner looks good! You are just so creative with all of your vegetarian meals!

  17. I hate it when my oats blow up!!!

    I'm so sorry about the whole credit card situation; that has to be so frustrating! I hope you get it all worked out.

    Okay, the stuffed zucchini looks awesome. I've been planning on making stuffed zucchini for forever, but I just haven't done it yet. Maybe I'll get on it now!

    I love running in the rain! I totally know what you mean about it hurting your eyes, though. And I am scared to death of lightening bc when I was in elementary school one of my classmates mom got struck. Every since then I freak out if I'm outside and it's lightening

  18. Oh, and thanks so much for the baby gift suggestion. I was so crunched for time I ended up just buying a little outfit at BabyGap, but I'll definitely be keeping your suggestion in mind for the future!

  19. That is horrible. I am so sorry! Someone forged my signature during this last election and had voted under my name. Crazy what people can do.
    Your dinner looks delicious.

  20. AnonymousJune 30, 2010

    oh my gosh that is so horrible Heather! so sorry that has happened.....did they get the number from internet purchases? i think we are all just a step away from this happening. hope you got it worked out now :)

  21. AnonymousJune 30, 2010

    Yuckkkk! Anything involving banks and money immediately makes me twitch!

  22. Oh no! I hope everything turns out ok with the credit card situation, Heather!

    My next 5k is this weekend and there is rain on the forecast. Not sure how I feel about that!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Oh that's awful!! Good luck!!

    Great idea with the squash! I've stuffed acorn squash before, but never zucchini.

    I have to admit, if it's raining outside, I'm PROBABLY not headed out for a run..

  25. Dawn @ Florida Coastal Cooking Thanks! I think quinoa is a perfect filling.

    Jessica @ EatDrinkBreatheSweat You have a new goal - try a recipe!

    Tina @ Tina Bit of Faith Fitness and Fun Spain must be a popular shopping destination huh?? ;-) Goggles would have been funny LOL.

    Holly @ Greek Yogurt and Apple Slices The run was actually really good for clearing my head and not fretting.

    Candice @ ChiaSeedMe Oh yikes, I would be afraid of storms after that too! I had been wanting to try the stuffed zucchini as well and was just lazy about it. If you have the lentils and quinoa prepared, it's really not time consuming. I think a cute outfit is always appreciated too as a baby gift. Glad my suggestion helps in the future!

    Kristen @ Swanky Dietitian Thanks girl! Wow - guess they seriously wanted to vote?????

    Kalli @ Fit and Forty Something We have no idea where they got the info from. We haven't been using that card. The last time was on vacation at a gas station - so maybe there?

    Madeline @ Greens and Jeans I am totally with you on that!

    Eunice @ Food 4 Fitness Maybe it won't rain. But it's really not as bad as I thought it would be actually. Kind of fun!

    Kenzie @ A Healthy Purpose LOL - I typically don't just jump at the opportunity to run in the rain. I was just geared up and ready to go and didn't know it was even sprinkling or that it would end up with a full on storm.

  26. ahh omg so so sorry about your card! i know that feeling and its exactly what you said! just a helpless feeling!!

    hahaah I am grumpy when i am hungry too! everyone who knows me knows that :) i hate getting low blood sugar!
    80 degrees at 745 am?!?! wowwza that was what it was like here 2 days ago...thankfully it is a beautiful 70 degrees today!!

  27. Sorry to hear about the card... my husbands corporate card was used a few months ago.. he got a call about it and found out someone had purchased a Parada Purse and a designer watch on it. It was a hassle trying to get it all squared away...

  28. Ugh...don't you hate it when people steal! Such a violation!

  29. Too bad it wasn't YOU in spain! Hope it all gets worked out!
    I normally enjoy running in the rain as long as there is no lightning with it.
    And I'm saving that recipe for sure!!

  30. WOW! Does that look good!! I definitely am saving this recipe. You always have good ones (:

    And that is so crazy about your card? The same thing happened to my grandparents a couple years ago, the bank called asking them if they were in Paris? lol it is good to know that at least the banks are looking out for you.

  31. That's such a bummer about your bank card! I hope it all gets worked out.

    I love stuffed squash dishes! Your recipe sounds delicious. :)

  32. OH Doll I am so sorry to hear about this whole card issue! Has it been straightened out? Do you have your new card? YIKES! That is some scary stuff.

    I had that happen to me once, thankfully someone just bought gas, etc. with it!

    Maybe this is a sign that you need to do some retail therapy in spain???


  33. Naomi @ One Fit Foodie Everyone pretty much knows that about me when I'm hungry too ;0 Good thing I keep a well-stocked purse, work drawer, and bag in the fridge at work too.

    Gelareh @ Nutritious Foodie A Prada purse would be nice wouldn't it??!!

    Kelly @ Healthy Living with Kelly It really sucks that there are those people doesn't it.

    Megan @ The Oatmeal Diaries No kidding - Spain might be fun. Apparently they have great shopping ;-)

    Alycia @ Fit n Fresh Thanks so much! Let me know if you give it a shot. Yes, it's definitely good to know that the banks really are paying attention.

    Chelsea @ The Healthy Munchkin Thanks sweetie - this is the first time I have had stuffed squash/zucchini.

    Kris @ iheartwellness Thanks so much for your kind words. I think I could handle a shopping trip to Spain ;-)


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