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Last Chance Workout & "Beef" Fajita Taco Bowl

Thank You!
I wanted to thank everyone for their kind words regarding my anxiety about flying. It's nice to feel like I have so much support! You guys are so wonderful. I plan on posting the schedule on Friday along with a link to a webcam. Not sure what the schedule will be for the webcam, but if you're bored, you might be able to get online and see what I'm up to - literally!

Last Chance Workout
I thought today might be my rest day after doing legs yesterday. But Jason got up to go to his master's swim class at 5 am and I was wide awake. So I decided to get it done - my last chance workout. Today was chest and back (supposed to do abs too). Because I didn't have a spotter, I had to go lighter with weights for chest. To make up for that, I increased the reps and supersetted with flyes.

SS#1 3x10
Flat bench chest flyes
Flat bench dumbbell press

SS#2 3x10
Flat back, double-arm rows
Single-arm horizontal rows

SS#3 3x10
Incline chest flyes
Incline dumbbell press

SS#4 3x8
Underhand dumbbell rows

Pushups on stability ball - 24
Lat band pull downs - 16 (with heaviest band)

I finished up with a short 2-mile run. I seriously didn't think my legs were that sore until I started to run. Two words: Dead Weight. It felt like I was running in mud. I didn't have enough time to go any farther or get in abs. So, after work I did abs from Kick, Punch, and Crunch.

Taco Wednesday
Dinner was once again meant to use up more food in the fridge. I made some "Beef" Seitan over the weekend and decided to make "Beef" Fajita Taco Salad Bowls. I apologize for the brevity, but I simply sauteed the seitan, bell peppers, onions, and fresh jalapenos with lemon juice, cumin, salt, pepper, cilantro, garlic powder, and red pepper. I also added similar spices to the black beans I cooked off Sunday and put everything into whole-wheat taco "bowls" that I made by simply baking them in bowls at 400 degrees for approximately 15 minutes. We topped them with Cheddar Daiya Vegan Cheese. I also added more jalapenos and salsa.
Let's just say that this turned out so good, Jason tried to go back for seconds. And, um, there were none.


  1. LAST CHANCE WORKOUT! Ha, I totally am calling mine that tomorrow (funny we even use the same lingo, isn't it? I swear all of our brains are connected!). Can't wait!!

  2. AnonymousJuly 28, 2010

    The food looks AWESOME!

  3. AnonymousJuly 28, 2010

    Oh my gosh, I was going to make taco salad tonight and I'm totally going to steal that bowl idea! You're so clever!

  4. I keep meaning to make one of those tortilla bowls! Yum!

  5. Those bowls look amazing - sometimes the best dishes come from leftovers.

  6. AnonymousJuly 28, 2010

    Have a great trip! I love the taco bowl idea, I just need to figure out if I have any oven safe bowls.

  7. your hair story/mother/35 yrs old and want it how you want it..amen girl, loved it!!

    as for jason and 2nd's, too bad for him LOL looks like you came up with a winner!!

    dead legs..ugh, know the feeling for sure some days!

  8. I wish my clean out the fridge meals look as good as all of yours. I still plan on making those tortilla bowls very soon.

  9. Those taco bowls look amazing! I must try them sometime :-)

  10. Hehehe. Last chance workout. Hehe.

    I hope you have an awesome time this weekend! Get some rest today to be ready for the madness to ensue tomorrow. :)

  11. I would have totally gone back for seconds on that bowl too! I am so excited for you and your trip! I am jealous too! I could not go to one of those and I just love Cathe. I can't wait to see what you do! Have a great day sweetie!

  12. I am glad I'm not the only one that uses "last chance workout!" during my training. Crazy Jillian...who knew she'd have such an impact on us!

  13. Tanya @ Tanya's Daily Product Reviews Thanks so much!

    Jolene @ To Be Determined We are most definitely on the same wavelength for sure!!! Now if that's good or bad..... LOL

    Mel @ Melissa Dishes Thanks - I appreciate the compliment

    Madeline @ Greens and Jeans It's really fun and so stinking easy.

    Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg You gotta try it just for fun.

    Blessed Mama I don't try to do leftovers nearly enough - but you're right.

    Sarah @ Run Sarah I have a few "casserole" style and luckily 1 is fairly small. I used the smaller sized tortillas.

    Averie @ Loves Veggies and Yoga LOL - yes he was pretty disappointed. Hey - I was trying to use up the food not create leftovers ;-)

    Jenny @ Vegan and So Forth Thank you - I do indeed take that as a compliment.

    Laura @ Box Run Eat Thanks girl - super super simple. That's the best part of course!

    Tina @ Faith Fitness and Fun Oh I will definitely be enjoying my rest day. You know how Cathe's workouts are - then to double and triple them up....LIVE.....

    Sarena @ The Non-Dairy Queen Thanks so much girl! I hope you have a good one too!

    Joanna Sutter @ Fitness & Spice LOL - no kidding right?!

  14. You are an exercise machine. I am always in awe. ;-)

    Great way to use up the food in the frig. No one would believe it wasn't planned.

    have a good flight tomorrow,

  15. I loved the taco bowl idea when I saw your post about it other day, and I still love it! So you don't use any oil or cooking spray when baking the tortilla? I'm trying this fo sho!

  16. Can't every day be taco day!

    I wish I needed a spotter when I lift, not there yet, lol. Keep it up rock star!

  17. Heck yeah...I would have gone back for seconds too! Then cried when there wasn't any!

  18. Hope the trip goes well and you arrive at your destination anxiety-free :) xxx

  19. AnonymousJuly 29, 2010

    Love those last chance workouts!!!!! Not that we won't get PLENTY of workouts in this weekend or anything. ;) Crazy.

  20. AnonymousJuly 29, 2010

    love your last chance workout! i know i have said this before but you are hard core girl! have a great day.....

  21. Alicia @ Vegan Epicurean Thank you - I take that all as a compliment!

    Dawn @ Florida Coastal Cooking Thanks girl!

    Sarah @ The Ordinary Vegetarian Oh, I should have said that I did spray with non-stick spray. I think some tortillas would work fine without spraying though - some are stickier though (and this one was).

    Nichole @ Live for the Run I think every day could be taco day ;-) And thank you - I guess I never really thought about what needing a spotter means.

    Kelly @ Healthy Living with Kelly Thanks sweetie. I really felt bad for him. But I wasn't about to share the rest of mine either.

    Sarah @ Gluten-free tries Vegan Thanks so much.

    Jessica @ EatDrinkBreatheSweat Yes, crazy is just one work ;-)

    Kalli @ Fit and Forty Something Thanks so much - funny that I don't really think of it that way.

  22. taco bowls are the BEST! one of the few ways i like salads...with tons of mexican flavor :)


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