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Fun Facts Friday - Pump Up the Volume

3-Day Weekend Ahead
Well, as is typical of most Fridays, today is my rest day. For whatever reason, the workout yesterday after work really re-energized me. I don't feel like I need the rest day today, but I know I need to take it. Sometimes it's easier when I'm sore, achy, and tired!

I do know that I woke up ready to do the It's Friday (and a Long Weekend) Happy Dance. Maybe that's where the energy is coming from. We don't have any big, exciting plans this weekend. The weather is supposed to be fairly nice, only reaching about 85. That means we'll likely get out for a run at the river trail. That will be a fantastic change of scenery. I think if I have to do the same loop around my neighborhood one more time I may find a bridge to jump from.

We are definitely going to a baseball game tomorrow night and maybe another one with my dad and step-mom on Sunday afternoon. Growing up, my dad took my sister and me to games all the time at the old stadium. So many wonderful memories. We have a new stadium now, nice and all, but just not the same. Anyway, dad has yet to come up for a game at the new stadium - I think he's been rebelling. I'm sure I'll also be squeezing in some patio lounging time. That's very important.

Since it is a long weekend, I'm also hoping to knock some things off my to-do list - namely getting lots of food made to freeze for easier dinners during the week. Here are the things I hope to get made: seitan, brown rice, black beans, bread (either ciabatta or try a new recipe).

Do you have any big plans for the long weekend or are you going to just take it easy?

Pump Up the Volume
Now for the moment I know you have all been waiting for (humor me at least) - Fun Facts Friday. I've been seeing a few posts this week on workout play lists and such. I am in dire need of a play list overhaul to be quite honest. I am definitely a music girl - instead of the TV being on for noise, I have music on. Jason and I can (and usually do) spend an entire Friday evening just listening to music, playing pool, and chatting it up. Music truly moves me, literally. I think that is one thing I miss about dancing now, the music and movement. I listen to music during workouts, but I'm not "moving" to it quite like when dancing.

Music has the ability to calm you or to push you. Think about a hard run and suddenly that one perfect, fast-beat song comes on and helps push you through (air drums anyone). The beat can help you keep a pace during runs, lyrics can help motivate you, they can speak to you. Anyone who has ever done a spin class surely knows that the right music is an absolute must - oh and can you imagine doing step aerobics sans music??? I think music creates memories too. There are some songs that were played during the Cathe Road Trip that I didn't like until after that weekend. Now I hear them and I smile. I have a CD case full of mixed CD's with titles like: Summer '01, Beach Tunes, Car Music '99.

I think what people listen to can say a lot about them too. So for fun, let's share what we listen to (artists and genre types):

iPod - 4 artists from totally different genres

1. Adele
2. Eminem
3. Nine Inch Nails
4. Dave Matthews

Cell Phone - Ring tones
1. For calls - Pink "So What"
2. For texts - Chamillionaire "Ridin'"

Car CD player
1. Christina Aguilera
2. Akon
3. Rhianna
4. - slot is empty right now -

4 Concerts
1. Tori Amos
2. Smashing Pumpkins
3. Aerosmith
4. Prince

What do you think this music says about me? I think it says that I am eclectic, maybe a bit edgy, perhaps fun (I hope), probably a bit moody and reflective?

So you know the drill, it's your turn to share. You can either tell me what's on your playlist(s), your favorite type of music, tell me what your ringtone is, what's playing in your car or what you're listening to right now. Oh, and if you have a freaking awesome play list for running or lifting, share share share!

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