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Giveaway Package & Thai Veggies

Not Friday Huh?
I know I sound like a broken record, but I've been super busy at work. It does make the time go by quickly that's for sure. I actually don't mind busy. I prefer that to having nothing to do at all. But right now I have everything to do all at once. I don't feel like I have enough time in the day to get everything done.

I try really hard not to bring work home with me - not just physically but the emotional parts too. I have some extremely tight (mandated) deadlines, so it is hard not to bring a bit of that stress home with me though. While I'm not sitting at home thinking about the projects, I feel like the stress is still on me somehow - does that make sense?

Are you good at completely leaving work at the office? How do you shake off the stress?

Thursday Rest Day & Fun Gift Package
Today I decided to take a rest day. My legs, surprisingly enough, feel fine today. I thought that I would be crippled after that spin class. It must have been what I needed to work out the lingering soreness though. Either that or I'm simply numb. Rather than pushing myself, I thought I'd let the legs rest so that I would be 100% tomorrow. Plus, my biceps and back muscles are a bit fatigued from yesterday. My next workout will be triceps and some sort of cardio. I'm hoping I can get that done in the morning or perhaps take a longer lunch and stay later (not like I don't have plenty to do to keep me occupied late).

I had an awesome giveaway prize waiting for me when I go home. I recently won a giveaway from Amie @ The Healthy Apple for Palm Leaf Plates from I'm so excited about these plates. They are "made from a natural, renewable, and biodegradable raw material." Even better, no trees were actually cut down to make these disposable plates. I can't wait to use these at a gathering. The look fairly rustic, so I'm thinking a Mexican Fiesta would be perfect. So, if you're looking for eco-friendly disposable plates, go check these out. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Plating it Up
Of course, plates leads us right into dinner. I'm so clever sometimes ;-) After much debate, we ended up going for Thai Veggies & Rice for dinner. It's such an easy recipe and really pretty versatile in terms of the protein you choose to add. It's also good over other grains or even rice noodles.

So, there was a tiny snafu in the plan - we didn't have enough curry paste. But, we improvised by adding the spices normally found in the curry paste. So, all was ok.

 Happy Thursday friends!


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