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Long Thursday

Running & Stepping Therapy 
I almost have no words to describe how beat I am. I was at work by 6:45 am (yep you read that right) and going non-stop. I did step out for my break at 10:45 though. I just had to get away. I decided to get in a run. It was much needed and turned out to be a really great run actually.

It was a bit warmer than I had hoped for (closer to 80 degrees), but the humidity was fairly low and there was a breeze when I started (it did start to become more of a head wind by the end though). My legs fully cooperated today. My hamstring and hip flexors never felt tight. If I had not had to get back to work, I would have kept going. But, I was only able to squeeze in a little over 30 minutes.

It was just the release I needed to get me back on track for the rest of the insane day. There really isn't much that tops a great workout to release some energy or stress.

I really had hoped to do another short 20-25 minute workout when I got home. I ended up working late again (10 hours today). I was really worn out mentally and physically. But I decided to go ahead and get in the short workout. I figured it would either make me feel better, or if it sucked after 10 minutes, I'd quit. I opted for a Cathe workout I haven't done in ages. It used to be one that I often did twice a week - Imax 3. I just did the first 5 combos and it was a major sweat fest, but lots of fun. I actually found myself grinning like a loon (maybe the exhaustion had gotten the best of me).

Tried & True on Thursday
I had planned on making something more elaborate for dinner tonight - Baked Creamy Pumpkin Pasta. But Jason was riding his bike after work and after my workout, it was getting late and I was ready for something faster, easier. Besides, the other was a new recipe and I wasn't sure how well it was going to turn out. So I just went with an tried and true meal: Red Bean & Lentil Burgers with baked sweet potato fries.

Hopefully I will make the pumpkin pasta dish this weekend and post the recipe. 


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