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Taking it Easy Tuesday - Can I Actually Relax?

Festively Fall Win
So, I had wanted to share this yesterday, but internet issues prevented that. Yesterday I came home to a super fantastic giveaway package waiting for me. I recently won a set of Festively Fall note cards from Lisa @ I'm an Okie. I tried to take a picture, but it doesn't do the cards justice, so I'm not even going to post it. But they're gorgeous fall-inspired pictures.

Her mom sells these amazing note card sets, and I finally won! I already know who will get the first one. You really should check out the cards at Card Talk if you have a chance.

This morning started off super chilly again at only 53 degrees. I know that's not cold for some, but for me...brrrrr. I pretty much don't like anything below 75 degrees. I am a total wimp. I am usually one of the first people to start wearing a coat, not even a light jacket mind you. I cannot stand to be cold except for when I sleep.

How are you with the weather? Do you prefer warm or cold climates?

Taking it Easy Tuesday
I guess it's a good thing that yesterday's post didn't go out until today. This one is going to be on the shorter side. I really don't have a ton to report. I am calling it a rest day (begrudgingly). My left hamstring is really hurting me.

Self diagnosing - I think I suffer from Piriformis syndrome. I've done a lot of research on it and tried to follow the prescribed regimen for recovery like tons of stretching and building up the hamstring muscle. Nothing seems to work though. While I'm not nearly as flexible as when I danced, I am still flexible enough to touch my nose to my knees in pike position. I stretch after every workout session out of habit. I have tried rolling out the kinks, icing (it's hard to ice your butt by the way), hamstring exercises (this explains all the rear end focused exercises) all to no avail. Long, rambling story - I'm whining because I physically can't do anything other than upper body weights today. So, taking the day off.

So, no workout for me. But, Jason had planned to bike after work. He won't get home until a little bit later, so I'm going to do something I rarely do, take the night off from cooking and eat leftover Vegetable and Chikn' Setian Soup. In all honesty, this is making me feel so incredibly lazy. I know that sounds crazy, but when I don't have a workout planned and I'm not cooking, cleaning, running errands, etc. I feel downright lazy. I have such a hard time sitting still and just relaxing.

Are you able to relax or do you feel like you must be doing something all the time? 

This is going to be a huge test of my willpower tonight. I have a feeling I may be reporting back tomorrow with a list of things that got accomplished because I was "bored."


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