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Trying New Things on Tuesday

Trying New Workout = Fail
Today was super busy at work. I have some seriously tight deadlines - as in MUST go live effective 10/1/10. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. I ended up working through lunch and leaving around 3. I was really on the fence about working out. I had no idea what I wanted to do. My legs are still talking to me, so I knew it couldn't be anything over the top.

I good friend had been doing P90X, and I have heard so much about the cardio, including the Kenpo workout. He let me borrow it to see if I would like it. I thought I might try that one today rather than a step or plyo type workout. Ok, seriously, the intensity level on that is just nil. I was really terribly unimpressed. Even with weighted gloves on, my heart rate hovered at 120-ish. I finally got pretty fed up and stopped after about 15 minutes. It felt like such a waste of time.

So, moving on, I ended up doing 3 combos and blasts from Cathe's Low Impact Circuit then 1 combo from her Step Blast DVD then the abs also on that DVD. It's been a while since I've done that ab workout and it's a goody I must say.

Trying New Recipe = Win
Last night Jason picked up a spaghetti squash. I've been wanting spaghetti squash for a while and just never think to pick one up. So even though it might be Taco Tuesday, I had to go with the spaghetti squash. I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to do, but I decided to get creative with a Creamy Tofu Tomato Sauce. For the squash, I sauteed it with chickpeas and spinach for Chickpeas & Spinach Spaghetti Squash with Creamy Tofu Tomato Sauce.

Chickpeas & Spinach Spaghetti Squash with
Creamy Tofu Tomato Sauce
1 package firm silken tofu
1 can no-salt diced tomatoes, mostly drained
2 cloves garlic (1 if you're not a big garlic fan)
5-6 sundried tomatoes, rehydrated
1 tbsp capers
To taste: salt, pepper, parsley, oregano


1 spaghetti squash
1 1/2 cups chickpeas
Baby spinach
To taste: salt, pepper, oregano, parsley

For the sauce: combine all ingredients in a food processor and puree until smooth.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Microwave squash for 5 minutes to soften - this makes it easier to cut. Cut in half and scoop out seeds (save to roast for another recipe). Place insides down on prepared baking sheet. Bake for approximately 30-35 minutes, until soft.

With a fork, scrape out the flesh of the squash.

In a large skillet, saute squash, chickpeas, and spices for approximately 10 minutes then add in spinach. Stir in the Creamy Tofu Tomato Sauce and re-season if needed. If sauce is too thick, add in a splash of white wine or unflavored soy or almond milk.
This turned out really well. I didn't use all of the squash, saved about a cup for lunch. So, I ended up with extra sauce. I will say that this sauce would work well with pasta and also for a baked pasta dish.


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