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A Wet Wok Wednesday

Wet Wednesday = Indoor Workouts
It was another dreary day here. Where was this rain when we really needed it most? It's kind of hard to be chipper when it's gray out. It certainly makes for a bad hair day too, which most certainly does not help with the mood (right ladies?).

I decided I would actually do my biceps workout at the gym for a change. Jason and I had planned on Group Ride after work. I needed to make up a bit of time from leaving early yesterday, so I thought I'd just take my gym bag with me, stay a little bit later, and walk over to the gym with time to get weights done before spin, which starts at 5:30.

I feel like I've been in a bit of a rut with biceps, doing the low reps, higher weights. I decided to change it up just a bit and do a mix that included changing up rep patterns. I started with 10 minutes on the treadmill to warm up before hitting the weights.

Alternating biceps curls - 3x8
Cross-body curls - 3x12 (didn't have weighted gloves, so had to lower weight so increased reps)
Biceps dumbbell curls* - 8 at 2:2 count, 4 at 3:1, 4 at 1:3 count, 8 at 2:2
Assisted pullups - 2x5
Concentration curls - 2x6

* 3:1 = 3 counts up and 1 count down
  1:3 = 1 count up and 3 counts down

I must say that I am enjoying the spin classes with Jason again. We went to them fairly consistently for a while, then I started a new weight rotation (as did he) and it seemed like my legs were always too sore for spin. Just bad timing. It's also nice to be doing a different cardio as well. I adore my DVDs, but you can burn out fast on them. Anyway, while we don't really say a word to each other the whole time (kind of hard to talk when you can't breathe), it's really nice having Jason beside me.

Do you get to work out with your significant other? If so, do you enjoy working out together?

Wok Wednesday
Ok, so stir-fry Wednesday isn't exactly catchy so I went with Wok Wednesday because I really do use a wok? Because of spin and getting home later than normal, dinner tonight needed to be fast. I made plenty of brown rice over the weekend, some to freeze and some just for tonight for a Tofu, Veggies & Arame Stir-Fry.

We've had this package of arame that we bought for a soup recipe. I never thought to use it in my stir fry (thank you Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg for that inspiration). I just used a store-bought stir-fry sauce (convenience folks, convenience) along with a smidge of vegan Tom Yum sauce and tahini. For the tofu, I mixed together the stir-fry sauce, Tom Yum, soy sauce, and hoisin then seared it in the wok and sat it aside. Once the veggies were cooked (frozen mixed bag) I tossed the tofu back and let it reheat. Tres facile (sorry, don't know how to say "very easy" in Chinese).  

Simple, fast, filling.

Winner Winner
When we got back from spin, I found this awesome package waiting for me. I recently won a Trader Joe's goody package from Courtney @ Ice Cream & Wine. What makes this package even better is that we don't have a Trader Joe's nearby, and I've never been to one. So I am really looking forward to trying out these goodies. Thanks again Courtney!!!

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