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5-Miler to Meet My Goal

Saturday Follow Up
Last night Jason let me take the night off in the kitchen. Well, I sort of orchestrated from the sidelines while he did the work. He decided to use some of the Quinoa Veggie Cakes I had leftover in the freeze for "burgers" with spinach, roasted red bell peppers, and Kaas Soy Monterey Jack "cheese."

To go with the "burgers" he wanted to make a broccoli salad. He likes the creamy sauces I make using the silken tofu, but he's never made one himself. This is where I came in. I just gave him the basics and some seasoning ideas and let him do the rest. So he came up with a Creamy Broccoli and Carrot Salad.

Creamy Broccoli and Carrot Salad
1 carrot, thinly sliced
Fresh broccoli florets
1/2 cup chickpeas
1/4 cup golden raisins

1/2 package firm silken tofu
Almond milk (to desired consistency)
Juice from 1/2 lemon
Zest of 1 lemon
Splash of OJ
To taste: Salt, pepper, parsley, dill, garlic powder, red pepper, dried onions

Steam the veggies briefly, you still want them to have a crunch. Drop into ice bath to stop the cooking then drain and let dry before placing in large bowl with chickpeas and raisins.

In a food processor, combine remaining ingredients. Pour mixture over veggies and refrigerate for approximately one hour.

I thought it turned out really well. He did get a little heavy-handed with the almond milk, so the sauce was a little looser than he would have liked. But it didn't take away from the dish at all. I think the next time we'll add in some toasted cashews for a crunch.

5-Miler to Meet a Goal
This morning it ended up not being rainy as predicted. It had rained over night, and the skies were overcast, but no rain falling. I decided to head over to the Big Dam Bridge again for a five mile run. I'm seriously trying to take advantage of the decent weather while I can. Also, I had set a goal for myself after talking with a couple of blogger friends about putting together a 7-day, 26.2 mile challenge. I'll get back around to that. Anyway, I started thinking, can I really do that many miles in a week? My max was a about 24.5 last week.

So this week my plan was 26.2 miles. And...I did it. Though, today's run was not my best. After all of the great runs I've been having, I wasn't really too shocked. I knew it had to be coming right? Also, while the temps were about 10 degrees cooler than yesterday, the humidity was insane, plus it was already wet and damp out. I swear you could be soaked just walking outside not even moving. I started out too fast and had a really hard time pacing myself slower. After so many weeks with lower humidity (finally) I guess I had gotten really used to that. So, not my best run, but definitely not my worst run. It was what it was, and I made it happen. Period. I am proud of that.

A Challenge 
Now as for the 7-day, 26.2 challenge...It's something I mentioned to a few blog friends just trying to get an idea of whether or not it might be worth tossing out there. I think it would be an ideal challenge for those of us just starting to get into longer runs, those just starting training for either half or full marathons, or just for anyone waning a challenge really.

I thought it might be fun to put together a blogger challenge: 7-days, 26.2 miles. You have 7 days (duh) to run 26.2 miles. I know I could not possibly do 26.2 miles in one day. And this challenge in no way is meant to disrespect a true marathon. That is an awesome accomplishment hands down. This challenge is simply meant to help push some of us, challenge us, help us possibly overcome some fears about distance even. So, if you're interested, let me know. I haven't figured out all of the details just yet, so I'm definitely open to ideas, suggestions, thoughts, etc.

Perhaps Some Laziness
Jason was a super sweetheart today and went to the grocery store and Target while I was running. He got home as w I was getting cleaned up. There is a new restaurant we've been wanting to try - actual vegan items on the menu even. Well, they only serve brunch today darn it. I'm not a big breakfast food lover, so we headed elsewhere. But, I'm very excited about heading back and trying their regular menu soon. They have a curry dish that can be made vegan as well as a homemade vegan bean patty. What a fantastic concept right????

We did hit up the Drug Emporium as they are the only place around here that carries PB2. I picked up some for my sis too along with some gluten-free cereal for her to try. She recently found out that her gallbladder isn't functioning properly and may need surgery. It was suggested going on a gluten-free diet as an alternative. So, I'm happy to help her out especially since she'll be watching the pupsters this weekend for us. The Drug Emporium is also lots cheaper than Whole Foods so I stocked up on some more NuNaturals Liquid Vanilla Stevia, flax seeds, some crunchy Clif Bars (that I've never seen) to take with us on our trip for emergency food needs.

Now that I'm finally back home, I need to get some things done around the house and maybe be a bit lazy and sit with Jason on the couch. We have some movies and some DVR'ed shows we can catch up on. It's starting to look more and more like rain again. So why not just relax right? I think I've earned it - guilt free. Dinner tonight will likely be a roasted veggie salad, or that's what I am planning as of right now. Probably no new recipes though.

Happy Anniversaries and a Birthday
  • Happy Anniversary to my dad and step-mother.
  • Happy birthday Juli B - wherever you are, you are always in my heart and I miss you dearly. 


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