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Recap and Rant

Wednesday Night Recap
So, last night I got home around 8:15, not too bad. The reception seemed to go really well. It was a pleasant evening and the restaurant (Sticky Fingerz) had the windows open and patio open.

The conference attendees really seemed to be enjoying themselves, free drinks didn't hurt of course. It was a fun, relaxed way for everyone to meet and get to know each other before the conference actually started.

I got home and changed over laundry then decided I needed to pull down a pair of close-toed shoes. Sigh, it's that time of year. I hate having to transition to close-toed shoes by the way. My closet is really tall with cabinets built above, which is where I store seasonal shoes. Anyway, in lieu of a step ladder, we use an old bar stool that is precariously stored on the steep attic stairs (there are 2 stools).

So, I got the stool without any problems. I got my shoes down, no problem. When I was putting the stool back, I bumped the second stool that is higher up on the stairs. It tumbled down and knocked me in the head. I was so stunned and a bit dazed that all I could do was yell out Jason's name. He came running up. I already had a bump forming so I went downstairs to ice it. At that point I was wishing I had partaken in a drink or two at the reception because then maybe my head wouldn't hurt so bad (or I wouldn't notice).

I went to bed to read for a bit, head aching. I finally dozed off around 9:30 and slept fairly well. I was wide awake at 5 am and thought about going ahead and working out. But while I was trying to decide what cardio I wanted to do, I fell back asleep. Guess I wasn't as awake as I had thought. My head still hurt when I did get up. Thankfully my hair is parted on that side so the red bump is covered up.

See, I told you guys I was a royal klutz. Not only did I do that, I also cut my knuckle on ice trying to get the Amy's entree out for dinner.

Thursday Rant
So, today was a rest day. I spent most of the day in a conference room, seated. Lunch was catered, but I brought toppings for the salad that was to be provided. The vegetarian option they had was a pimento cheese sandwich. While I'm not vegan, I don't eat cheese sandwiches. I don't get why people assume that a cheese sandwich is what a vegetarian wants. What about the vegetables? Why not something healthy? It really just boggles my mind what people think of when offering a vegetarian option. A cheese quesadilla isn't my idea of a meal. Give me veggies in there, give me a protein source please. Just as a base, try building a vegetarian meal like you would a meat meal: protein source, veggies. starch.

Then what gets me is that people think I'm being snotty or picky or ungrateful when I don't eat the option. Just because it's labeled vegetarian doesn't mean I must like it. I mean, if you like chicken, do you like ALL chicken dishes? You eat meat so shouldn't you like ALL meat? That's how I feel. It's vegetarian you should like it - never mind that it's not healthy, that it's not a complete meal.

Ok sorry, off my soap box. I just get so frustrated sometimes. What are your thoughts? Vegetarian, vegan or not, how do you feel about someone expecting you to enjoy something?

We have another even tonight at the Clinton Presidential Center. Tonight will definitely be a later night for me. I hope to be able to catch up on everyone's blogs tomorrow evening perhaps (while in my PJs at 5 pm of course).


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