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Being Thankful After Sad News (edited)

Weights at Lunch
While I'm loving the warm temps in the afternoon, it's really chilly in the mornings. We're getting 30 degree warmups so you start off with a coat then end up with short sleeves by the end of the day. But I won't complain because it was gorgeous out - ok, I'll complain because I wasn't out there.

I did go home and get in my weights and abs at lunch. I did biceps and back and abs from Cathe's Slow and Heavy series. 

SS#1 3x8
Alternating curls

SS#2 - 3x10
Hammer curls
Double-arm rows

Cross-body curls
Underhand rows

Lat band pulldowns 2x16
1 set of 21's

I cannot even begin to tell you how hard it was making myself get back to work after being home. I just wanted to sit outside and soak up the day.

Sad News 
When I got back to work, however, I got some terribly sad news. I don't know if you recall my post asking for you all to support Team Tommy and help raise money for pancreatic cancer research. But, I learned that Tommy passed away this morning after a year-long battle with this disease.

My heart is simply broken right now. I have no concept of what my friend is going through after losing her husband today. Nor can I full grasp what she has gone through over the past year. Sometimes life seems so unfair. Please keep Lindsey and Tommy's family in your thoughts.

I will say that it makes me appreciate the day I had yesterday with Jason and the pups that much more. It will make me appreciate my time running with Jason this evening that much more as well. Jason and I are planning on doing the group run today after work (6 pm). Though, I must admit that right now I don't feel like doing much of anything. I feel like Tommy's death shouldn't be affecting me this strongly, but it really is. Maybe the run will be good for me, time to clear my head a bit. So, it'll be a late dinner for us, but we have leftover soup to cover us for a fast dinner.
  • I'm thankful for my husband and my family.
  • I'm thankful that my husband and family are healthy.
  • I'm thankful for this beautiful weather we're having.
  • I'm thankful for having leftovers waiting because I simply cannot think about cooking (running or no running).


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