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Fun Facts Friday - More Randomness

Tried and True
Well today was chest and then a run at lunch. Since I didn't have a spotter handy, I went with my tried and true (and DOMS inducing) superset of flyes into presses with pushups.

Wide-arm pushups - 24

Flat bench flyes into bench press - 3x8

Pushups with toes on bench - 2x8

Incline flyes into presses - 3x8

Pushups: 4 3:1 count, 4 1:3 count, 4 2:2 count

This seriously always gives me some major DOMS. It seems like it shouldn't somehow; I never feel completely shaky right after, but the next

Terrific Run
It was another warm, sunny day here. But a cold (cooler) front is due to move through tonight and into tomorrow morning - bringing rain. I think it's supposed to move through quickly (it better because I'm planning to run tomorrow).

Jason promised me yesterday that he would run with me today at lunch, so I held him to it. I really and truly wanted just an easy run today. My last 2 runs were on the faster, tougher side. I need to make sure to balance those out. Oh, and my legs are still a bit sore from Wednesday's workout. 

It was a terrific run for me today. I felt like I could have just run all day. It was a bit warm, but the breeze was nice and the company even better. It's just gorgeous out. Not much beats time spent outside on a gorgeous day with the hubby. We got in 4.25 miles then had to call it quits (aka get our butts back to work). I sure hope tomorrow's longer run goes as smoothly.

Fun Facts Friday - More Randomness
I really couldn't come up with a theme for Fun Facts Friday. I just kept thinking of random things/facts here and there. So why not just go with that? That's how most of us think anyway...please tell me you do too. So here are some random facts and how one thought can lead to another:
  • No Pizza Friday today, but hope to get my pizza fix on Sunday.
  • Meeting 2 girlfriends for happy hour  - yay for girl time.
  • My sister is coming to stay with me tomorrow - yay for more girl time!
  • Being proud of my sister after receiving a text that she ran 3.4 miles today.
  • I sometimes get really nervous before I go for a run (not talking races, just out for a run).
  • I woke up around 2 am and was thinking about what I wanted to wear when I ran today and tomorrow.
  • I started obsessing around 2:30 am about which re-fueling option to take with me on my longer run tomorrow. I'll be solo so no spare set of hands or pockets.
  • I actually apologized to the cashier at the LImited for being on the phone with 1-800Contacts while trying to check out. They called right as I got to the register.
  • I think talking on the cell at the register is rude.
  • I think texting while visiting with your friends is rude (probably an age thing for me).
  • My birthday is coming up (speaking of age) and I need to learn to not get down about it. Find the positives right?
  • I think I think too much.

Ok, how does your mind work?


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