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Great Workouts. Now Going on Strike

Legs & Boxing
So the rain is not moving out quickly. It was foggy, rainy, dark and cold this morning. These are the kinds of mornings when you wish you could call in for icky weather. I think that should be allowed ;-) The forecast kept saying it'd move out around noon-ish, but that certainly didn't hold true. So definitely no run today. I was really hoping to run at lunch then do legs after work. Thanks Mr. Weather.

This meant I had to go to plan B. Good thing I always have lots of backup plans in my head. I really am flailing on what to do for my leg workouts right now. I went with something a little odd just to change things up - I did giant sets using 3 weighted exercises and 1 plyo exercise. I did each giant set 3x10 unless noted.

Squats - 3x10
Plie squats 3x10
Calf raises - 3x20
Weighted plie hops - 3x16

Static lunges
Dead lifts
Rear leg slide back lunges
Alternating jumping lunges (20 total, 10 each side)

Alternating squats with kicks - 16 total
Weighted donkey kicks - 2x20
Inner thigh squeezes with stability ball - 3x24
Roll-ins & hip lifts with heels on ball - 8 roll ins, 8 lifts, 8 combo, 8 lifts, 8 roll ins

I finished off this 30-minute leg workout with Cathe's MMA Boxing. The whole thing was 1:01:02 total. Got in there, got it done! I'm thinking I'll feel this one tomorrow.

Chores and More Chores
So, while I had a great workout, this weather is putting me in a foul mood. That and I'm just tired of not feeling like I ever am able to get things done around the house. I have 3 very full baskets of laundry to fold and clothes in the washer and dryer. I did manage to get the kitchen mopped and downstairs swept.

I also started doing some major purging of...well...just shit piling up. Jason refuses to toss boxes that items come in. Now those boxes are on the back stairs. He has a closet where he keeps his bike and all of his running and biking shoes. That has now been organized and more boxes tossed. I tend to hang on to all of the better (if this is possible) shopping sacks. I do use them to cart gifts to the family on Christmas and such. But those are now gone too. Not even a dent in the rest of the crap that needs to go though....

So that brings me to dinner. We have about 3 carrots, 3 sweet potatoes, and some quickly going south lettuce. I don't even have a bag of frozen veggies. That's making me a bet testy about dinner. I'm stressed and am going on a kitchen strike. So dinner may very well be cereal at this point. I am sure there is something I can scrounge and toss together, but quite frankly my creative juices have dried up today. I know you guys can all relate right? We've all been there. So forgive the negative post please.


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