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Fun Facts Friday - Honesty: I'm Not Perfect

No Rest on Rest Day
Well, today is officially a rest day for me. Now if only that meant I could be off work and sleeping all day ;-) I slept terribly last night. I crashed out soundly at 8:45 and slept about two hours. Then I was wide awake tossing and turning.

I refused to look at the clock because that just makes it worse sometimes. I start the whole, "If I fall asleep now I can sleep x number of hours." Then it turns into, "Oh wow, I'll only get x number of hours if only I can hurry up and fall asleep." I did doze off at some point only to wake up again at 5 am (why can't I do that on a non-rest day?).

Needless to say, coffee was my best friend when I got to the office at 7 am.

This is the first December in ages when we don't seem to have every single weekend booked solid. In some ways it makes me feel a little left out, but in other ways I am so happy to have some free time this time of year. Do you like having free time or jam packed weekends? Or maybe a mix of the two?

Fun Facts Friday - Honesty: I'm Not Perfect
My good friend Jessica's "I'm Not Perfect" post really got me thinking today. I told her I'd be borrowing the idea for my Fun Facts Friday. So my list may not be what you'd call "fun" per se, but it's honest facts.

The one thing I try to pride myself on is being honest. I lay it out there. Love me or leave me. It seems that many of you really appreciate that about me. Not everyone loves my honesty of course. I mean, if you ask me if the pants make your butt look big, and they do, I'm gonna tell you ;-) Hey, just being honest.

So, honesty time. I'm not perfect.
  • I am selfish. While I have a tendency to go out of my way for others, I can be very selfish as well. Though not always selfish in the good way of doing for myself.
  • I could be a better wife, friend, daughter, sister. I don't always say the right things, I have my little temper tantrums, I pout, I stew. I don't always remember to say "I love you."
  • I have a very hard time forgiving. Once someone has done me wrong, I have it ingrained in my memory. I let things like that fester rather than forgiving and moving on. 
  • I have fat days. WHAT? Yes, I said that. Even I have days when I feel fluffly, frumpy, lumpy, and bumpy. 
  • I have terrible self esteem. I just can't seem to learn that it's ok to look in the mirror and like what I see rather than point out every fine line, mole, freckle, scar, or other perceived imperfection. 
  • I don't always want to workout. As much as I love to exercise, there are days when it just feels like a chore. I want to stomp my feet and throw a fit like a kid - you can't make me.... But I suck it up, get going, and almost always feel better for it. 
  • I don't always want to eat healthy. Sometimes I look at ice cream at the store and want to just dive into all of it. Just go nuts. 
  • I can be very judgmental. I think because I am so intensely self-critical, I tend to be so of others (unfairly so). But when I stop myself and regroup my thinking, then I can appreciate people so much better for all their differences - and learn from them too. 

Now you already know I'm going to ask you to share an "I'm not perfect" fact.


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