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Sometimes You Just Gotta Get Started

Gym Day
Today was a gym day for me, though I was really debating a rest day. While not enjoying the elliptical, I've been enjoying getting my back workouts in at the gym where I can do assisted pullups/chinups. I can already feel the strength gains from working on those.

Today was STS Meso 2, Disc 21. I did omit the band work and deadlifts and added in pullovers and low back extensions on the stability ball. I did warm up for 10 minutes on the elliptical first.

Pull Ups Overhand - 12
Chinups Medium Grip - 12
Chinups - 12
Barbell rows - 12,10,8
1-arm Row - 12,10,8,12,10,8 (double dropset)
Pullovers (in lieu of deadlifts) 12,10,8
Low back extension on stability ball - 2x16

After the back workout, I headed back to the elliptical for about 25 minutes. I have been less than enthusiastic about  working out lately and I contribute that to the weather and also not being able to get in the cardio I really would love to be doing. When you aren't doing what you enjoy, it makes working out feel so much more like work. Once I am done, though, I do feel good. It's just getting psyched up to get started.

Oh, and I just realized that somewhere along the way I skipped one of the weeks for chest, triceps, and shoulders (I think it was week 2) meaning that this week I did week 4 at 80% of my 1RM when I should have been at week 3 and 75% for those exercises. Oops. So next week will be a repeat I suppose or I could go back and do the missed workouts at a higher weight. I feel like I've screwed up with this rotation and should just start over.

Salad Day & Holiday Stress
We had some veggies that needed to be used pretty soon. Rather than taking the easy way out with veggie burgers, I got my salad - a Roasted Tofu & Veggies Salad. I marinated some tofu in balsamic vinegar with a bit of honey then baked until browned. I roasted up some kabocha squash, yellow squash, zucchini, bell peppers, and red onions. It's really a simple meal but so tasty and surprisingly filling. 

I did have some leftover roasted red bell pepper hummus that I added on the side along with some toasted up homemade whole-grain French bread. I think roasted veggie salads may be my favorite salads (other than grilling the veggies). I love the flavors that roasting or grilling impart and the textures of the various veggies.

So now the stress part: So I have to ask, anyone else behind on Christmas shopping? Please let me know I'm not alone. I have never waited this late before and am starting to get a little stressed when I think about how much I have yet to do. It means traffic, crowds, more traffic, lots of jerks in the stores. I used to be the one who was finished in October. Do you like to shop early or do wait until the last minute?


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