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Etsy Is Up! Oh, and a Good Run

Well, I had high hopes for being super productive today. Alas, I was mostly lazy. I actually stayed in PJs until noon today. Not one lick of guilt either, other than I should have been taking care of a few chores. I did start to clean out one cabinet. Tossed a bunch of old crap that had been hiding out for who knows how long.

The half marathon training plan called for a 4-mile run today. I had really hoped to do chest and abs early then later get in the run. Nope, no weights, no abs. But I did get in the run. It was gorgeous today, windy like crazy, but sunny at least. It was about 40 degrees when we hit the Big Dam Bridge for our run. I actually finally had a really good (mentally) run today. I felt back on track and that felt great.

I made it a point to stretch longer today and spend more time rolling out any and all kinks with the TriggerPoint Therapy Kit because tomorrow's run calls for a 6-7 miler. I am worried only because I haven't run two days in a row since the IT Band blow out. I also haven't run more than 5.5 miles. Oh, and while it was low 40's today....snow in the forecast tomorrow. Figures right? LOL. This is going to be a test in so many ways. And for those who've asked how I like the TriggerPoint kit - LOVE. It is so worth every single penny.

Snow Makes People Crazy
Returning to tomorrow's snow forecast. We don't get snow often. It is typically an icy mess or just some snow flurries that melt away by mid-morning. That means even the mention of a flurry sends people running to the grocery store.

Today just happened to be a grocery store day for us. Figures right? Of course. Let's say that Kroger was fairly packed for a Saturday evening and lots of bread and milk missing from the shelves. You'd think we were going to get snowed in for days. Even better, the local tv station websites already have half of their sites set up with closings, cancellations, and alert. It's really insane (and comical).

Lazy? Etsy is Up!
Jason and I had a very very late lunch/very very early dinner at 4 pm. We ate out, even thought we are trying to not eat out period. We sort of justified it because it was right by the grocery store and we knew how nuts the store was going to be. So it was partial procrastination too.

While I wasn't as productive as I had hoped, I did get one HUGE thing done today. I got the Etsy shop up and going! I'm so excited and have already had a sale (thank you so much Lisa). I would love it if you checked it out or passed along the link to the shop: . I guess getting the shop set up out weighs any other missed to-do list items right?

If you don't want to go through Etsy and still want to buy treats, feel free to email me and let me know. I don't have all flavors listed yet, just 3: Abby's Apple Cinnamon Cookies, Maddie's Cheesy Veggie Bones, and Peanut Butter Bones. I do make wheat-free treats for pups with allergies. Also, I am not shipping to Canada YET. I will, I just need to figure out shipping.


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