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Fun Facts Friday - Four Things

Rest Day
Well, today is a much-needed rest day for me. I had thought about trying to sneak in my chest workout during lunch, but I'm going to be realistic (and rational) with myself. I need to rest completely. I have a 4-miler tomorrow and 7-miler on Sunday. If I don't rest up, the runs will suffer. Period. My muscles will not atrophy if I miss the chest workout this week. They won't will they??? Just kidding.

Tonight we're supposed to meet up with some friends at The Flying Saucer for a happy hour. I'm looking forward to hanging out with friends (not just guy friends, but a girl friend as well). I realized recently that I mostly spend time hanging out with the guys. Our typical Friday happy hour involves Jason and me meeting up with 2 guy friends who also work right by our offices. Don't get me wrong, not complaining, but I do think I need more girl time too. Or maybe not, that just encourages things like shopping trips....LOL

Tomorrow I'll definitely get some girl time with my sis. Her birthday was Monday, so she has asked us to come stay with her tomorrow night and go eat with her at one of her favorite sushi places. I'm sure we'll have lots of fun, I mean, that's a given when we're together! For my female readers - do you find that you spend more time with guys or other girls? Which do you prefer?

Fun Facts Friday - Four Things
I know many of you have seen the Four Things survey going around. It's kind of fun to see these and get to know knew things about each other. Holly @ Greek Yogurt and Apple Slices tagged me last week. I wanted to hold off and use it when I needed it most - Friday!!! It definitely made Fun Facts Friday a no-brainer this week! Thanks Holly!!! Although, I will say that some of these were harder to come up with than I had thought.

Four TV Shows I Watch:
Modern Family
Cougar Town
Rules of Engagement
How I Met Your Mother

Four Things I'm Passionate About:
My family
Working out
Eating healthy
Helping others

Four Words/Phrases I Use Too Much:
I don't thinks so Joe (to which Jason responds, "Who's this Joe guy?")
Holy cannoli

Four Things I’ve Learned From The Past:
I'm stronger than I thought.
Friends do change
You really can try too hard
You should never just settle

Four Things I’m Looking Forward To:
Spending time with my sister
Trip to Seattle
Cathe Road Trip (Which also means seeing Jessica & Jolene again & hopefully meeting Madeline)
Beach vacation

Four Things I Love About Winter:
Um, pretty much the only plus is getting to wear boots.

Of course I'm supposed to tag some bloggers for this! Here's who I've chosen:
Crissie @ Run Crissie Run
Melissa @ Melissa Dishes
Bela @ It's Life, Max it Out
Alison @ Physically Philosophical
Jenny @ Vegan and so Forth

Now, this doesn't get you off the hook of course. You know the Friday drill - spill it. Tell me at least one thing from a category or four or however many you choose!


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